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Be and feel happy and content with your life and the footprint you leave behind: discover or develop competences, qualities, traits and signals

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Be and feel happy and content with your life and the footprint you leave behind


More supporting content:
Living a a more or less happy and meaningful life - Theme
The Happy Bundle: content and contributions about a happy and meaningful life

The Happy Bundle: content and contributions about a happy and meaningful life

Daily advice for well being? Check out the podcast 'The Science of Happiness'

Daily advice for well being? Check out the podcast 'The Science of Happiness'

stars in the night

If you're looking for some practical tools on how to improve your well being, your happiness, this podcast will suit you! It's developed by the Greater Good Science Center, part of Berkeley University. Every episode a guest is invited who has tried one of the 60 (!) tools. Also at the end there is some information about the scientific evidence and context of that specific practice. Check it out at any of your Podcast platforms or visit

Don't worry, be happy!
Niet happy na je emigratie. Wat moet je doen?

Niet happy na je emigratie. Wat moet je doen?


Laat ik maar meteen met de deur is huis vallen: het leven is niet altijd geweldig als je geëmigreerd bent. Je bent niet altijd happy. Het lijkt misschien allemaal fantastisch: je bent je droom achterna gegaan, je zit op een fantastisch nieuwe plek, je bent de liefde achterna gegaan. Wat de reden ook was: je hebt een mooie en bijzondere stap gezet, met de nodige positieve verwachtingen.

Maar helaas is het niet allemaal rozengeur en maneschijn. Na je emigratie kom je er pas achter wat verhuizen naar het buitenland écht betekent. Na verloop van tijd weet je dat je sommige dingen niet gegaan zoals je gehoopt had. Enkele voorbeelden:
• Vrienden maken is moeilijker dan je denkt
• Je voelt je (financieel) afhankelijk van je partner
• Je huis voelt niet als een thuis
• Het contact met de achterblijvers verloopt niet zoals je wilt
• Je hebt last van heimwee

9 aandachtsgebieden na emigratie

Je goed voelen in het buitenland is niet een kwestie dat 1 ding op orde moet zijn en dan is alles goed. ‘Happy’ zijn na een emigratie vraagt op meerdere gebieden in je leven aanpassing en flexibiliteit. Om je plek helemaal te vinden in het buitenland en je ‘gelukkig’ te voelen is het nodig om de volgende gebieden optimaal tot uiting te laten komen.

1. Sociaal leven
2. Familie en gezinssituatie
3. Werksituatie
4. Rol in de maatschappij
5. Contact met ‘achterblijvers’
6. Heimwee
7. Taal
8. Je huis als thuis
9. Ontspanning, hobby en vrije tijd


Happy Stones

Happy Stones


Happy Stones maken, vinden en volgen

Echt leuk, vorige week vond ik op straat een hele mooie steen. De steen was van Happy Stones Den Haag. En de steen kan je opzoeken op Facebook. Ik heb een foto gemaakt en laten weten waar de steen is op de Facebook groep aan de maker. En ik heb de steen buiten laten liggen, om te zien hoe lang het zou duren voordat de steen weer ging reizen.

Je kan dus een Happy Stone maken

  • Neem een kiezelsteen
  • Versier of beschilder de steen, gebruik geen lijm of glitter
  • Tag de steen, mijn steen had Happy Stone Den Haag erop staan, met het logo van Facebook

Verstop de steen in jouw buurt en wacht tot iemand de steen vindt, dat kan gewoon thuis, af en toe Facebook checken.

Voor de vinder

  • Vind de steen
  • Maak een foto
  • Zoek de goede Facebook groep
  • Hou de steen, of beter nog, laat de steen weer verder reizen


  • Iemand een beetje blij maken met een klein cadeautje
  • En de steen kan reizen, wat wij in de lockdown niet echt kunnen

Echt leuk, gister was de steen voor de deur weg. Ik heb zelf een slachtoffersteen gevonden, dus ga misschien als ik het durf de steen beschilderen. En ik heb een van mijn Filippijnse artiesten vriendinnen heel enthousiast gemaakt, en Happy Stones kennen ze nog niet op de Filippijnen! Dus... ze gaan ze ook op de Filippijnen maken. Pay it Forward toch? Ieders dagje een beetje blijer maken, grenzeloos.





In my life I've learned that true happiness comes from giving. Helping others along the way makes you evaluate who you are. I think that love is what we're all searching for. I haven't come across anyone who didn't become a better person through love.

In my life I've learned that true happiness comes from giving. Helping others along the way makes you evaluate who you are. I think that love is what we're all searching for. I haven't come across anyone who didn't become a better person through love.

In my life I've learned that true happiness comes from giving. Helping others along the way makes you evaluate who you are. I think that love is what we're all searching for. I haven't come across anyone who didn't become a better person through love.

Deze quote van Marla Gibbs is naar mijn mening het beeld van een Wereldsupporter. 

