Cognitive psychology and the mind


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Cognitive psychology and the mind


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What is cognitive psychology?

What is cognitive psychology?

Cognitive psychology dives into the fascinating realm of human thought, exploring how we take in, process, store, and utilize information. It examines the mental processes underlying our ability to learn, remember, solve problems, make decisions, use language, and ultimately, navigate the complexities of the world around us.

What are the main features of cognitive psychology?

  • Focus on Mental Processes: It dissects the internal workings of the mind, investigating how we perceive, attend to, encode, remember, and retrieve information.
  • Scientific Approach: Cognitive psychology relies on scientific methods like experimentation, observation, and brain imaging to understand mental processes.
  • Information Processing: This field often views the mind as an information processor, drawing analogies between how computers handle data and how our brains process information.
  • Cognitive Models: Cognitive psychologists develop models to explain how specific mental processes work, such as memory models or attention models.

What are important sub-areas in cognitive psychology?

  • Attention: How we focus our mental resources on specific aspects of information while filtering out distractions.
  • Learning: How we acquire new knowledge and skills through experience, conditioning, and observation.
  • Memory: How we encode, store, retrieve, and forget information. This includes different types of memory, such as short-term memory, long-term memory, working memory, and episodic memory.
  • Language: How we comprehend, produce, and use language to communicate and express ourselves.
  • Problem-Solving and Decision-Making: How we approach challenges, analyze situations, and make choices.
  • Reasoning and Judgment: How we use logic and evidence to form conclusions and make sound judgments.

What are key concepts in cognitive psychology?

  • Cognitive Load: The amount of information processing capacity that is being used at a given time.
  • Cognitive Bias: Systematic errors in thinking that can influence our judgments and decisions.
  • Heuristics: Mental shortcuts we use to simplify complex problems and make quicker decisions.
  • Mental Representations: The way we encode information in our minds, such as visual imagery or verbal codes.
  • Schema: A mental framework that helps us organize and interpret information.

Who are influential figures in cognitive psychology?

  • Jean Piaget (Psychologist): Pioneered the theory of cognitive development, proposing stages of cognitive growth in children.
  • Ulric Neisser (Psychologist): Emphasized the ecological approach to perception, highlighting how we perceive information in relation to our environment.
  • Donald Norman (Cognitive Scientist): A leading figure in human-computer interaction, bridging cognitive psychology with design principles.
  • Aaron Beck (Psychiatrist): Developed cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) based on the idea that dysfunctional thoughts contribute to emotional distress.

Why is cognitive psychology important?

  • Understanding Ourselves: Cognitive psychology sheds light on how we think, learn, and remember, providing a deeper understanding of the human mind.
  • Applications in Various Fields: This field has applications in education, where it informs teaching methods, and in artificial intelligence, where it helps develop intelligent machines.
  • Improving Everyday Life: Insights from cognitive psychology can help us improve memory strategies, enhance decision-making, and develop better learning techniques.
  • Mental Health Treatment: Cognitive psychology informs the development of therapies like CBT that target dysfunctional thought patterns.

How is cognitive psychology applied in practice? more
    What is brain studies?

    What is brain studies?

    Brain studies is an interdisciplinary field dedicated to the comprehensive exploration of the brain. It integrates various disciplines like neuroscience, psychology, computer science, and philosophy to understand the brain's structure, function, development, and impact on behavior.

    What are the main features of brain studies?

    • Holistic Approach: Examines the brain from multiple perspectives, encompassing biological, cognitive, and behavioral aspects.
    • Rapidly Evolving: Leverages advancements in technology like brain imaging and genetic analysis to continuously refine our understanding of the brain.
    • Collaboration is Key: Requires collaboration between researchers from diverse disciplines to unravel the brain's intricate workings.

    What are important sub-areas in brain studies?

    • Neuroanatomy: Focuses on the structure of the brain, including its various regions and their functions.
    • Neurophysiology: Investigates the electrical and chemical processes underlying brain function.
    • Cognitive Brain Science: Studies the neural basis of higher-order cognitive functions like memory, learning, language, and decision-making.
    • Behavioral Brain Science: Explores the relationship between brain activity and observable behaviors.
    • Computational Neuroscience: Develops computer models to simulate brain function and understand complex neural processes.

    What are key concepts in brain studies?

    • Neural Plasticity: The brain's remarkable ability to adapt and change throughout life, influencing learning, memory, and recovery.
    • Brain Lateralization: The specialization of function between the left and right hemispheres of the brain. For instance, language processing is typically dominant in the left hemisphere.
    • Connectome: The vast network of connections between neurons, forming the foundation of brain function and communication.
    • Neurotransmitters: Chemical messengers that facilitate communication between neurons, playing a crucial role in brain function, emotions, and behavior.

    Who are influential figures in brain studies?

    • Paul Broca: A pioneer in aphasiology, his work on patients with brain lesions revealed specific brain regions responsible for language production.
    • Karl Lashley: An influential figure in behavioral neuroscience, his research on memory and learning paved the way for further studies on brain function.
    • Eric Kandel: Conducted groundbreaking research on the cellular basis of learning and memory, earning a Nobel Prize for his work.

