Universiteit Amsterdam: UVA


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Universiteit Amsterdam: UVA

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Psychology AU Amsterdam: Assortmentpointer for summaries and study assistance with the Bachelor and Masters

Psychology AU Amsterdam: Assortmentpointer for summaries and study assistance with the Bachelor and Masters

Assortment of summaries and study assistance

Which summaries and study assistance can you use and expect with JoHo?

Bachelor 1:

  • Introductory Psychology; Brain and Cognition; Research Methods and Statistics; Developmental Psychology; Work and Organisational Psychology; Social Psychology; Clinical Psychology; Neuropsychology; First year thesis

Bachelor 2 Shared Program:

  • Scientific and Statistical Reasoning; Practical training: Psychological Communication; Practical training: Psychological Research; Fundamentals of Psychology


  • various courses, a.o.: Current Topics: Introduction to Cultural Psychology; Youth Interventions: Theory, Research and Practice; Clinical Skills: Developmental Psychology; Adolescence: Developmental, Clinical and School Psychology; KNP Diagnostiek; Psychotherapy and Therapeutic Skills; Teams in Organisations; Emotion

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“Balon & Clayton (2014). Female sexual interest/arousal disorder: A diagnosis out of thin air.” – Article summary

In psychiatric illness, the criteria for establishing diagnostic validity are clinical description (1), laboratory studies (2), exclusion of or delineation from other disorders (3), a follow-up study (4) and a family study (5). These criteria are typically not fulfilled or psychiatric illnesses.

According to Balon and Clayton, the primary reason for the creation of the female sexual interest/arousal disorder (FSAID) was to get rid of the linear concept of the sexual response cycle in women and replace it with a circular model of sexual response. However, no diagnosis has been presented for this diagnosis. There are several things wrong with this diagnosis:

  • There is no scientific study which supports the separations of gender in regards to desire and arousal that demonstrates that the FSIAD diagnosis more accurately reflects the sexual experience of women compared to the DSM-IV diagnoses.
  • There is no information regarding
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“Clinical Perspective on Today’s Issues – Lecture 2 (UNIVERSITY OF AMSTERDAM)”

In the Netherlands, the prescribed mental healthcare is captured in quality standards. These standards include recommendations or prescriptions regarding proper treatment. There are several aspects of care:

  1. Prevention
  2. Screening
  3. Diagnosis
  4. Treatment
  5. Recovery and reintegration

Each step requires different decisions regarding care. The quality standards can help with the decisions in the treatment and recovery phase. A quality standard outlines what quality care looks like for clinicians and patients for particular conditions. A quality standard is developed independently in a workgroup (e.g. patients, relatives, health professionals). This workgroup collects all information about the subject and based on this, they attempt to reach consensus.

There are three types of information that is used in the workgroup:

  1. Evidence-based knowledge (i.e. scientific research)
  2. Experience-based knowledge (i.e. experiences, wants and needs of patients)
  3. Eminence-based knowledge (i.e. experience and opinions of
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“Clinical Perspective on Today’s Issues – Lecture 1 (UNIVERSITY OF AMSTERDAM)”

The biological model states that there are biological causes for the differences between men and women (e.g. hormones deeply affecting women but not men). The deficit model states that women are not equal to men with regards to capabilities.

The stereotypes of gender differences are that there are gender differences in:

  • Verbal skills
  • Mathematical skills
  • Spatial skills

However, these gender differences do not necessarily exist. The differences in math aptitudes are more culturally determined rather than determined by natal gender. Gender is not a good predictor of mathematics achievement while SES and mother’s education are highly predictive.

Depression is stereotypically seen as a female problem. More women than men reach the diagnostic criteria for depression, especially during adolescence. This difference was already present at age 12 and peaks at the ages 13 to 15 but declines in the

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“Althof et al. (2017). Opinion paper: On the diagnosis/classification of sexual arousal concerns in women.” – Article summary

In the earliest diagnostic manuals, only inhibited sexual excitement was used to denote psychosexual disorders. However, this was indicated by a lack of a physiological response. In later diagnostic manuals, the FSAD diagnosis was added. However, the subjective arousal subtype was removed from this diagnosis in the DSM-4. This was done to make sure that the male-female similarity in sexual dysfunctions diagnoses could be maintained. The FSAD diagnosis only represents genital arousal and sees subjective arousal and sexual desire as the same thing while it is not.

