Goal 3: Good Health and Well-Being for People

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Latest changes or updates tagged with: Goal 3: Good Health and Well-Being for People

Finding free and local volunteering opportunities


Hi everyone!

Today I want to talk about volunteering. Not just any volunteering, but volunteering with small organisations/individual people.

In the past few years, conventional volunteering through for example large organisations has been receiving a lot of criticism. The main example being volunteer schemes at orphanages in Africa, where kids meet new volunteers every week, get

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Stress, Health & Disease - Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers (ch17)

Chapter 17: A view from the bottom


Poor health can be caused by our bad living situations and our position in society (pollution, no heat in winter, overcrowded apartment etc.)

Once social groups in animals have been established, those who are lower ranking become more chronically stressed (in most cases). This is mainly caused by lack of control, predictability and outlets for frustration.

While rank is an important predictor of individual differences in stress-response, the meaning of the rank for the individual and the psychological baggage that accompanies it in a society is just as important.


Do humans have ranks?

  • Humans tend to belong to a number of different ranking systems simultaneously
  • There are certain realms we might excel in and some where we don’t
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Centrale Plastic Bank zorgt voor inkomstenbron én minder plastic


Ik lees een interessant artikel over het initiatief van David Katz, een ontwikkelingsondernemer uit Canada die de Plastic Bank heeft opgezet. Plastic wordt tegen een eerlijke prijs ingekocht bij verzamelers in ontwikkelingslanden, vervolgens verscheept naar westerse landen, die het recyclen voor industrieel gebruik.

Twee vliegen in één klap

Plastic als inkomstenbron voor mensen die normaliter nauwelijks inkomsten hebben. Als

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To be or not to be a vegetarian while travelling

Although eating vegetarian for over 20 years (yeah, was one of those 8 years olds who realized killing animals is sad, and then never changed my mind), travelling is one of my main reasons to make an exeption. Although I was SO HAPPY in India for just being able to order ANYTHING (well, in most parts of the country

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Basic Water Needs and their Impact


Basic Water Needs

Basic Water Needs (BWN) is widely recognized for its impact in developing, producing and distributing water purification and conservation products; creating access to safe drinking water for everyone. Over the last 10 years, BWN has supplied our innovative Dutch-designed Tulip water filters to more than 2,000,000 people worldwide, offering safe and durable drinking water products that

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Tips To Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

We often hear the phrase, “it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle in order to live longer”. But what really is a “healthy lifestyle”? Does it merely involve eating right and working out or is there more to the picture? There are several things that contribute to improving one’s lifestyle and this varies from person to person.

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To be or not to be a vegetarian while travelling

Although eating vegetarian for over 20 years (yeah, was one of those 8 years olds who realized killing animals is sad, and then never changed my mind), travelling is one of my main reasons to make an exeption. Although I was SO HAPPY in India for just being able to order ANYTHING (well, in most part...

Tips To Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

We often hear the phrase, “it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle in order to live longer”. But what really is a “healthy lifestyle”? Does it merely involve eating right and working out or is there more to the picture? There are several things that contribute to impr...


Ikigai: Finding Your Life’s Purpose   Ikigai is a Japanese word that roughly means: “reason to live”.  People usually search for their ikigai when they wish to decide on a career path. The following technique could be especially useful for university students or anyone un...


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Favorite stories and suggestions related to Goal 3: Good Health and Well-Being for People

Arepas are corn pancakes/bread that can be eaten in all kinds of ways. If I understood correctly, arepas are mostly eaten like a kind of sandwich in Colombia (so cut open the arepa and put stuffing inside), while in Ecuador I mostly got it as a kind of thick pancake with other things on top.  ...


Na ongeveer een week weer terug in Nederland te zijn begin ik Oeganda wel weer te missen :'( het waren 2 onvergetelijke weken. Ik mocht genieten van de zon, de projecten, de bevolking, de natuur en de groep wereldsupporters. Als je Oeganda en Nederland naast elkaar zet zijn er natuurlijk veel v...

Wie is Jitse Bouma (Stichting DreamCycle)

Mijn naam is Jitse Bouma, ik ben fanatiek sporter en groot liefhebber van reizen. Sinds september 2018 fiets ik van Nederland naar India om geld in te zamelen voor het Prinses Maxima Centrum. Waarom ga ik 10.000 km’s fietsen voor kinderen met kanker? Op mijn 12de kreeg ik leukemie. G...

Favorite summaries and study notes related to Goal 3: Good Health and Well-Being for People
Learning the art of helping (Young, 5th edition)
  • 1. A Personal Approach to Helping Others
  • 2. Helping Basics
  • 3. The Helping Relationship
  • 4. Invitational Skills: Nonverbal Skills and Opening Skills
  • 5. Reflecting Skills Part 1: Reflecting Thoughts: Paraphrasing
  • 6. Reflecting Skills Part 2: Reflec...
rijkdom en armoede

Deze samenvatting is gebaseerd op het studiejaar 2013-2014.

  • Inleiding
  • Hoofdstuk 1. De ongelijkheden van de natuur
  • Hoofdstuk 2. Antwoorden op geografie: Europa en China
  • Hoofdstuk 3. Europese uitzonderlijkheid: een andere weg
  • Hoofdstuk 4. De ontdekking van...

Spotlight content related to Goal 3: Good Health and Well-Being for People
rijkdom en armoede

Deze samenvatting is gebaseerd op het studiejaar 2013-2014.

  • Inleiding
  • Hoofdstuk 1. De ongelijkheden van de natuur
  • Hoofdstuk 2. Antwoorden op geografie: Europa en China
  • Hoofdstuk 3. Europese uitzonderlijkheid: een andere weg
  • Hoofdstuk 4. De ontdekking van...

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