Lecture notes with Group Dynamics at the Leiden University
- Lecture 1: Group membership
- Lecture 2: Social influence
- Lecture 3: Norms, roles and power
- Lecture 4: Task execution alone vs. in a group
- Lecture 5: Decision-making and leadership
- Lecture 6: Intragroup conflict and intergroup conflict
- Lecture 7: The physical and social environment & Crowds and collectives
- Lecture 8: Studying groups
Lecture 1: Group membership
- Common group characteristics are interaction, common goals, interdependence, group structure and cohesion.
- Groups are rather subjective.
- Behavior = f (person x situation). Belonging or not belonging to a group affects your behavior.
- We all filled out the questionnaire of Social Value Orientation. People who always choose for an equal split of the
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