Examtests with of Pioneers of Psychology by Fancher and Rutherford - 5th edition
- Philosophy of the mind: what are the thoughts of Descartes, Locke and Leibniz? - Exams 2
- Physiologists of the mind: which important scientists are investigating the brain in the period between Gall and Penfield? - Exams 3
- The sensing and perceptive mind: what developments took place in this area in the period between Kant and the Gestalt psychologists? - Exams 4
- How did Wundt develop experimental psychology? - Exams 5
- What is the impact of Darwin's ideas on psychological concepts? - Exams 6
- Measuring the mind: what are Galton's thoughts about individual differences? - Exams 7
- American pioneers: what are the thoughts of James, Hall, Calkins and Thorndike? - Exams 8
- Psychology as behavioral science: how is this area influenced by Pavlov, Watson and Skinner? - Exams 9
- Social psychology: how did this
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