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The effect of linguistic abstraction on interpersonal distance van Reitsma - van Rooijen et. al (2007) - Article

Article summary with: The effect of linguistic abstraction on interpersonal distance van Reitsma - van Rooijen et. al (2007)

When we talk to people, we often make inferences about what we think of them (like, dislike, good, awkward), even though we don’t say it out loud. It’s not always clear why we feel close or distant towards another person. The authors of this article think that very subtle language messages may cause these feelings of closeness or distance. For example: people usually don’t use any form of prejudice directly towards a person. If prejudice plays a role in a conversation, the signs are way more subtle. Still, these signs can influence feelings of distance.

The same goes for the description of behaviour from in-group and out-group. Postive in-group behaviour and negative out-group behaviour are

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The role of the self in responses to health communications: a cultural perspective van Sherman et. al. (2011) - Article

Summary with the article: The role of the self in responses to health communications: a cultural perspective by Sherman et. al. (2011)

Health problems are of a pancultural nature and because of this, some researchers think that there might be a pancultural health solution. Every country needs to deal with problems of oral health, smoking-related illnesses and many other problems. Many problems arise from issues of self-regulation and health problems can be changed by changing health behaviours. Researchers need to find a way to put health communications together with dimensions of the self, in order to change health behaviours. In this article, the writers argue that a cultural consideration of the self can help create more effective health messages. A cultural consideration of the

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Social interaction with computers. An interpretation of Weizenbaum's ELIZA an her heritage - Pruijt (2006) - Article

Summary with the article: Social interaction with computers. An interpretation of Weizenbaum's ELIZA an her heritage by Pruijt (2006). Illustrating some aspects of early artificial intelligence research.

It is not difficult to see that automation is on the rise. But people ask themselves what the limits are. There have been many debates about this subject. One contribution to this debate is ELIZA. This is a chatterbot. ELIZA played a role in the debate on artificial intelligence in the 1970s. It was especially used to show that artificial intelligence can hardly be more than simulated rather than emulated intelligence. ELIZA still exists and recently took part in a discussion on identity and online interaction, the future of narrative and emotional design. ELIZA is not so technically sophisticated, but became popular because the social interaction with computers. The aim of the writers is to provide more information on ELIZA and to

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The communicative functions of paralanguage and prosody van Street (1990) - Article

Summary with the article: The communicative functions of paralanguage and prosody van Street (1990).

Sometimes people don’t listen to what you say, but to how you say it. The acoustic elements in speech help listeners to interpret the speakers characteristics and intentions. Non-verbal speech is usually called prosody and paralanguage and has been widely studied in psychology, linguistics and communication sciences. There are four paradigms were studies of non-verbal speech stem from. The first one is that interest in physiology of sound production. This means that researchers study the interrelationships between muscle systems, facial characteristics and the volume. The second one is the study of language attitudes. Researchers have studied correlates of speech styles. An example of this is to see how people evaluate different speck accents. The third paradigm is the study of personal characteristics in vocal behavior. Researchers have found that extraverts pause less than introverts. The

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Perceptual attributes of voice: development and use of rating scales van Gelfer (1988) - Article

Summary with the article: Perceptual attributes of voice: development and use of rating scales van Gelfer (1988)

Voice judgements of a listener are not easy. In a study that compared different studies on voice description terms, only 2 of the 27 terms on total, ‘horse’ and ‘nasal’, were used in all of the studies. Defining a normal voice is especially hard, and researchers busy with this definition almost never pay attention to listeners judgements.

There are a few scales available for measuring “normal” voices. These are:

  • System by Darley, Aronson and Brown
    Sophisticated but hardly used for nonpathological speakers.

  • F.B. Wilson Voice Profile
    Used by clinicians and also quite reliable, but same problem as mentioned earlier: hardly used for nonpathological speakers

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Turn-taking in conversations van Wiemann en Knapp (1975) - Article

Summary with the article: Turn-taking in conversations van Wiemann en Knapp (1975)

When we talk to someone, they have a certain role that we want to respect. One of these roles stands above all other: the role as a human being that deserves respect. In order to get and give respect, people have formed certain interaction rules. These rules are not written down, but everybody still knows them. Two examples of these rules:

  • One person speaks at a time
  • People take turns in speaking. One persons doesn’t talk de whole time

If people violate these rules, it says something about their relationship and it’s also a sign of disrespect.