    Why is brain studies important?

    • Unlocking the Secrets of the Mind: Studying brains holds the key to understanding human consciousness, thought, emotions, and behavior.
    • Developing Treatments for Brain Disorders: A deeper understanding of the brain paves the way for developing effective treatments for neurological and mental health conditions.
    • Revolutionizing Technologies: Brain research inspires advancements in artificial intelligence, brain-computer interfaces, and potentially new educational methods based on how the brain learns best.

    How is brain studies applied in practice?

    • Diagnostics: Brain research leads to the development of new tools for diagnosing brain disorders, such as advanced brain imaging techniques like functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI).
    • Therapeutics: Understanding the brain informs the design of medications and therapies for brain disorders like Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and depression.
    • Neurorehabilitation: Brain research aids in developing rehabilitation techniques to help patients recover from brain injuries or strokes.
    • Education: Findings from brain research can inform educational practices by providing insights into how the brain learns most effectively.
    Cognitive psychology and the mind: The best textbooks summarized

    Cognitive psychology and the mind: The best textbooks summarized

    Summaries and Study Assistance with Cognitive psychology and the mind

    Table of content

    • Summary with the book: A Life in Error, From Little Slips to Big Disasters by Reason
    • Summary with the book: Attention: Theory and Practice by Johnson & Proctor
    • Summary with the book: Cognition by Chun and Most
    • Summary with the book: Cognitive Development and Cognitive Neuroscience: The Learning Brain by Goswami
    • Summary with the book: Cognitive development: The learning brain by Goswami
    • Summary with the book: Cognitive Psychology by Goldstein & Van Hooff
    • Summary with the book: Cognition: Exploring the Science of the Mind by Reisberg
    • Summary with the book: Consciousness: An Introduction - Blackmore, Troscianko
    • Summary with the book: Critical Thinking by Moore and Parker - 13th edition
    • Summary with the book: Emotion Science by Fox
    • Summary with the book: Essentials of Organizational Behavior: An Evidence-Based Approach by Scandura
    • Summary with the book: Sensation and Perception by Wolfe a.o.
    • Summary with the book: Streetlights and Shadows: Searching for the Keys to Adaptive Decision Making by Klein
    • Summary with the book: The Science of Consciousness by Harley
    • Summary with the book: Thinking, Fast and Slow by Kahneman

    About Cognitive psychology and the mind

    • Cognitive psychology is the study of mental processes, such as thinking, memory, attention, and perception. It investigates how people acquire, process, and store information. This field aims to understand how the mind works and how it influences our behavior.
    Cognitieve psychologie: De beste begrippen samengevat


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    Samenvatting: De psychologie van Emotie

    Hoofdstuk 1: wat zijn emoties en hoe worden zij bestudeerd?

    Dankzij de veranderingen in de definitie van emoties wordt het fenomeen ‘emoties’ sinds 1960 serieus genomen. Voor deze tijd waren emoties niet gewenst aangezien de ratio het hoogst bereikbare menselijke ideaal van de mens was, voor gevoelens was geen plaats (denk aan filosofen zoals Plato

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    Article summary with How can humans understand their automated cars? HMI principles, problems and solutions by Carsten and Martens - 2019

    What is this article about?

    The focus of this article is on Human Machine Interface (HMI) as main communication tool between any vehicle and the human driver. HMI includes all kinds of displays, visual and auditory, all vehicle controls that provide the communication and feedback between vehicle and driver. HMI is from even greater importance in fully automatic cars, providing mutual understanding and trust. In automated vehicles, HMI has to inform and support the human about its capabilities.

    In this article, goals of HMI will be established, based on “ten challenges”, of Klein et al. (2004), which are based on the four principles of proper human-agent activity, The four principles are an agreement that actors will work together, actors must be mutually predictable in their actions, actions must be mutually directable and a common ground has to be maintained. A proposal for fully automated vehicle HMI-system will be designed

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    Article summary with Perceptual Selectivity for Color and Form by Theeuwes - 1992

    What is this article about?

    The article by Theeuwes (1992) is about the ability of parallel stage visual processing to selectively guide the attention. Visual information processing consists of two stages. First, the early, preattentive stage, operating without capacity limitations. The attention cannot be selectively drawn to one certain stimulus. The second one, limited-attentive-capacity stage can only deal with one or few items at once. Hereby, the nature of a stimulus makes a difference. For example, when searching for a certain color, the form did not interfere, and when searching for a certain form among stimuli, the color did not interfere.

    Different theories describe the processes. One theory describing a bottom-up activation, indicating that parallel stage is followed by focal attention. Other theories focus on top-down processing, indicating that visual attention is always influenced by the knowledge about the target.

