Travel to Belize to backpack, study, intern, volunteer, work or live as a digital nomad, expat or emigrant?

Intro: life and experiences in Belize

Backpacking in Belize?

  • Belize is a hidden eco-gem! Although small, and not really for backpackers on a tight budget, it has wonderful nature (jungle, beaches and the second largest barrier reef), but an interesting culture to explore!
  • Belize is visited both by backpackers who have a few weeks vacation, often in combination with surrounding countries. But also world travelers making a longer trip Central and South America visit Belize to relax, dive, snorkel, chill.
  • Characteristics: compact (relatively small distances), easy to explore by car, boat or bus, relaxed Caribbean atmosphere, culturally diverse.

Traveling in Belize?

  • City spotting: Belize City, San Pedro (Ambergris Caye), Corozal, San Ignacio.
  • Activities spotting: scuba diving and snorkeling at the second largest coral reef in the world (including Caye Caulker!), visit one or more Mayan temples (definitely worthwhile including Altun Ha, Lamanai, Xunantunich and Caracol in Cayo), cave kayaking, ziplining, enjoy the Garifuna culture: food, dancing and drumming.
  • Nature spotting: beautiful jungles inland (explore on horseback!), Shipstern Nature Reserve, Cockscomb Basin Wildlife Sanctuary.
  • Animal spotting: nurse sharks, rays, lizards, iguanas, jaguars, parrots, more than 500 (!) bird species.

Studying in Belize?

  • No language barrier, at most an emphasis on English.
  • Studies: broad study options, but extra focus on sustainable economics, conservation, anthropology, sustainable tourism.
  • Study cities: Belmopan, Belize City, San Ignacio.
  • English learning: Belize City (largest city), San Ignacio (popular tourist destination), Belmopan (capital), Placencia (coastal town), Dangriga (cultural, more informal).

Internship in Belize?

  • Internships: many directions possible; above all in the areas of environment and biodiversity, tourism, hospitality, archaeology, anthropology, health care, sustainable development, education
  • Internship cities: Belize City, Belmopan, San Ignacio, Placencia, Punta Gorda
  • Characteristics: relax! Adapt your internship pace to the work culture of the people of Belize. People are punctual and flexible at the same time; so pay attention.

Volunteer in Belize?

  • Volunteer projects: plenty of opportunities in education, childcare, healthcare, community development, social work and relief work among others.
  • Animal/nature projects: animal welfare and wildlife rehabilitation, environmental and nature conservation, marine conservation, sustainable agriculture.
  • Characteristics: volunteer work possible from 1 or 2 weeks to several months.

Working in Belize?

  • Jobs:temporary and permanent work particularly in the areas of tourism/hospitality, environmental and sustainability, health care, agriculture and sustainable development, education, construction, IT and telecommunications, international relations.
  • Characteristics:strong emphasis on personal relationships, respect, community and cooperation. English is of course the language of instruction. Multiculturalism plays a big role in daily work dynamics.

Working as a digital nomad in Belize?

  • Favorite locations: Corozal (tropical paradise and favorite among nomads, expats and retirees), San Pedro (Ambergris Caye), Placencia, Caye Caulker, Belize City, San Ignacio, Hopkins, Belmopan
  • Characteristics: cultural “melting pot”; mix of languages, cost of living can vary (especially on the islands), keep your schedule flexible (more than enough distractions!)

Living in Belize?

  • Language: English is the official language, throughout the country.
  • Quality of life: Belize is slowing down, in all aspects of your life. Relax! Cost of living varies greatly; islands tend to be just a bit more expensive than mainland.
  • Characteristics: attractive residential destination thanks to tropical climate, beautiful nature and relaxed lifestyle. Cost of living is relatively low. Reltiefly easy communication because English is the official language. Fairly safe destination; there are always exceptions.
  • Health care: access to health care and basic services varies greatly by region. Strong sense of community; people look out for and care for each other. Seek advice on insurance that provides adequate coverage for proper care and also repatriation in case of emergency.