The Happiness Advantage

The Happiness Advantage


Who are the happiest people in the world?

When I was living in the Philippines, to me the filipinos were the happiest. And I have traveled a lot. The filipinos themselves, also said to me, multiple times, different people, they were the happiest. Time for me to dive more into the topic Happiness. 

My good friend Rebie Ramoso, who to me is an example who always thinks about others and helps others, using her own skills (design and creativity, she is an artist). She advised me to read this book, instead I watched the TED-talk by Shawn Achor. 

The Happiness Advantage by Shawn Achor

Very inspiring short and fast talk about Happiness by Shawn Achor. A topic to study more. 

Scan the positive not the negative, exercise and train your brain. Happiness and Succes, and creating a revolution. Let's start now.

WorldSupporter: theme pages for happiness and meaningful life

WorldSupporter: theme pages for happiness and meaningful life

Cooking recipes from around the world and checking local eating habits - Theme

Cooking recipes from around the world and checking local eating habits - Theme


 Recipes from all over the World: From sustainable recipes to local food habits

Table of contents

  • Recipes  and cooking tips from Africa or with a African twist
  • Recipes  and cooking tips from Asia or with an Asian twist
  • Recipes  and cooking tips from Europe or with a local twist
  • Recipes  and cooking tips from Latin America or
........Read more
Happiness quotes and statements from around the world - WorldSupporter Theme
Sustainable Development Goals - WorldSupporter Theme
Sustainable live, travel and work - Theme
Living a a more or less happy and meaningful life - Theme
Tolerance and understanding another person and culture - WorldSupporter Theme


Latest changes and updates tagged with: Be and feel happy and content with your life and the footprint you leave behind

No resolutions, not a to do, just aims

  • I follow Gretchen Rubin, writer of the Happiness Project, already for a while. A couple of years ago I discovered her 21 for 2021. Now it is 24 for 2024.
  • And she has a resolution for all of us in 2024 24 minutes of writing every day or 2 times 4 minutes of writing every day. Not sure perhaps more

Article summary with Very happy people by Diener & Seligman (2)

What is this article about?

This is a research report of an experiment where 222 undergraduates were screened for high happiness. The upper 10% of consistently very happy people were compared with average people and very unhappy people. This study has tried to find out what some factor might be that influence high happiness: social relationships, personality and psychopathology, and variables that have been related to subjective well-being in correlational studies. It also examined whether there was a variable that was sufficient for happiness and a variable that was necessary for happiness (sufficient: everyone with the variable is happy, necessary: every happy person has the variable).

.........Read more

Article summary of Very happy people by Diener & Seligman. (1)

What is this article about?

This is a research report of an experiment where 222 undergraduates were screened for high happiness. The upper 10% of consistently very happy people were compared with average people and very unhappy people. This study has tried to find out what some factor might be that influence high happiness: social relationships, personality and psychopathology, and variables that have been related to subjective well-being in correlational studies. It also examined whether there was a variable that was sufficient for happiness and a variable that was necessary for happiness (sufficient: everyone with the variable is happy, necessary: every happy person has the variable).

.........Read more



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Hoe verhoudt je passie zich tot je levenskeuzes

Sint gaf mij een boekje over lang en gelukkig leven. Het concept Ikigai wordt er in behandeld, wat zoiets betekent als de zin van je leven, het doel in je leven, en/of passie voor het leven. In Japan, waar mensen actief bezig zijn met hun Ikigai, worden mensen relatief oud en gelukkig en de schrijve...


Ik doe weer mee! Nieuwe dingen doen en ontdekken: "Ik heb dus de Happy We app". Om geluksmomenten te delen en stil te staan bij dankbaarheid. Voor mij werkt het wel een app. Het leuke is dat je verschillende groepen hebt: 

  • The One Good Thing cafe,
  • The One Good Thing group...


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  Add an upcoming or repeating event or check the Events & Meet up Page All events that, to some extent, align with the UN sustainable development goals are welcome  

Spotlight summaries related to Be and feel happy and content with your life and the footprint you leave behind
The Promise of Sustainable Happiness (summary)

The Promise of Sustainable Happiness Boehm, J. K., & Lyubomirsky, S. (in press). The promise of sustainable happiness. In S. J. Lopez (Ed.), Handbook of positive psychology (2nd ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press The article suggests that, despite several barriers withholding people to increa...

Article summary of Very happy people by Diener & Seligman. (1)
  • What is this article about?
  • What were the results?
  • What is this article about? This is a research report of an experiment where 222 undergraduates were screened for high happiness. The upper 10% of consistently very happy people were compared with average people and ve...

Article summary with Very happy people by Diener & Seligman (2)
  • What is this article about?
  • What were the results?
  • What is this article about? This is a research report of an experiment where 222 undergraduates were screened for high happiness. The upper 10% of consistently very happy people were compared with average people and ve...

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