The Happiness Bundle: content and contributions about the science of happiness


Content and contributions for the science of happiness, contentment and meaningful life

Bundle items:
Article summary of Very happy people by Diener & Seligman. (1)

Article summary of Very happy people by Diener & Seligman. (1)

What is this article about?

This is a research report of an experiment where 222 undergraduates were screened for high happiness. The upper 10% of consistently very happy people were compared with average people and very unhappy people. This study has tried to find out what some factor might be that influence high happiness: social relationships, personality and psychopathology, and variables that have been related to subjective well-being in correlational studies. It also examined whether there was a variable that was sufficient for happiness and a variable that was necessary for happiness (sufficient: everyone with the variable is happy, necessary: every happy person has the variable).

What were the results?

On a scale from 5 to 35, the very happy group scored about 30 on life satisfaction. The very happy people had virtually never thought about suicide, could recall many more good events in their lives than bad ones, and had many more positive than negative emotions on a daily basis. The very unhappy people were dissatisfied with life and had equal amounts of positive and negative affect on a daily basis. They reported this about themselves, but their friends and family also rated them dissatisfied. The average group was in the middle of these two groups. 

The biggest difference between the very happy group and the average and very unhappy group, was in their fulsome and satisfying interpersonal lives. The very happy people spent the least time alone and the most time socializing and valued their more
Activities abroad, study fields and work areas: 
IBP Social Psychology Summary - Dealing with Adversity and Achieving a Happy Life -ch 12

IBP Social Psychology Summary - Dealing with Adversity and Achieving a Happy Life -ch 12

Social and Organizational Psychology

IBP 2017-2018



Dealing with Adversity and Achieving a Happy Life


Stress: a contributing factor to psychological and physical health problems

  • Can stem from traumatic events, or frequent daily hassles
  • Interferes with the operation of the body’s immune system, and can be measured at the cellular level
  • Stress can be reduced by social support

Loneliness: when a person has fewer and less satisfying relationships than desired

  • If you see your personality as “fixed”: you are likely to react to rejection by cutting yourself off from others
  • If you perceive yourself as capable of change: experience rejection as an opportunity for future improvement or growth
  • Interventions related to self-change help to improve people’s resilience in the face of stress and reduce the likelihood of depression


  • Experiencing discrimination based on disability, sexual minorities, and weight, is associated with harm to well-being
  • Weight discrimination predicts mortality

Improving mental health

  • Regular exercise
  • Social support has shown to be beneficial for people with PTSD
  • Joining groups can foster social connectedness and help prevent depression
  • Practicing self-forgiveness

Is the legal system fair?

  • Understand potential sources of error and bias within the current system
  • Lineups used to identify criminal suspects are subject to bias if all the suspects are shown at once (simultaneous lineup)
  • In legal proceedings, defendants’ race, gender, physical attractiveness, and socioeconomic status can influence jurors’ perceptions and judgments

Happiness: often referred to as subjective more
Science of Happiness articles

Science of Happiness articles

Article summary with Beyond the hedonic treadmill: Revising the adaptation theory of well-being - Diener, E. et al.

What is this article about?

The hedonic treadmill model is a model that supposes that good and bad events can only temporarily affect happiness. According to this model, everyone always adapts back to hedonic neutrality. This leads to the conclusion that it is pointless to try and increase happiness. The poorest diseased beggar with no social connections could be just as happy as the healthy billionaire with a lot of close and supportive relationships. But is this really true? This article will make five important revisions to the hedonic treadmill model:

  1. Individuals' set points are not hedonically neutral.
  2. People have different set points, partly depending on their temperaments.
  3. A single person may have multiple happiness set points.
  4. Well-being set points can change under some conditions.
  5. Individuals differ in their adaptation to events.


What is the hedonic treadmill theory?

In 1971, Brickman and Campbell came up with the hedonic treadmill. According to them, processes similar to sensory adaptation occur when people experience emotional reactions to life events. Just like we get used to sensory input and are quickly not aware anymore of smells or sounds, we adapt to emotions as well. Myers added to this theory that every desirable experience is transitory. According to the original treadmill theory of Brickman and Campbell, people briefly react to good and bad events, but in a short time they return to neutrality. The theory is based on the automatic habituation model in which psychological systems react to deviations from one's current adaptation level. Automatic habituation processes are adaptive because they allow constant stimuli to fade into the background.