According to the article, two researchers (named Cushman and Whiting) have defined two types of rules for communication.

  1. Rules that specify the content of a conversation
  2. Rules that specify the procedures around the content

If a

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Discrepancy arousal theory and cognitive valence theory - Guerrero et. al (2001) - Article

Summary with the article on human interaction during conversation: Discrepancy arousal theory and cognitive valence theory by Guerrero et. al (2001).

Researchers have found that the behavior of one individual influences the behavior of another individual when they interact with each other during a conversation. Certain messages between these people will become similar over time. This article will focus on explaining, comparing and giving critique on two popular communication theories of mutual influence. These are the discrepancy arousal theory (DAT) and the cognitive valence theory (CVT). These theories see arousal change as the cause of adaptation processes. The level of arousal change predicts how one person adapts to another person’s behavior. Adaptation is the process whereby people’s verbal and non-verbal behaviors are influences by

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Communication accommodation theory van Shepard et. al. (2001) - Article

Summary with the article: Communication accommodation theory van Shepard et. al. (2001)

The study of language has been studies across different disciplines, such as social psychology, sociolinguistics, sociology and communication. The communication accommodation theory (CAT) is an important theoretical perspective for these four areas of research. The CAT is an interdisciplinary model of relational processes in communicative interaction. This theory contains different context and behaviors of verbal and non-verbal varieties and attitudes and perceptions. The theory was originally developed as a sociopsychological model to explain modifications in speech style during interactions and was called the speech accommodation theory (SAT). SAT proposed that social cognitive processes mediate the relationship of communicative behavior and interaction and that individual motivations was the driving force behind

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Studeer jij marketing, communicatie of bedrijfskunde? Er zijn verschillende interessante stagemogelijkheden op Curaçao voor jouw studierichting. Check bijvoorbeeld deze HBO meeloopstage. Als stagiair Product & Marketing draai je mee binnen een organisatie die o.a. voordelige tickets,...



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Wat is psychologische gespreksvoering? - Chapter 1

Waaruit bestaat psychologische gespreksvoering? Hulp geven aan mensen met persoonlijke problemen is niet gemakkelijk. Soms kan iemand niet geholpen worden en soms wordt hulp niet op prijs gesteld. Vaak kunnen mensen met problemen echter wel geholpen worden. Maar hoe kun je mensen dan het beste helpe...

Begrippenlijst Communicatiekaart van Nederland
  • Hoofdstuk 1 Kranten
  • Hoofdstuk 2 Tijdschriften
  • Hoofdstuk 3 Boeken
  • Hoofdstuk 4 Radio
  • Hoofdstuk 5 Televisie
  • Hoofdstuk 6 Film en bioscoop
  • Hoofdstuk 7 Beeld- en geluidsdragers
  • Hoofdstuk 8 Telecommunicatie
  • Hoofdstuk 9 Intern...



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Displaying 13 - 16 of 82
Getaway Travel

Getaway Travel helpt reizigers al meer dan vijftien jaar bij het waarmaken van hun droomreis. Getaway Travel is de organisatie achter diverse online reismagazines, zoals,, en Op deze reisportals worden er jaarlijks zo’n vier miljoen mensen g...


OneWorld is de grootste Nederlandse website over mondiale verbondenheid en duurzaamheid. Naast de website geeft de organisatie ook een aantal keer per jaar het tijdschrijft OneWorld uit! Door alles wat je hier doet, koopt, eet of uitstoot, ben je verbonden met mensen elders op ...


What is a conversation?

What is a conversation?

A conversation is a dynamic, back-and-forth exchange of information, ideas, and feelings between two or more people. It's a collaborative process where participants not only express themselves but also actively listen and respond to each other. Here's a breakdown of its key aspects:

What are the main features of a conversation?

  • Turn-taking: Participants take turns speaking and listening, allowing for an exchange of ideas.
  • Reciprocity: A good conversation involves a give-and-take, where both parties contribute and respond to each other.
  • Shared understanding: The goal is to establish a mutual understanding of the topic being discussed.
  • Nonverbal communication: Body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice play a crucial role alongside spoken words.

