To be or not to be a vegetarian while travelling

Although eating vegetarian for over 20 years (yeah, was one of those 8 years olds who realized killing animals is sad, and then never changed my mind), travelling is one of my main reasons to make an exeption. Although I was SO HAPPY in India for just being able to order ANYTHING (well, in most parts of the country and all veg restaurants of course). The exeption actually mainly is used when eating at family homes (I remember very well my Colombian host family taking me out to a Grill Restaurant (so sweet!), or when staying at a local project in the slums of Manilla where ''it was the one day a week when there was Fish instead of veggies on the menu). And there's still some European countries where eating veg is not always easy (have you tried local villages in France or just Belgium in general ;-). On my last trip to Guatemala and Belize however it was actually quite easy to look for veggies on the menu, so I guess travelling and eating no dead animals will become easier, though I will always prefer staying locally at a Family (and eating whatever great comes out of their kitchen), than making travelling about finding the 'right meals''. How about you?

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