Corporate and business law and legal entities: blogs, contributions, stories, summaries and tips

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What is corporate law?

Corporate law is a specialized field of law that focuses on the legal aspects of corporations and other business entities. It equips individuals with the knowledge and skills to:

  • Advise and represent businesses on legal matters
  • Structure and govern corporations
  • Facilitate ...

What is business law?

Business law is a broad field of study encompassing the legal principles that govern the formation, operation, and dissolution of businesses. It equips individuals with the knowledge and skills to:

  • Understand the legal framework businesses operate within
  • Navigate legal issues that ...

Selected Worldsupporter pages in relation with the topic
Stories & Suggestions related to Corporate and business law and legal entities
Summary & Study Notes related to Corporate and business law and legal entities
What is law?

Law, as a field of study, delves into the systems of rules and principles that govern human conduct within a society. It encompasses the creation, interpretation, and enforcement of these rules to establish order, protect rights, and achieve justice. What are the main features of law?

  • ...

ABN AMRO Holding - Arrest

ABN AMRO Holding (HR 13-07-2007, NJ 2007, 434) Casus Het gaat in deze zaak – een enquêteprocedure naar het beleid en de gang van zaken van ABN AMRO – met name om de vraag welk orgaan de bevoegdheid toekomt om de strategie van de vennootschap te bepalen, meer bepaald de reikwijdte ...

Bato's erf - Arrest

Bato’s Erf (HR 16 juni 1995) Casus Het ging in dit geval om een bedrijfsterrein. Op dit terrein was tot 1982 een steenfabriek gevestigd en het terrein werd in 1998 verkocht. De nieuwe eigenaar kwam erachter dat er sprake was van bodemverontreiniging. De Nederlandse Staat zocht verhaal op de v...

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