Applied psychology and Psychological skills?

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Summary of Essential Research Findings in Counselling and Psychotherapy by Cooper - 1st edition - Exclusive

Summaries per chapter with Essential Research Findings in Counselling and Psychotherapy

Table of content

  • What is the importance of research? - Chapter 1
  • How do we know whether therapy works or not? - Chapter 2
  • What do therapeutic approaches look like? - Chapter 3
  • Which client-related factors influence the therapeutic process? - Chapter 4
  • Which therapist-related factors influence the therapeutic process? - Chapter 5
  • What role does the relationship between the therapist and the client play in therapy? - Chapter 6
  • Which techniques are used in therapy? - Chapter 7
  • What is already known and what is still unknown about therapy? - Chapter 8

Summary of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Children and Families by Graham and Reynolds - 3rd edition - Exclusive

Summaries per chapter with Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Children and Families

Table of content

  • What is the use of cognitive behavioural therapy for children and adolescents? - Chapter 1
  • What about the development of anxiety and depression in young people? - Chapter 2
  • How is cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) provided to children and young adults? - Chapter 3
  • Which factors are important in evaluating treatments? - Chapter 4
  • What is client involvement? - Chapter 5
  • What is a systematic approach in CBT? - Chapter 6
  • Why is it important to involve parents/caregivers in CBT? - Chapter 7
  • Are most psychotherapeutic interventions suitable for people from different cultural backgrounds? - Chapter 8
  • What is the effect of working with the school and the broad, social context of the child? - Chapter 9
  • What is trauma-focused CBT for sexually abused children? -
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Summary of Cognitive Behavior Therapy: Core Principles for Practice by O'Donohue and Fisher - 1st edition - Exclusive

Summaries per chapter with Cognitive Behavior Therapy: Core Principles for Practice

Table of content

  • What are the core principles of cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) - Chapter 1
  • What is Function Analysis (FA)? - Chapter 2
  • What is exposure therapy and when is it used? - Chapter 4
  • What is cognitive restructuring and when is it used? - Chapter 6
  • What is problem solving therapy and when is it used? - Chapter 7
  • What is behavioral activation and when is it used? - Chapter 9
  • What is positive psychology? - Chapter 13
  • What does the term acceptance mean within CBT? - Chapter 14

Samenvatting van Cognitive Behavior Therapy: Core Principles for Practice van O'Donohue en Fisher - 1e druk - Exclusive

Samenvattingen per hoofdstuk bij Cognitive Behavior Therapy: Core Principles for Practice

Samenvattingen per hoofdstuk bij Cognitive Behavior Therapy: Core Principles for Practice

  • Voor samenvattingen bij alle hoofdstukken van de 1e druk van Cognitive Behavior Therapy: Core Principles for Practice van O'Donohue & Fisher, zie de supporting content van deze pagina


  • Hoofdstuk 1 - Wat zijn de basisprincipes van cognitieve gedragstherapie (CBT)?
  • Hoofdstuk 2 - Wat houdt klinische functie analyse in?
  • Hoofdstuk 4 - Wat is exposure therapy en wanneer wordt het gebruikt?
  • Hoofdstuk 6 - Wat is cognitive restructuring en wanneer wordt het gebruikt?
  • Hoofdstuk 7 - Wat is problem solving therapy en wanneer wordt het gebruikt?
  • Hoofdstuk 9 - Wat is behavioral activation en wanneer wordt het gebruikt?
  • Hoofdstuk 13 - Wat houdt positieve psychologie in?
  • Hoofdstuk 14 - Wat betekent de term acceptance binnen de CBT?

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    Summary of Behavioral Interventions in Cognitive Behavior Therapy by Farmer and Chapman - 2nd edition - Exclusive

    Summaries per chapter with Behavioral Interventions in Cognitive Behavior Therapy

    Table of contents

    • Chapter 1 - Overview on Cognitive Behavior Therapy
    • Chapter 2 - What are the principles, goals and structure of initial assessment sessions?
    • Chapter 3 - How does the process of behavioral case formulation and treatment planning work?
    • Chapter 4 - How can behavior be changed by changing the environment?
    • Chapter 8 - How can behavior be activated?
    • Chapter 9 - Which interventions based on exposure exist?

    Samenvatting van Essential Research Findings in Counselling and Psychotherapy van Cooper - 1e druk - Exclusive

    Samenvattingen per hoofdstuk bij Essential Research Findings in Counselling and Psychotherapy

    Samenvattingen per hoofdstuk bij Essential Research Findings in Counselling and Psychotherapy

    • Voor samenvattingen bij alle hoofdstukken van de 1e druk van Essential Research Findings in Counselling and Psychotherapy van Cooper, zie de supporting content van deze pagina


    • Waarom is het doen van onderzoek belangrijk? - Chapter 1
    • Hoe weten we of therapie werkt of niet? - Chapter 2
    • Hoe zien therapeutische benaderingen er uit? - Chapter 3
    • Welke cliëntfactoren beïnvloeden het therapeutisch proces? - Chapter 4
    • Welke therapeutfactoren beïnvloeden het therapeutisch proces? - Chapter 5
    • Welke rol speelt de relatie tussen therapeut en cliënt in de therapie? - Chapter 6
    • Welke technieken worden toegepast tijdens therapie? - Chapter 7
    • Wat is al bekend en wat is nog onbekend over therapie? - Chapter 8

    Gerelateerde samenvattingen en studiehulp

    • Voor alle beschikbare bulletsamenvattingen,
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    What is psychotherapy?

    Psychotherapy, also known as talk therapy, is a core field within psychology focused on treating mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders through verbal communication and a therapeutic relationship. It utilizes various techniques to help individuals identify and address their problems, develop co...

    What is psychological treatment?

    Psychological treatment, also referred to as psychotherapy or psychological intervention, is a broad term encompassing various evidence-based approaches used to alleviate mental health problems, improve emotional well-being, and promote positive behavioral change. What are the main features of ...

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