To be confident

Around & Abroad: Suggestions, Summaries, Texts, Tips, Themes & Vacancies




To be confident

discover or develop competencies, qualities, traits and signals


More supporting content:
WorldSupporter: theme pages for personal competences, emotions and values

WorldSupporter: theme pages for personal competences, emotions and values

Improve competencies and skills for study, travel, work and meaningful life - Theme
Discussions and Debates - Theme
Discovering and improving personal values, skills, qualities and emotions
Teaching materials and preparing lessons abroad - Theme
Sustainable live, travel and work - Theme
Sustainable shopping and recycling - WorldSupporter Theme
Living a a more or less happy and meaningful life - Theme


Latest changes and updates tagged with: To be confident

Word projectcoördinator bij een onderwijscentrum in Laos


Functie & werkzaamheden

Laat Laos Leren is op zoek naar een coördinator die samen met het plaatselijke team een nieuw opleidingscentrum verder ontwikkelt, o.a. door het opstellen en uitbouwen van:

  • Engelse lessenprogramma’s
  • Naschoolse activiteiten (gezelschapspelen, sportinitiaties, etc.)
  • Korte beroepstrainingen (vb: toerisme)
  • Dagkampen tijdens schoolvakanties
  • Activiteiten voor volwassenen (Engelse lessen, gezondheidszorg, etc.) more

Work as a Cultural Ambassador in China and teach English

This program, run by the Department of Education of Zhejiang Province, hires European professionals to work as Cultural Ambassadors to teach the English language, with a focus on communication skills, in Chinese primary and secondary schools in the cities of Wenzhou, Lishui, Jinhua, Taizhou, Quzhou Zhejiang Province.  

The reason for this program is to help children in tier-three cities with gaining intercultural understandings. It is a public service activity, which is fully supported by the local governments of Zhejiang Administration more

Volunteer in a Bolivian Animal Refuge

Saguinus imperator

Join La Senda Verde Animal Refuge in the Bolivian jungle. They offer a rotational programm with a minimum stay of two weeks. During your volunteer stay you can experience working with a wide array of rescued animals: parrots, macaws, turtles, tortoises, bears, wild cats, and monkeys! Maintanance and construction of enclosures is also part of the job. Do you more

Remedial teacher in Singapore

Wat: Remedial teacher op een Nederlandstalige peuter- en basisschool (fulltime)
Waar: Hollandse School Limited, Singapore


  • Verantwoordelijk voor het verbeteren van het leren van de leerlingen.
  • Een intensieve samenwerking tot stand brengen tussen leerkracht, ouders en leerling bij het opstellen en de uitvoering van het handelingsplan.
  • Analyseren van toetsgegevens en deze omzetten tot leerdoelen.


  • Lesbevoegdheid voor het basisonderwijs.
  • Kwalificaties more

Werk als docent Nederlands op Saba

Wat: Docent Nederlands in het voortgezet en beroepsonderwijs
Waar: Saba Comprehensive School, Saba


  • Nederlandse les geven aan studenten.
  • Bijdragen aan de ontwikkeling van het onderwijs op de school.


  • Bachelor/master in het vakgebied en een onderwijscertificaat.
  • Ervaring met (of kennis van) NT2/NVT is een pré.
  • Kunnen communiceren in het Engels om kennis over te dragen. more

volunteering English teachers for a Chinese private school

We are an international child education NGO ( in Amsterdam. We are seeking for 1-2 volunteers to teach Englsih for at least 6 months in a private school in Changzhou, Jiangsu Province, China. The school will offer free accommodation, monthly allowance 600 EUR and cost of return ticket. 1-week training will be provided in Amsterdam.You are goint to teach the more

Program Coordinators Online Education on Bali

work near bali beaches

Edumatic is looking for Program Coordinators to help run our trips.

If you know anyone (or you are someone) that would love to be paid to travel the world and impact the lives of young and adventurous online students, then this might be a job for them!

Further details of the role will be distributed to applicants, but briefly more

Life after graduation: strange times


So, I’ve just finished 6 years of studying full time. What now? Where to next? There’s no curriculum I can choose from, no study advisor I can ask for advice, no student loan I can rely on… Now it’s all up to me.

This is the moment I have been dreading ever since my last year

....... read more



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Displaying 9 - 12 of 41
work near bali beaches

Edumatic is looking for Program Coordinators to help run our trips. If you know anyone (or you are someone) that would love to be paid to travel the world and impact the lives of young and adventurous online students, then this might be a job for them! Further details of the role will be distributed...

Books around the world: The Salth Path

The Salth Path by Raynor Winn I have read this book all at once. It is beautifully written. It is a story of a couple, who after a long time with courtcases, loose their house and their income. Their house was a bed and breakfast. They have been putting all their love and energy in their home, ...


Ever since I was young there was this huge contradiction in my life; I loved travelling and seeing new places, but I was always so scared, nervous or even sad to go. The first weeks were the most difficult, but once I got adjusted to being abroad I didn't want to leave again. When I was 18 I decided...


Who are the happiest people in the world? When I was living in the Philippines, to me the filipinos were the happiest. And I have traveled a lot. The filipinos themselves, also said to me, multiple times, different people, they were the happiest. Time for me to dive more into the topic Happiness.&nb...


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Spotlight stories and suggestions related to To be confident
Bezoek gedetineerden in buitenlandse gevangenissen

Woon & werk je al langere tijd als Nederlander in het buitenland en ben je betrokken bij mens en maatschappij? Geef je op als vrijwilliger om Nederlandse gevangenen op locatie te bezoeken. Werkzaamheden:

  • je gaat op bezoek in gevangenissen, fungeert als eerste toehoorder en hebt een sign...

General information about the Philippines: Buhay Filipinas

The Philippines Do you want to be touched by the Filipino culture and amazed by its beautiful beaches, mountains and underwater world? This is your chance!     The Philippines Lonely Planet: "The second-largest archipelago in the world, with over 7000 tropical islands, the Philippine...

work near bali beaches

Edumatic is looking for Program Coordinators to help run our trips. If you know anyone (or you are someone) that would love to be paid to travel the world and impact the lives of young and adventurous online students, then this might be a job for them! Further details of the role will be distributed...

Spotlight summaries related to To be confident
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