Backpacking and travel abroad

Around & Abroad: Suggestions, Summaries, Texts, Tips, Themes & Vacancies




Backpacking and travel around the world

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Fair backpacking - Sustainable travel


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Backpacking and travel your way around the world - Theme
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Travel, living and working in Spain - Theme

Work, intern, volunteer, study, travel, live or backpack in Spain

Going to Spain for work, internship, volunteer project, study, travel, living or backpacking

With over 1600 kilometres of coast line and its outlying Balearic and Canary Islands, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that Spain is known for the sun-sea-party package holidays. But there is more. A lot more. From rich cultural heritage, beautiful architecture,

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Some tips for a more eco-friendly trip

When traveling we often drop our good habits that we adhere to at home. No matter where you go, maybe a trip in your own country, or somewhere far away. For example when out and about during a city trip I end up buying way more plastic bottles of water and packaged food.

I've found some tips for traveling that

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Travel, living and working in The Philippines - Theme

Moving and living in Philippines for work, internships, volunteering, study, travel or backpacking

The Philippines consists of 7,107 islands, of which only a part is inhabited. You will find many Bounty beaches and an amazing underwater world where you can snorkel with whale sharks, for example. Visit one of the small uninhabited islands and imagine yourself in paradise or climb one of the many volcanoes. The Philippines has great differences

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philippines flag

Reisblogs, tips en ervaringen


Het maken van een bijzondere reis staat bij veel mensen hoog op de bucketlist. Het plannen en uitvoeren kan echter een lastig proces zijn. Want waar je begin je en hoe maak je een keuze tussen alle mogelijkheden als je een reis wil maken? Op WorldSupporter hebben al verschillende mensen hun tips en ervaringen gedeeld. Deze heb ik verzameld

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Is duurzaam reizen moeilijk?


Duurzaam reizen is 'vakantie vieren met op de bestemming rekening houden met het milieu, de mensen, de natuur en de cultuur, zodat reizen in de toekomst ook nog goed mogelijk is' (Handboek Duurzaam Toerisme VVKR, oorspronkelijke bron: MVO Nederland). Het is een verantwoordelijke vorm van reizen die het milieu op de bestemming geen schade toebrengt en het welzijn van de

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Wel of niet afreizen naar een door een ramp getroffen gebied: toerisme helpt?


Een tsunami die verwoestend werkte in grote delen van Indonesië, Thailand, Sri Lanka en India. Een terreuraanslag in Sri Lanka. Een orkaan die huishoudt op de Bahama's. Door de jaren heen worden populaire reizigersbestemmingen regelmatig getroffen door natuur- of ander geweld. Noodhulpverleners reizen af, donaties stromen vaak in grote getale binnen, maar wat iedere keer voorál ook helpt is

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Choosing sustainable outdoor gear


In 2019, it's hard to ignore thinking about how your consumption choices affect the world. While you're probably familiary with the bad impacts of flying, the meat and dairy industry and the plastic soup that we call oceans, the textile industry hasn't entirely made it's way into the spotlights. 

A couple of months ago I saw the documentary "Stacey Dooley

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Displaying 33 - 36 of 101
Hongkong: Updates & Travel
  • Travel in Hongkong?
  • Updates Hongkong
  • Travel in Hongkong?

    • Visit Hong Kong: Be impressed by the gigantic skyline, go shopping, eat dim sum, or rest on the beaches and party at Hong Kong's various clubs. It is a strange sensation of a city with a kind of spl...
Sint Maarten: Updates & Travel
  • Travel in Sint Maarten?
  • Updates Sint Maarten
  • Travel in Sint Maarten?

    • St. Maarten is an island in the Caribbean divided into two parts, with a French part in the north and a Dutch part in the south. Free movement exists between the two halves. So you can easil...
Bahrain: Updates & Travel
  • Travel in Bahrain?
  • Updates Bahrein
  • Travel in Bahrain?

    • Bahrain is an archipelago of islands in the Persian Gulf and the smallest nation in the Middle East. The archipelago consists of 33 islands connected by bridges. The landscape of these islands consists main...
Abu Dhabi, Dubai & United Arab Emirates: Updates & Travel
  • Travel in Abu Dhabi, Dubai & United Arab Emirates?
  • Updates Abu Dhabi, Dubai & United Arab Emirates
  • Travel in Abu Dhabi, Dubai & United Arab Emirates?

    • An emirate is a type of province of a country governed by a member of the elite, ru...


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Selected spotlight content related to Backpacking and travel abroad
Planning your trip for travel abroad: where and when to go?
  • When to plan a travel trip?
  • What are tips concerning the travel time?
  • How much time you need to visit a certain regions or countries?
  • Best travel times: what is de the best time to go to ...?
  • When to plan a travel trip?

    • When you are planning ...

What is the world?

  • The world generally refers to the earth and everything that lives, grows and flourishes on it. The earth as the home of all animals and nature.

What meanings does the world have?

  • Sometimes the world does not only mean the earth and everything on it, bu...


Wat is een globetrotter? Een globetrotter is iemand die gedurende langere tijd in meerdere landen van de wereld werkt, woont of op doorreis is. Wat is een wereldreiziger? Een wereldreiziger is iemand die gedurende langere tijd door meerdere landen in de wereld aan het reizen is, waarbij de landen ov...

  • Highlights of Curaçao
  • Health and safety in Curaçao
  • Transport in Curaçao
  • Accommodation, food and drinks in Curaçao
  • Curaçao is part of the Dutch Antilles in the Caribbean area which also consists of islands like Aruba ...

Spotlight: favorites

Spotlight stories and suggestions related to Backpacking and travel abroad

Climate has been on the forefront of international negotiations in the past decades. The evidence of human-induced climate change and its consequences is abundant and ever increasing. While states are delving into seemingly never-ending negotiations, citizens and other non-state actors are increasin...


What is the world?

  • The world generally refers to the earth and everything that lives, grows and flourishes on it. The earth as the home of all animals and nature.

What meanings does the world have?

  • Sometimes the world does not only mean the earth and everything on it, bu...


In 2019, it's hard to ignore thinking about how your consumption choices affect the world. While you're probably familiary with the bad impacts of flying, the meat and dairy industry and the plastic soup that we call oceans, the textile industry hasn't entirely made it's way into the spotl...

Spotlight summaries related to Backpacking and travel abroad
What is ecotourism?

Ecotourism is a travel philosophy that promotes responsible exploration of natural environments. It prioritizes minimal environmental impact, education for tourists, and supporting conservation efforts and local communities. What are main features of ecotourism?

  • Focus on nature: Ecotourism ...

What is sustainable tourism?

Sustainable tourism is a travel philosophy that minimizes negative impacts on the environment, respects local cultures, and ensures economic benefits are shared with host communities. It aims to balance the needs of tourists with the long-term well-being of a destination. What are some main features...

What is tourism?

Tourism can be understood in two ways:

  • The act: Traveling for leisure, relaxation, or business to a place outside your usual environment. This includes activities you do at the destination.
  • The industry: The businesses and services that cater to tourists, like hotels, airlines, tou...

Selected Worldsupporter pages in relation with the topic