Teach English to Colombian kids and students

  • Connections English Institute is situated in Ibagué, Colombia. They offer foreigners the opportunity to have a practical experience in teaching English in combination with cultural exchange.
  • Connections English Institute offers English Language courses at various levels.
  • There are different kind of courses to follow, for example a course for kids or a course in business English.
  • The organisation identifies your individual learning style and will adapt the methodology on an individual basis. Every person prefers a style in which learning is easiest, either by seeing (Visual), hearing (Auditory) or doing (Kinesthetic).
  • The classes are relatively small and fully in English.
  • Connections English Institute works with foreign teachers to teach the classes.
  • You provide English conversation classes to Colombian kids and students.
  • You help students with their assignments where needed.
  • You improve the (already quite elaborated) English teaching curriculum.

What do you gain?

  • You receive free accommodation (in house hostel), one meal per day.
  • Free spanish lessons, outdoor activities and salsa lessons.
  • Competences: planning, creativity, correcting others, gaining commitment, people reading.
  • You will have lots of free time to discover and explore Colombian culture; there are various sports activities possible close to the teaching location.

What do you need?

  • Competences: communication, flexibility, commitment to the job, freedom from prejudice.
  • Teaching experience or a TEFL certificate is a plus in your application, also apply if you don't have the experience or the certificate (yet).
  • You are able to communicate with people from different cultural backgrounds.


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