WorldSupporter profile of JulitaBonita
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My WorldSupportership (CV)

Help & Change: 
EVS: I had the opportunity to do this for ten months in the Netherlands at Stichting Titurel, an anthroposophical home and work community for mentally handicapped people aged 18 and over.
Travel & Move: 
I am Julia, born in Germany and living in NL. After completing my final schoolexams in Tangier (Morocco), I wanted to take a year off before I started to study.
Learn & Develop: 
I have received education in many different countries, including the American School in Tangier, Morocco, English education in Oxford Alicante (Spain) and the Netherlands.
Work & Initiate: 
General board member at The Dutch Ones, a foundation for (ex-) EVS volunteers.
Experience & Leisure: 
EVS, in addition to getting to know the Dutch culture and language, also gave me the opportunity to experience living together with three other volunteers from different European countries.


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WorldSupporter News: updates

JoHo WorldSupporter and Bless the Children Foundation share great news Smokey Tours, the joint project of WorldSupporter and Bless the Children Foundation was acknowledged as an official resource to generate income part of the Bless Foundation. Bless the Children has been re-accredited by Department...

Concept of JoHo WorldSupporter

Concept of JoHo WorldSupporter JoHo WorldSupporter mission and vision:

  • JoHo wants to enable people and organizations to develop and work better together, and thereby contribute to a tolerant tolerant and sustainable world. Through physical and online platforms, it support personal de...


The latest contributions and content of JulitaBonita
Compassionate Communication

Recently, I've taken a dive into the world of compassionate communication, a topic that I feel strongly about and that entails a skill that everyone should master if we were to reach out and create a world of support and understanding. Firstly, I'm learning about nonviolent communication through rea...

Ayurveda Lifestyle Wisdom by Acharya Shunya

Acharya Shunya has so much knowledge to share first hand about Ayurveda and is a true inspiration if you want to walk along that path. She has a very easy to read book on how to integrate Ayurveda into your own life, without much ado and yet with so many benefits as a result. She also hosts a podcas...

Simple Ayurveda Blog - Ancient science made easy

Simple Ayurveda is a platform set up by an American woman, who is passionate about Ayurveda and wants to share her knowlegde and insights through her blog, podcast and collective. Check out her podcast here.

Hale Pule - Ayurveda and Yoga

There so many great and accessible sources out there about Ayurveda, in the form of books - websites - podcasts etc. Take Hale Pule, for example.

  • Check out the podcasts of Hale Pule's founder Myra Lewin



De allerlekkerste soep op aarde... hard to resist! Njang switi! Bereiding

  • Trek een bouillon van de kip, het ontzoute zoutvlees, selderij, gesnipperde ui, pimentkorrels in ruim 3 liter water.
  • Na ongeveer 45 minuten is de bouillon klaar. 
  • Doe wat kokendhete bouillon in...

Recept: Salted caramel chocolate no bake cheesecake

Zooo simpel, en zooooooooooooooo lekker - om van te smullen! Voor 16 personen 

  • 400 gram roomkaas
  • 200 ml slagroom
  • 200 gram kristalsuiker
  • 200 gram Tony’s Chocolonely gezouten karamel melkchocolade 
  • 200 gram gewone biscuits (of andere basic ...

Global Citizen - TCK
  • Who are Third Culture Kids?
  • Is Third Culture Kid (TCK) the same as Cross Cultural Kids (CCK)?
  • Who are Third Culture Kids? The following definition of a certain group of people has been occupying my mind for the last couple of months (and even before then): THIRD CULTUR...


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