Smokey Projects: work with Smokey Tours in the Philippines

  • Smokey Projects and Smokey Tours aim to connect volunteers and tourists with local people and contribute to local projects in Tondo and Basic in Metro Manila.
  • For the social project Smokey Tours, is looking for driven students/starters to help further develop the tours.

What will you gain?

  • The opportunity to gain many new skills, further develop your competencies and discover a new culture.
  • A versatile position within a local NGO.
  • Joining a dynamic team.
  • Experienced guidance on site.
  • Contribute to local projects and sustainable tourism.

What do you bring?

  • You are flexible, sociable, proactive and independent.
  • You take the initiative and you think in solutions.
  • You are available for at least 6 months.
  • You have an excellent command of the English language.


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Volunteering & Projects
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Smokey Tours

Smokey Tours


Smokey Tours are not just tours. They offer experience, believing that deep experience equals deep insight. The tours and Smokey projects are unique and honest; a testimony of changing times and our global interconnectedness. 

All tours are guided by well-trained local tour leaders, who come from underprivileged communities and are educated to run eye-opening tours around Metro Manila in The Philippines.

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Smokey Projects: work with Smokey Tours in the Philippines
  • Smokey Projects and Smokey Tours aim to connect volunteers and tourists with local people and contribute to local projects in Tondo and Basic in Metro Manila.
  • For the social project Smokey Tours, is looking for driven students/starters to help further develop the tours.
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