Healthy food to improve exam performance!

Feeling stress and pressure because of the approaching exams? One of many ways to stay sane and prepare yourself well is healthy food! The BBC has made a useful overview on how to nurish during exam preparation. What's good for breakfast? Which snacks are recommended? Check out: Can food improve your exam performance?

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Tips To Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

Tips To Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

We often hear the phrase, “it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle in order to live longer”. But what really is a “healthy lifestyle”? Does it merely involve eating right and working out or is there more to the picture? There are several things that contribute to improving one’s lifestyle and this varies from person to person. What might seem right for one individual may not seem right for the other? Here are a few tips that you could utilize if you wish to improve your current lifestyle.

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Start Eating Clean

Clean eating is not something that must be done once a month while you binge on processed foods the rest of the month. It is a form of lifestyle that one must adopt in order to improve one’s mental and physical health. What you put into your body is what reflects on the outside. Therefore, make sure you get rid of your habit of eating junk food regularly and start opting for healthier alternatives. For example, avoid the calorie-laden bagel for breakfast and opt for sugar-free coconut yogurt instead. However, you can indulge in one or two cheat meals each week in order to satisfy your cravings.

Spend Some Time Alone

It cannot be emphasized enough how important it is to enjoy one’s own company. Individuals need to learn to live their life on their own without being defined by another person. Although it is important to maintain healthy interpersonal relations with those around us, it is equally important not to let your world revolve around others. Take some time out each day to spend time on your own and enjoy some “me time” in order to gather your thoughts and think through your life decisions. Once you enjoy your own company, you will not depend on anyone else to feel happy or content in life.

Exercise Is Essential

Most often, people get so caught up in the busy lifestyles that they tend to ignore their health. Since their daily schedules are chaotic, they do not have the time to go to the gym. However, this must be changed as it is important to allocate a few hours each week to exercise. If you do not have the time to go to the gym, you could always go for a jog around your neighbourhood or even watch tutorials online for home workouts that you can do while watching television.


As humans, we tend to get stressed out about the tiniest of issues. However, taking too much stress can take a toll on one’s health. Therefore, it is important to work towards de-stressing oneself. You could spend some time each day doing yoga or something creative that will help release your tension. In addition, you can turn your social events into workout sessions by asking your friends to meet you to play a sport instead of meeting up for coffee or dessert as playing a sport will definitely help you de-stress.

These tips will surely help you improve your mental and physical health which in turn will improve your lifestyle. Therefore, make sure you take some time out each day in order to work towards improving your lifestyle so as to live a healthy life.

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