WorldSupporter profile of Amber Kroon
Travel & Move: 
I already have been to a lot of places in Europe, like Spain, Italie, Scotland, England, Denmark. I would love to go to more East-European countries and South-America.
Experience & Leisure: 
This year I volunteered in a camp for kids with ADHD or autism. It was hard, but so worth it.
Learn & Develop: 
I'm studying Psychology at the University of Groningen. I have a passion for helping people.
Help & Change: 
Besides working at JoHo, I also volunteered in a camp for kids with ADHD or autism. It was hard, but so worth it. I'm also interested in the zero waste movement and the environment in general.
Work & Initiate: 
I worked with a woman who has Parkinson disease for the past 2 years. It's been very inspiring!
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Oude tentamens Statistiek 1A RUG

1. Welke van onderstaande maten komt niet voor in de five number summary? a. Het 25ste percentiel b. Het 50ste percentiel c. Het 75ste percentiel d. Het 95ste percentiel 2. Van de scores op een variabele X zegt men dat die op nominaal niveau zijn gemeten. Dan is X een a. afhankelijke variabele b. k...

Practice exams Test Theory

Test Theory Practice Items       Note: the @ symbol indicates the correct answer, at the end of the document you find some formulas you may use, these are also the formulas that will be given on the exam. We will discuss these items in the last lecture (lecture 7).     &nbsp...

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