In 1978, Brickman, Coates, and Janoff-Bulman offered initial empirical support for the treadmill model. Brickman more
Personal competences & Meaningful goals: 
Science of Happiness EN artikelen

Science of Happiness EN artikelen

  • heb je de opdracht doorgenomen en weet je wat er van je verwacht wordt?


  • heb je originelen die nodig zijn voor de opdracht in huis of weet je hoe je daar aan gaat komen?

Ik ga ze opzoeken via Google Scholar 

  • heb je minimum en maximum omvang bekeken en heb je daar vragen of opmerkingen over?

Ik heb ze bekeken. Ik hoop binnen de 32.000 woorden te kunnen blijven, maar dat kan wellicht nog uitlopen naar 40.000 of 45.000 omdat er 28 artikelen zijn.

  • heb je de auteursrichtlijnen doorgenomen en heb je daar nog vragen of opmerkingen over?

Ja, geen vragen

  • ben je bekend met het werken via JoHo WorldSupporter en heb je daar nog vragen of opmerkingen over?

Ja, geen vragen

  • heb je de data voor voortgangscontroles en deadlines gezien en heb je daar nog vragen of opmerkingen over?

Ja, geen vragen

  • heb je de opbouw voor de vergoedingen bekeken en heb je daar nog vragen of opmerkingen over?

Ja, geen vragen

  • heb je de mogelijkheden voor bonussen bekeken en ben je van plan daar gebruik van te maken of wil je dat later beslissen?

Ja, ik ga er gebruik van maken. 

  • heb je verder nog vragen over de opdracht, de richtlijnen of de werkwijze rondom deze opdracht?


Some key differences between a happy life and a meaningful life - Baumeister e.a. - Article

Some key differences between a happy life and a meaningful life - Baumeister e.a. - Article

What is this article about?

Two of the most widely held goals by which people measure and motivate themselves are happiness and a meaningful life. In this article, the relationship between these two goals is discussed. More specifically, although there certainly is (much) overlap between these two, the focus here is on the differences.

How can happiness be defined?

Happiness generally refers to a state of subjective well-being. Happiness be may narrowly or broadly focused: one can be happy to have found a lost key, but one can also be happy that the war has ended. Happiness is conceptualized and measured by researcher in at least two different manners. The first one concerns affect balance, which suggests that happiness is an aggregate of how one feels at different moment. Happiness is then defined as having more pleasant than unpleasant emotional states. The second one concerns life satisfaction, which goes beyond momentary feelings. It refers to an integrative, evaluative assessment of one's entire life. Generally, assessing both of these provides a useful index of subjective well-being.

How can a meaningful life be defined?

Meaningfulness is considered to concern both a cognitive and emotional assessment more
Activities abroad, study fields and work areas: 
Study Guide with article summaries for Science of Happiness at the University of Utrecht

Study Guide with article summaries for Science of Happiness at the University of Utrecht

Article summaries with Science of Happiness at the University of Utrecht

Table of content

  • Revising the adaptation theory of well-being
  • Strengths and weaknesses of self-report measures of subjective well-being
  • Is the study of happiness a worthy scientific pursuit?
  • Non-traditional measures of subjective well-being and their validity
  • Concepts and components of well-being
  • What are the possibility, desirability, and justifiability of happiness?
  • Three revolutions in the global history of happiness
  • What is well-being?
  • What is eudaimonia?
  • The relationship between cognitive outlooks and well-being
  • Affective forecasting and impact bias explained
  • Factors that might influence high happiness
  • The dark side of happiness
  • Increasing happiness
  • The Sustainable Happiness Model (SHM)
  • Using Positive Psychological Interventions (PPIs) to increase subjective well-being
  • Impact of the size and scope of government on human well-being
  • Well-being in metrics and policy
  • Subjective well-being and national satisfaction
  • Can and should happiness be a policy goal?
  • Including subjective well-being measures in government policies
  • The relationship between materialism and well-being
  • Affect and emotions as drivers of climate change perception and action
  • How pro-environmental behavior can both thwart and foster well-being
  • The relationship between social bonds and well-being
  • The relationship between social capital, prosocial behavior, and subjective well-being
  • Marriage, parenthood and well-being
  • The relationship between close relationships and health more
Activities abroad, study fields and work areas: 
Living a a more or less happy and meaningful life - Theme
The Promise of Sustainable Happiness (summary)

