Around and abroad

To be confident: discover or develop competences, qualities, traits and signals

from improving skills to deepening them further, exploring job opportunities to going abroad and checklists to summaries




To be confident

discover or develop competencies, qualities, traits and signals


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Themes: main theme pages for personal competences, skills and values

Themes: main theme pages for personal competences, skills and values

WorldSupporter theme pages for personal competences, emotions and values

Gain and improve academic skills - Theme
Skills: home page
Discussions and Debates - Theme
Discovering and improving personal values, skills, qualities and emotions
Teaching materials and preparing lessons abroad - Theme
Sustainable live, travel and work - Theme
Sustainable shopping and recycling - WorldSupporter Theme
Living a more or less happy and meaningful life - Theme


Latest changes and updates tagged with: To be confident

Uitdagende managementstage in India

Mogelijkheden van 6 weken tot 1,5 jaar, afhankelijk van de stage opdracht. Het salaris is voldoende om je verblijf en basis behoeftes te bekostigen, zoals huisvesting en maaltijden.



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Spotlight stories and suggestions related to To be confident
General information about the Philippines: Buhay Filipinas

The Philippines Do you want to be touched by the Filipino culture and amazed by its beautiful beaches, mountains and underwater world? This is your chance!     The Philippines Lonely Planet: "The second-largest archipelago in the world, with over 7000 tropical islands, the Philippine...

Bezoek gedetineerden in buitenlandse gevangenissen

Woon & werk je al langere tijd als Nederlander in het buitenland en ben je betrokken bij mens en maatschappij? Geef je op als vrijwilliger om Nederlandse gevangenen op locatie te bezoeken. Werkzaamheden:

  • je gaat op bezoek in gevangenissen, fungeert als eerste toehoorder en hebt een sign...


Maandenlange voorbereidingen. Perioden van ideeënvorming, concretisering, knopen doorhaken, de emigratiebeslissing delen, praktische voorbereiding en afscheid nemen. En dan...eindelijk vertrokken naar het buitenland. Vele tienduizenden Nederlanders doorlopen globaal dit proces wanneer ze voor l...

Teaching English Abroad - Does age matter?

Teaching English is a popular way to work abroad for a few months or even years. Although some cities are crowded with English teachers, more provincial areas still have many who are looking to improve their English. There are always many interesting questions involved, such as one today. A woman as...

Spotlight summaries related to To be confident
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