Optimism and positivism: blogs, contributions, stories, summaries and tips

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Selected content related to Optimism and positivism
Summary Principles of Marketing by Kotler
  • Chapter 1: Basic concepts of marketing
  • Chapter 2: Strategic marketing partners
  • Chapter 3: The marketing environment
  • Chapter 4: Customer insights
  • Chapter 5: Consumer buyer behaviour
  • Chapter 6: Business markets
  • Chapter 7: Customer-dr...


Spotlight stories and suggestions related to Optimism and positivism

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Ben je op zoek naar vrijwilligerswerk en wil je een bijdrage leveren aan het helpen en ondersteunen van vluchtelingen? Dan is dit project iets voor jou! In Athene bevindt zich het eerste vluchtelingenkamp op het Griekse vasteland. Het wordt gerund door de Griekse overheid en is een open kamp, wat in...

TEDtalk - The happy secret to better work - Shawn Achor

TEDtalk over de positieve psychologie. Hoe we geneigd zijn om te denken dat na succes het geluk volgt, maar hoe het in de praktijk juist andersom is. Door positief te zijn over het huidige moment creëren we juist meer succes. Tips om dit te oefenen worden genoemd in het laatste deel van de talk...


How to get things done for others or yourself: Zen Habits Sometimes it is hard to get your act together, by reading this it is everything we already know, it comes down to Just do It. What helps is the app Insight Timer, with the Morning Routines. In the Happiness Course, it is scientifically p...

Spotlight summaries related to Optimism and positivism
Summary Principles of Marketing by Kotler
  • Chapter 1: Basic concepts of marketing
  • Chapter 2: Strategic marketing partners
  • Chapter 3: The marketing environment
  • Chapter 4: Customer insights
  • Chapter 5: Consumer buyer behaviour
  • Chapter 6: Business markets
  • Chapter 7: Customer-dr...
Summary of The boy who was raised as a dog by Perry

English book summary with the 1st edition of The boy who was raised as a dog by Perry. Through the stories of children who recover-physically, mentally, and emotionally-from the most devastating circumstances, Perry shows how simple things like surroundings, affection, language, and touch can deeply...

Article summary of Very happy people by Diener & Seligman. (1)
  • What is this article about?
  • What were the results?
  • What is this article about? This is a research report of an experiment where 222 undergraduates were screened for high happiness. The upper 10% of consistently very happy people were compared with average peop...

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