Travel to Mexico to backpack, study, intern, volunteer, work or live as a digital nomad, expat or emigrant?

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Intro: life and experiences in Mexico

Backpacking in Mexico

  • Mexico is frequently visited by backpackers as part of a longer Central and/or South American trip, as well as for trips of a few weeks, or for stays of a few months.
  • Characteristics: Mayan culture, many traveling nationalities, nature above and below water, music, sun, good food.
  • Surfing hotspots include Puerto Escondido, Puerto Angel and Bahías de Huatulco.

Travel in Mexico

  • A trip through Mexico is a journey through beautiful mountains, along pearly white beaches and through atmospheric villages and cities.
  • Cities to spot: Guadelajara, Merida, Oaxaca, San Cristobal de las Casas, San Miguel de Allende.
  • Nature spotting: Cañon del Sumidero, Lacandona jungle, waterfalls of Aguazul, beaches of Tulum or Playa del Carmen.
  • Animal spotting: monkeys, whales, sea turtles.

Studying in Mexico

  • Language courses: Merida, Monterrey, Oaxaca, Playa del Carmen.
  • Studies: basically all subjects and forms of education can be found. Studies like archaeology, architecture, anthropology, biology, psychology and philosophy predominate.
  • Study cities: Mexico City, Oaxaca.

Internships in Mexico

  • Internships: internships can be found in all sectors of society. The tourism sector has the most offerings. Certainly also opportunities around biodiversity, welfare, agriculture, health care and education.
  • Internship cities: Guadelajara, Mexico City, Oaxaca, Playa del Carmen, Puerto Vallarta.
  • Characteristics: also the work culture is generally very “mañana,” screw your pace back and make sure you have learned Spanish beforehand.

Doing volunteer work in Mexico

  • Volunteer projects: especially in the social sectors and wildlife management.
  • Animal projects: protection of monkeys and whales and sea turtles, among others.
  • Characteristics: volunteering possible from 1 or 2 weeks to several months.

Working in Mexico

  • Jobs: temporary work can be found mainly in the sectors: hospitality and tourism.
  • Characteristics: keep in mind the mañana work culture, make sure you have a good basic knowledge of Spanish and set yourself up for work for food and lodging.

Working as a digital nomad in Mexico

  • Favorite cities: Baja Peninsula, Guadelajara, Chapala area, Oaxaca, Puerto Econdido, Puerto Vallart, San Miguel de Allende.

Living in Mexico

  • Language: Spanish is really the basics. English is spoken in the better-known cities and locations.
  • Health care: modern, fairly standard, no extremely high costs, though everything in Spanish and often longer wait and acceptance times at local insurance companies. Most expats and nomads have their own (international) health insurance.
  • Characteristics: The extremely hospitable atmosphere and the mañana mentality often make you feel at home very quickly. For years, Mexico has scored high on the lists of countries where expats and digital nomads like to live. The quality of life is often rated as very good. The food is often rated highly and costs are relatively low. Many places have a pleasant climate. Depending on the location, crime can be an issue, though.
Spotlight stories and suggestions related to Mexico

Dit gerecht heeft mijn hart gestolen. Mijn lievelings eten in mijn gast gezin in Costa Rica. Dit gerecht is Mexicaans maar wordt overal in latijns amerika gegeten. Soort tomatensoep met avocado kaas en kip. Als ik dit gerecht zie denk ik aan Costa Rica en mijn gast gezin. Reeds heb ik dit voor vrien...


Altijd handig om bij de hand te hebben voor een snel succes voor vrienden of vrijdagen


    • 4 eetl olie
    • 400 gram rijst, lange korrel
    • 1 ui gesnipperd
    • 1 groene paprika in stukjes
    • 1 theel gemalen komijn (djinten)
    • 1 theel koria...


    Guacamole: easy, quick, delicous, healthy and vegan! Who doesn't love it? You can dip your nachos in it, spread it on toast or put it as a topping on your rice bowl! Here's how I make mine: Ingrediënts

    • 2 Ripe avocados
    • Jalapenos or chili peper to preference of heat (I prefer f...


    Did you know that there are areas in which you are not allowed to use regular sunblock? In Mexico for example, there are several marine parks (Cozumel, Chankanaab, Xcaret, Xel Ha, and Garrafon) where you can't swim while wearing regular sunblock, so you'll need an alternative.  So why are you n...

    Favorite stories, blogs and texts related to Mexico
    What are the best places to go to in Mexico?

    What are the best places to go to in Mexico

    • The high and often snow-capped peaks of the Popocatépetl and Nevado de Toluca volcanoes are easy to climb. You can even take a spectacular dive into the water-filled craters.
    • The reefs of Los Manchones, Cuevones, Chital and La Band...

    Favorite tips and suggestions related to Mexico

    Altijd handig om bij de hand te hebben voor een snel succes voor vrienden of vrijdagen


      • 4 eetl olie
      • 400 gram rijst, lange korrel
      • 1 ui gesnipperd
      • 1 groene paprika in stukjes
      • 1 theel gemalen komijn (djinten)
      • 1 theel koria...


      Guacamole: easy, quick, delicous, healthy and vegan! Who doesn't love it? You can dip your nachos in it, spread it on toast or put it as a topping on your rice bowl! Here's how I make mine: Ingrediënts

      • 2 Ripe avocados
      • Jalapenos or chili peper to preference of heat (I prefer f...


      Frida Kahlo & Diego Rivera: A Love Revolution Deze maand zijn in Amstelveen de wereldberoemde stukken te bewonderen het kunstenaarskoppel uit revolutionair Mexico. De modernisten schilderden ten tijde van de Mexicaanse revolutie, een periode aan het begin van de 20e eeuw waarin men in opstand kw...


      Dit gerecht heeft mijn hart gestolen. Mijn lievelings eten in mijn gast gezin in Costa Rica. Dit gerecht is Mexicaans maar wordt overal in latijns amerika gegeten. Soort tomatensoep met avocado kaas en kip. Als ik dit gerecht zie denk ik aan Costa Rica en mijn gast gezin. Reeds heb ik dit voor vrien...

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