Supporting content

WorldSupporter: theme pages for activities abroad
Backpacking and travel your way around the world - Theme
Emigration and moving abroad - Theme
Internships Abroad - Theme
Learning languages and language courses abroad - Theme
Remote working abroad for digital and global nomads - Theme
Study your way around the world - Theme
TEFL: Teaching English as a Foreign Language and learning English - Thems
Travel insurances and insurances for long term abroad - Theme
Volunteer abroad - Theme
Working Abroad & Working Holidays - WorldSupporter Theme


Latest changes and updates tagged with: Belize

Why live in Belize, why emigrate to Belize or stay for a long time?

Why should you live in Belize as an expat, emigrant or working nomad?

  • because of the kind and often tremendously hospitable locals.
  • because of the cultural diversity, beautiful natural parks and tropical beaches/islands and coral reefs!
  • because of the relaxed social life in Belize.
  • because of the wonderful tropical climate (especially between January and May).
  • because of the government of
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What are typical Belizian habits, food customs, recipes and philosophies in Belize?

What are the customs in Belize regarding food?

  • In Belize, rice and beans are mainly eaten. In addition, Mexican meat dishes such as tacos, empanadas, tamales are also available everywhere. Turtle and lobster are regularly on the menu. Belizean cuisine is a blend of Mayan, Garifuna, Creole, and European influences.

What are the best recipes in Belize?

  • Fry Jacks: deep-fried pieces of
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What is the best transport in Belize, and how to get around?

Whether or not to travel by plane in Belize?

  • When you fly to Belize from the Netherlands, you will often have a transfer in the United States or, say, Panama or Guatemala. International travel arrives at the Philip Goldson International Airport in Ladyville, 18 km northwest of Belize City.

Whether or not to travel by train in

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What are the best places to go to in Belize?

What are the best places to go to in Belize?

  • The second largest coral reef in the world is located near Belize, making the country the ultimate place for diving and snorkeling. The interior of Belize is home to beautiful jungles and the Mayan temples are also well worth seeing. Explore the undiscovered south of Belize, make chocolate with
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Welk visum regelen voor een reis naar Belize?



  • Een toeristenvisum is niet nodig voor een verblijf tot 30 dagen.
  • Vliegtuigmaatschappijen verstrekken gratis toeristenkaarten tijdens de vlucht die een maand geldig zijn. Je kunt je toeristenkaart verlengen tegen betaling met maximaal 30 dagen per keer.
  • Ook al is er geen visum vereist, zorg er wel voor dat je deze dingen kunt tonen: een returnticket (en documenten voor
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Hoe je visum te regelen voor reizen naar Belize?

  • Een toeristenvisum voor Belize is niet nodig voor een verblijf tot 30 dagen.
  • Vliegtuigmaatschappijen verstrekken gratis toeristenkaarten tijdens de vlucht die een maand geldig zijn. Je kunt je toeristenkaart verlengen tegen betaling met maximaal 30 dagen per keer.
  • Ook al is er geen visum vereist, zorg er wel voor dat je deze dingen kunt tonen: een returnticket (en documenten
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Ecology internships (or volunteering) in Belizean Jungle

If you are looking for an internship in ecology, check out the possibilities at TREES (toucan ridge ecology and educational society) on the Hummingbird Highway in Belize!

This research station is open for groups, but also for individuals. There is a research lab, library and the organization is hosted by a very professional staff. 

The volunteering starts from 15usd more
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What is the best transport in Belize, and how to get around?

Whether or not to travel by plane in Belize?

  • When you fly to Belize from the Netherlands, you will often have a transfer in the United States or, say, Panama or Guatemala. International travel arrives at the Philip Goldson International Airport in Ladyville, 18 km northwest of Belize City.<...>


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Tobacco Caye - Belize

Find yourself on a bounty island. Sting rays swimming underneath the deck and the corals just a few meters away.

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Ecology internships (or volunteering) in Belizean Jungle

If you are looking for an internship in ecology, check out the possibilities at TREES (toucan ridge ecology and educational society) on the Hummingbird Highway in Belize! This research station is open for groups, but also for individuals. There is a research lab, library and the organization is host...

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