The Promise of Sustainable Happiness (summary)

The Promise of Sustainable Happiness

Boehm, J. K., & Lyubomirsky, S. (in press). The promise of sustainable happiness. In S. J. Lopez (Ed.), Handbook of positive psychology (2nd ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press

The article suggests that, despite several barriers withholding people to increase their well-being, less happy people can successfully strive to be happier by learning a variety of effortful strategies and practicing these with determination and commitment. They use the sustainable happiness model (by Lyubomirsky, Sheldon and Schkade, 2005) as theoretical framework. According to the model, three factors contribute to an individual’s happiness level:

  • The set point

  • Life circumstances

  • Intentional activities/effortful acts that are episodic and naturally variable

The journey to happiness has always and still is of great interest, there is empirical evidence that it even leads to positive life outcomes such as a higher income and stronger relationships. The question, however, is whether people can actually attain a level of sustainable happiness.

To answer this question, we first we look at what happy and unhappy people are like:

The first thing that comes to mind is the difference between their ‘objective’ circumstances that could cause a difference in their level of happiness. Some examples include: marital status, age, sex, culture, income etc. It is shown, however, that these factors do not explain the variation in people’s level of well-being.

The article proposes that happiness and unhappiness is due to the subjective experience and construal of the world by people. They interpret their environment differently, leading the authors to explore an individual thoughts, behaviors and motivations. Happier people see the world in a more positive, and thus happiness-promoting, way. Research suggests that happy people are this way because of multiple adaptive strategies:


Research that involved having happy more
Wat is life admin anxiety?

Wat is life admin anxiety?

Life admin anxiety is een term die de overweldigende stress en angst beschrijft die wordt veroorzaakt door de opbouw van dagelijkse taken, vaak aangeduid als "life admin". Dit kunnen taken zijn zoals het betalen van rekeningen, het maken van afspraken, het organiseren van papieren en het uitvoeren van huishoudelijke taken. Hoewel deze taken op het eerste gezicht eenvoudig lijken, kunnen ze overweldigend worden wanneer ze zich opstapelen en als een constante last voelen.

Wat zijn de belangrijkste symptomen van life admin anxiety?

  • Overweldigd voelen: Het gevoel hebben dat er te veel taken zijn om aan te kunnen.
  • Procrastinatie: Taken uitstellen, waardoor ze nog lastiger lijken.
  • Perfectionisme: Streven naar perfectie, waardoor het moeilijk wordt om taken af te ronden.
  • Gebrek aan organisatie: Een ongeorganiseerde aanpak, waardoor het moeilijk is om taken te beheren.
  • Fysieke symptomen: Hoofdpijn, vermoeidheid, spierspanning.
  • Emotionele symptomen: Prikkelbaarheid, angst, depressie.

Waarom is life admin anxiety belangrijk?

Life admin anxiety kan een aanzienlijke impact hebben op je dagelijks leven. Het kan leiden tot verminderde productiviteit, problemen in relaties en een negatieve invloed hebben op je algemene welzijn.

Wat is de prevalentie in Nederland?

  • Er zijn geen specifieke cijfers beschikbaar over de prevalentie van life admin anxiety in Nederland. Dit komt doordat het geen officiële diagnose is.
  • Echter, gezien de toenemende drukte en complexiteit van het moderne leven, wordt aangenomen dat een groeiend aantal mensen hiermee te maken heeft.

Hoe werkt life admin anxiety in de praktijk?

Stel je voor dat je een lange lijst met taken hebt, zoals het regelen van een verhuizing, het aanvragen van een nieuw paspoort en het betalen van verschillende rekeningen. Het gevoel van overweldiging kan ervoor zorgen dat je deze taken uitstelt, waardoor de stress alleen maar toeneemt. Dit kan leiden tot een vicieuze cirkel van uitstelgedrag en toenemende more
Activities abroad, study fields and work areas: 
Supporting content & Crossroads:
Living a a more or less happy and meaningful life - Theme
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