    In the experiments of this study, the question of

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    literatuursamenvatting cognitie en gedrag 22/23 Universiteit Utrecht

     hoofdstuk 1- introductie
    De geest: creëert en controleert mentale functies zoals perceptie, aandacht, geheugen, emoties, taal, beslissen, denken en redeneren (cognitie/mentale vaardigheden). Maakt representaties van de wereld (opereren/functioneren)

    Franciscus Donders: onderzoek naar reactietijd. dmv simpele reactietijd (snel mogelijk drukken na stimulus) en keuze-reactietijd (knop voor links/rechts ). Verschil hiertussen wijst op een mentaal proces geïnterpreteerd uit gedrag. 

    Wundt (structuralisme):  algehele ervaring wordt bepaald door basale elementen (sensaties) van de ervaring. Probeerde een ‘periodieke tabel van de geest’ te creëren door middel van analytische introspectie (ervaringen, gedachteprocessen als respons op stimuli)

    Ebbinghaus: Leren van ‘onzin-lettergrepen’. ‘savings method’. Savings= (originele benodigde tijd) - (tijd nodig om de lijst te herleren na een bepaalde tijd). Langere tussentijd leidt tot minder savings. 

    William James: observaties van de geest dmv introspecties over de werking van zijn eigen geest

    John Watson (behaviorisme): Gaat uit van meetbaar observeerbaar gedrag, niet onmeetbare processen zoals

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    Applied Cognitive Psychology - Practice exam mc questions - Leiden

    Multiple choice sample exam questions - Leiden University (2019)

    Lecture 2: Fundamentals

    The classic version of Broadbents Attentional Filter refers to an early selection of sensory information to enter perception, based on:

    • modality (e.g. auditory vs visual)
    • physical properties (pitch, color, loudness)
    • attended channel (e.g. left ear versus right ear)
    • all of the above - correct!

    (Lecture 2: Fundamentals) 

    According to the phonological loop model, remembering a series of digits in a language with longer number words, as compared to a language with shorter number words, will lead to:

    • a lower digit span correct!
    • a higher digit span
    • a slower digit span
    • a faster
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    Learning cognitive behavior therapy van Wright - Hoofdstuk 1

    Samenvatting van het eerste hoofdstuk van Learning cognitive behavior therapy (Wright) - geschreven in 2016, gedoneerd aan WorldSupporter

    Hoofdstuk 1

    Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) is gebaseerd op twee stellingen:

    1. Cognities hebben een controlerende invloed op gedrag en emotie, en
    2. Hoe we ons gedragen, kan invloed hebben onze gedachtepatronen en emoties.

    Beck was de eerste die cognitieve methoden bedacht voor de behandeling van psychopathologie. Hij focuste in eerste instantie op maladaptief informatie verwerken in depressie en angst, waaruit zijn cognitieve triade volgde: negatief beeld van zelf, wereld en toekomst. Het gedragscomponent van CBT komt uit de jaren ‘50/’60 met behavioristen als Skinner, Pavlov. Wolpe en Eysenck kwamen met systematische desensitisatie en relaxatie. De nadruk lag op exposure. Later werden cognitieve en gedragsmatige componenten samengevoegd door onder andere Meichenbaum en Lewinsohn, volgens hen voegde het cognitief perspectief diepte, context en begrip toe aan gedragsinterventies. Ook Beck was voor de

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    Cognitive Psychology by K. Gilhooly, F. Lyddy, and F. Pollick (first edition) – Summary chapter 14

    Emotion refers to a number of mental states that are relatively short-lived and are associated with an eliciting event. There are four key features of emotions:

    1. Emotions are bounded episodes elicited when an event occurs that is of relevance to the organism’s needs, goals or well-being.
    2. Emotions prepare the organism to act so as to deal with an event.
    3. Emotions affect most or all bodily systems.
    4. Emotions establish control precedence over behaviour.

    Emotions provide us with essential feedback on the execution of our plans relative to our goals. Emotions have not been studied a lot, because it was first seen as irrational and it is difficult to study. The amygdala (fear), the orbitofrontal cortex (anger) and the cingulate cortex (sadness) are involved in emotions. The insula has been linked to disgust. The default network is a network of brain regions that

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    Cognitive Psychology by K. Gilhooly, F. Lyddy, and F. Pollick (first edition) – Summary chapter 12

    Syntax refers to the rules governing the ways words can be combined to create meaningful sentences. Content words are words that provide meaning to the sentence. Language production refers to a number of processes by which we convert thought into language output, in the form of speech, sign language or writing. Social cognition refers to the ways in which people make sense of themselves and of others in order to function effectively in a social world. Speech production proceeds in a top-down manner, also known as conceptually driven.

    Language is important for information sharing and promoting social interaction. Language can be used through writing and speech. Mental lexicon is our store of knowledge about words and their uses. Linguistic universals are linguistic features said to be found in all languages. There are several linguistic universals, such as consonants, vowels, negatives, questions and so on. Tonal languages are

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    Summary of Cognition by Chun and Most - 1st edition
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    Cognitive psychology and the mind: The best textbooks summarized

    Summaries and Study Assistance with Cognitive psychology and the mind Table of content

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    What is cognitive psychology?

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