WorldSupporter profile of Eva-Bee
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Help & Change: 
“We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.” ― Maya Angelou
Travel & Move: 
Love the Andes, live in the Netherlands.
Learn & Develop: 
"The important thing is to not stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing." ― Albert Einstein
Work & Initiate: 
a Journey of Open-mindedness, Helpfulness and Optimism
Experience & Leisure: 
Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. ― Martin Luther King


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Een toeristenvisum aanvragen is niet niet nodig voor een verblijf tot 90 dagen. Je krijgt bij aankomst een tijdelijk visum geldig voor 90 dagen. Een returnticket kunnen tonen is hierbij verplicht, en je paspoort moet bij aankomst in Bolivia nog minstens 6 maanden geldig zijn. Vooral luchtvaartmaatsc...

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JoHo WorldSupporter and Bless the Children Foundation share great news Smokey Tours, the joint project of WorldSupporter and Bless the Children Foundation was acknowledged as an official resource to generate income part of the Bless Foundation. Bless the Children has been re-accredited by Department...

Concept of JoHo WorldSupporter

Concept of JoHo WorldSupporter JoHo WorldSupporter mission and vision:

  • JoHo wants to enable people and organizations to develop and work better together, and thereby contribute to a tolerant tolerant and sustainable world. Through physical and online platforms, it support personal de...


The latest contributions and content of Eva-Bee
Voluntary Childlessness

A question children get a lot at an early age, is what they want to become “when they grow up”. Let me just put aside for a minute the somewhat problematic assumption that a child isn’t already something to begin with. The point I am getting at is that many children actually have ...

Lifetip 5: Calibrate and compare

This lifetip was originally supposed to be titled ‘Create your own compass’. When Jesse Frederik discussed this lifetip in a Rudi & Freddie podcast episode, he lamented that fact that people tend to prioritize whatever fact they encounter most often. He described that, as a consequ...


The lifetips bundled here are inpired by things I hear and read. I am a daydreamer and a thinker and putting my thoughts into words help me make sense of things. These lifetips describe some of the conclusions I came to after my musings.

Lifetip 4: Climb on the soapbox

This lifetip is inspired by current events and the idea that this is a time to be explicit and open about good deeds and ideology. We can go back to humility later. Right now we need to be good out loud. The idea behind this, is that seeing others do good deeds is inspiring and 'contagious'. Char...


This lifetip is one that could get a spot on a tile or an inspirational quote: You don't have to believe everything you think. To me it means that it's OK to let go of ideas you may have had in the past. For example, I used to think vegetarians were delusional, annoying and unhealthy. Now I believ...


The second lifetip I am going to try to discuss here is one that is actually more of a complaint than it is a concrete and practical lifetime recommendation. It all started when I heard economist Jesse Frederik venting in one of his podcast episodes about modern day tendencies to search for new cure...


Rutger Bregman and Jesse Frederik are the hosts of my favorite Dutch podcast: de Rudi & Freddie Show. They discuss all sorts of topics, which at one point ventured into their disdain towards self help books. But, as is typical for R&F, they decided to investigate the popularity of the gen...


A few years ago I went to visit my big brother in Paris. I had taken the toll-road on the way there and, since I wasn’t in a hurry, I decided to take the long way up and enjoy the landscape a bit more on my way back. En route, I kept seeing signs pointing in certain directions saying “C...


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