Travel to Yemen to backpack, study, intern, volunteer, work,

or live as a digital nomad, expat or emigrant?





Backpacking or traveling in Yemen?

  • Traveling and backpacking in Yemen is challenging and opportunities are highly dependent on political unrest and security situations, such as the civil war raging in the country. Yemen offers a rich history, breathtaking nature and cultural treasures, but it is a true off-the-beaten path destination thanks to very limited tourism infrastructure, poverty & security and a challenging visa process. 
  • Activity spotting: walk through the ancient buildings of Sana'a; visit the skyscrapers of the desert in Shibam; explore the flora and fauna of Socotra Island; climb the mountains of Haraz; admire the bizarre trees of Socotra; try Khat; experience the friendly people and hospitality. 
  • Animal spotting: Socotra starling, Arabian leopard, Socotra lizards, gazelles, desert foxes, dolphins, turtles, fish. 
  • Food spotting: Saltah, Mandi, Fahsa, Shafout, Jachnun and the famous spiced coffee.  

Studying in Yemen?

  • There are several universities in Yemen, where the quality of education can vary. Also, due to the crisis, resources are limited and studying is hardly possible for foreigners. 
  • Study cities: Sana'a, Aden. 
  • Language: Arabic. 

Internship in Yemen?

  • It is currently difficult to find internships in Yemen.

Doing volunteer work in Yemen?

  • There is an enormous amount of work to be done in Yemen, one of the poorest and most damaged countries in the world. Yet there is little volunteering to be found because any volunteering there is very risky. Often volunteers are only hired if they have very specific skills and meet strict requirements. Don't meet those requirements? Then donating money to provide people with food, water and other basic necessities helps the most.

Working in Yemen?

  • The same goes for working in Yemen as for volunteering. Most expats work for NGOs. 

Working as a digital nomad in Yemen?

  • No need to think about that in the near future, unfortunately. 

Living in Yemen?

  • Don't expect luxury, limited resources and infrastructure, an unstable situation and security challenges. On the other hand, there is a warm and social culture, strongly tied to Islamic and traditional values. The cost of living is low. 
  • Health insurance: Health care is hugely affected in Yemen, there are many health risks and for good care you have to go elsewhere. So get your own well-covered health insurance.

Supporting content

Yemen Country Bundle: suggestions, stories and tips

Yemen Country Bundle: suggestions, stories and tips

Content about Yemen on WorldSupporter

Yemen: Updates & Travel

Yemen: Updates & Travel

Travel in Yemen?

  • Yemen has beautiful and rugged nature, and, like its neighbors Saudi Arabia and Oman, has access to large oil reserves. Unfortunately, despite this, there is great poverty in the country. Since Yemen's origins in 1990, there have been many internal conflicts and civil wars have made the country unsafe to travel to. 

Updates Yemen

  • More about Yemen, updates and contributions, see the link below.


Yemen: selection of contributions by WorldSupporters - Bundle


Latest blogs, jobs, projects, organizations, and tips tagged with: Yemen


  • Bij CultureRoad staat reizen, erfgoed en toerisme centraal. CultureRoad organiseert groepsreizen en individuele tours naar bijzondere bestemmingen binnen o.a. Azië, Latijns-Amerika en Europa. CultureRoad begeeft zich buiten de gebaande paden in landen als Pakistan, Turkmenistan, Venezuela, Rusland, Irak en Noord-Korea.
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Yangkala Canyon in Turkmenistan


  • CultureRoad

Door wie?

  • Oprichters Caspar Steinebach en Rik Brinks
  • Team van lokale reisbegeleiders


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  • De bestemmingen. Georganiseerde rondreizen in Irak, Noord-Korea, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Haïti of Jemen zie je niet zo vaak.
  • Veel respect voor en contact met de lokale bevolking tijdens de reizen die georganiseerd worden.
  • Logischerwijs
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  • Bij CultureRoad staat reizen, erfgoed en toerisme centraal. CultureRoad organiseert groepsreizen en individuele tours naar bijzondere bestemmingen binnen o.a. Azië, Latijns-Amerika en Europa. CultureRoad begeeft zich buiten de gebaande paden in landen als Pakistan, Turkmenistan, Venezu...


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Yangkala Canyon in Turkmenistan


  • CultureRoad

Door wie?

  • Oprichters Caspar Steinebach en Rik Brinks
  • Team van lokale reisbegeleiders


  • Groepsrondreizen
  • Individuele rondreizen


  • De bestemmingen. Georganiseerde rondreizen in Irak, Noo...

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