Desire refers to the motivation to engage in and/or be receptive to a sexual event for sexual or non-sexual gratification. Genital arousal refers to genital changes in response to sexual stimuli. These changes may be associated with other bodily reactions (e.g. increased heart rate). Subjective arousal refers to positive mental engagement and focus in respone to a sexual stimulus. This

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“Zucker et al. (2013). Memo outlining evidence for change for gender identity disorder in the DSM-5.” – Article summary

There were several changes from the DSM-4 to DSM-5 with regards to gender identity disorder:

  1. Change the name of gender identity disorder (GID) to gender dysphoria
    This is done because it is less stigmatizing and highlights a conceptual change in the diagnosis.
  2. Decouple the diagnosis of GID from the sexual dysfunctions and place it in a separate chapter
    This is done because there is no clear theoretical overlap and it is less stigmatizing.
  3. Change in the introductory descriptor to the point A criterion
    This was changed because incongruence is a better descriptor because it does not only pertain to the gender binary (1), gender aligns better with people with a sex disorder (2), there is no need to mention a single potential causal mechanism (3) and there is a clearer distinction between transient GD and persistent GD as time has been
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“Reilly (2019). Gender can be a continuous variable, not just a categorical one: Comment on Hyde, Bigler, Joel, Tate, and van Anders (2019). – Article summary

Sex-role identification refers to the degree to which we develop stereotypical gender traits (1), interests (2) and beliefs (3). Androgyny refers to a healthy integration of both masculine and feminine traits. This affords a greater cognitive and behavioural flexibility and is linked to better psychological health.

There are four reasons why gender should be viewed as a continuous variable:

  1. There is considerable variability in the acquisition of masculine and feminine traits in the population.
  2. This allows for less stereotyping in research.
  3. There are different degrees in a person’s adherence to gender roles and stereotypes.
  4. Nobody has only masculine or only feminine traits.

It appears as if femininity and masculinity are unrelated to sexual orientation. There is scientific evidence that gender identity and biological sex do not always align. This is not a pathology. The Hawthorne effect refers to people

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“Kuyper & Wijsen (2013). Gender identities and gender dysphoria in the Netherlands.” – Article summary

The prevalence of gender dysphoria is estimated by looking at health care services. However, individuals may be hesitant to seek medical care for gender dysphoria due to stigmatization. Furthermore, healthcare makes use of a dichotomous view of gender while people may be ambivalent about gender and do not desire treatment. This means that the prevalence of adult gender dysphoria may be underestimated.

Parent reports of child behaviour are used to assess the prevalence of gender dysphoria in children. This may lead to an overestimation of the prevalence of gender dysphoria as parents mostly look at cognitive and behavioural aspects and not at affective aspects of gender dysphoria.

Individuals with an ambivalent gender identity were more often men (1), more often had a lower education (2), were more often from a non-Western background (3) and were more often bisexual or

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“Hyde et al. (2019). The future of sex and gender in psychology: Five challenges to the gender binary.” – Article summary

The gender binary assumes that one’s category membership is biologically determined (1), apparent at birth (2), stable over time (3), a powerful predictor of psychological variables (4) and salient and meaningful to the self (5). There is an idea that brains are gendered (i.e. male and female brains). In neuroscience requires two assumptions:

  1. Sex is a dimorphic system (i.e. system that can only take two forms).
  2. Effect of sex on other systems (e.g. brain) is characterized by dimorphic outcome (e.g. male vs. female brain).

For a system to show dimorphism, each of its elements should be dimorphic. Furthermore, all the elements within an individual should be internally consistent (i.e. either all in the form typical of males or typical of females). The brain sex differences are context-dependent. However, it is unlikely that brains are internally consistent and dimorphic. Mosaicism (i.e. one typical

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“Davy (2015). The DSM-5 and the politics of diagnosing transpeople.” – Article summary

The emphasis on distress in the diagnosis of gender dysphoria is problematic in two ways:

  1. This may reduce access to treatment and legal recognition for transpeople who do not experience chronic or intermittent gender dysphoria.
  2. This may represent the lives of transpeople.

The true transsexual model referred to a person who required physical changes to their body to fully express their gender identity. However, many transpeople are not able to get these changes due to social, cultural or political reasons. Besides that, this model is focussed on the gender binary and neglects the true experience of transpeople.

It is difficult to call transpeople gender atypical as there is no clear cause for gender behaviour and there is no clear masculine or feminine behaviour. The DSM-5 criteria for gender dysphoria are derived from stereotypes applied in gender identity clinics serving transpeople.

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“Cretella, Rosik, & Howsepian (2019). Sex and gender are distinct variables critical to health: Comment on Hyde, Bigler, Joel, Tate, and van Anders (2019).” – Article summary

Sex refers to how an organism is organized with respect to reproduction. This is an innate and binary trait not altered by psychological traits.

There are three reasons why sex is binary:

  1. Two sexes are required for reproduction and this is biologically determined.
  2. Gender identity may change and is thus different from sex.
  3. Genes are differently expressed for males and females.

There are several reasons why it is important to adhere to sexual dimorphism:

  1. There are sex-based genetic differences for the propensity of developing certain diseases.
  2. There are sex-based genetic differences with responses to pain, drugs and toxins.
  3. There are sex-based genetic differences regarding cognitive and emotional processing.


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Visuospatial working memory (WM) is the most impaired executive function in children with ADHD. Incentives improve the working memory performance of children with ADHD but does not normalize it. Children with ADHD showed a decrease in performance over time. The strongest incentives normalized the pe...



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Summaries and study assistance via VSPA

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