Work as an art therapist and organise art therapy sessions with kids, women or hospitalized patients in Bolivia

  • You give art therapy sessions to improve a person’s physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
  • You work with partner organizations to transfer art therapy knowledge and expertise within the local community.
  • You work with kids from a burn centre, with children with cancer, with women in difficulties or with patients who are hospitalized.

What do you gain?

  • Competences: cooperate, commitment to the job, objective listening, persistence.
  • You will receive assistance with finding appropriate accommodation.
  • Local coaching by a mixed Bolivia - international team.

What do you need?

  • Competences: creativity, flexibility, goal directedness, human awareness, practical thinking.
  • You have theoretical and practical experience with art therapy.
  • Basic knowledge of Spanish or willing to learn and/or refresh your knowledge.


Tip category: 
Volunteering & Projects
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Pintar en Bolivia

Pintar en Bolivia

With Pintar en Bolivia we want to prove that the Arts are a powerful tool for ones self-development, well-being and empowerment. Arts Therapy is the perfect combination of psychological support and the use of Arts!

This organisation is as such no longer active. Founder Lisan van der Wal is still commited to improve daily life in Bolivia, but since

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