Why is a conversation important?

  • Builds relationships: Conversations foster connection, empathy, and trust between individuals.
  • Shares information and ideas: It's a way to learn from each other, exchange knowledge, and brainstorm solutions.
  • Develops critical thinking: Conversations challenge our perspectives and allow us to see things from different angles.
  • Provides emotional support: Sharing feelings and experiences can be cathartic and strengthen bonds.

How is a conversation applied in practice?

  • Personal relationships: Conversations with friends, family, and romantic partners deepen connections.
  • Professional settings: Meetings, negotiations, and team discussions are essential for collaboration.
  • Learning and education: Conversations with teachers, peers, and experts facilitate knowledge acquisition.
  • Conflict resolution: Effective communication can help resolve disagreements and find common ground.

Practical example

  • Imagine two friends catching up over coffee. They actively listen to each other, ask follow-up questions, share personal stories relevant to the conversation, and respond with empathy. The conversation flows naturally, with a balanced exchange of ideas and emotions.

Critical comments

  • Feedback: Constructive criticism can help improve communication skills or offer different perspectives.
  • Disagreement: Healthy debate can challenge assumptions and lead to a deeper understanding of a topic.
  • Pointing out inconsistencies: Discrepancies in someone's words or actions can be addressed respectfully.


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Spotlight: selection of contributions

Selected spotlight content related to Public relations and public affairs
Samenvatting Consumentengedrag, de basis (Weber)
  • 1. Het belang van consumentengedrag
  • 2. Persoonlijke afstemming
  • 3. Motivatie
  • 4. Hoe wordt informatie opgevangen en verwerkt
  • 5. Leren
  • 6. Houding
  • 7. Beslissen
  • 8. Het gezin
  • 9. De verschillende groepen en hun referenties
Samenvatting van Essentials of Negotiation van Lewicki - 5e druk
  • Hoofdstuk 1. Wat zijn kenmerken van onderhandeling?
  • Hoofdstuk 2. Wat zijn strategieën en tactieken van Distributief onderhandelen?
  • Hoofdstuk 3. Wat zijn strategieën en tactieken van Integratief Onderhandelen?
  • Hoofdstuk 5. Hoe zijn perceptie, cognitie en...

Studeer jij marketing, communicatie of bedrijfskunde? Er zijn verschillende interessante stagemogelijkheden op Curaçao voor jouw studierichting. Check bijvoorbeeld deze HBO meeloopstage. Als stagiair Product & Marketing draai je mee binnen een organisatie die o.a. voordelige tickets,...

Essentie van de communicatie - Michiels

Deze samenvatting bij 'Essentie van de communicatie' van Michiels is geschreven bij de eerste druk.

  • A. Basis van communicatie
  • B. Beeldvorming van een bedrijf
  • C. Communicatie tussen medewerkers.
  • D. Communicatie bij verkoop
  • E. Planmatige aanpak van communi...


Spotlight: favorites

Stories and suggestions related to Public relations and public affairs

Een discussie is een uitwisseling van gedachten, meningen. Als je discussieert, verschil je van mening met een ander en wil je die persoon overtuigen van de juistheid van jouw standpunt. 25 Tips om zo zinvol mogelijk te discussiëren.

  1. goed naar elkaar luisteren (ook non-verbaal)


Studeer jij marketing, communicatie of bedrijfskunde? Er zijn verschillende interessante stagemogelijkheden op Curaçao voor jouw studierichting. Check bijvoorbeeld deze HBO meeloopstage. Als stagiair Product & Marketing draai je mee binnen een organisatie die o.a. voordelige tickets,...


Vacature alert! De Landelijke Pijn Organisatie zoekt voor vrijwilligers voor de Werkgroep Events (vrijwilligersfunctie). Wil jij jouw event- en organisatieskills inzetten voor mensen met aanhoudende pijn en hun naasten? Webinars en online themabijeenkomsten organiseren? Samenwerkingen op...

Summaries related to Public relations and public affairs
What is international communication?

International communication delves into the complexities of communication across national borders. It examines how information, ideas, and messages are created, shared, and interpreted in a world with diverse cultures, languages, and political systems. What are the main features of internationa...


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