Labor psychology and organizational psychology


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Labor psychology and organizational psychology


What is organizational psychology?

  • Organizational psychology deals with the relationship between the employee and the social work environment. The relationship with the organization as a whole, the parts of the organization, where partse within which one works and working with colleagues
  • Organizational psychology can also be seen as a combination of skills and knowledge that can be applied to various aspects of life and not just work. For example, organizational psychologists have recently begun researching green society, especially green businesses. Another example of an aspect to which organizational psychology can be applied is poverty (Conte & Landy)

What is labor psychology or occupational psychology?

  • Occupational psychology deals with the relationship between characteristics of work and employee functioning, specifically how employee and employer feel about it
  • For example, the workload, work ethic, the degree of independent decision making, the degree of responsibility one can or cannot handle.

What is personnel psychology?

  • Personnel psychology deals with the relationship between the motivation and performance of an employee in an organization .
  • For example, by training employees, providing insight into personal development or stagnation or, for example, specific recruitment and selection.

What is social psychology?

  • Social psychology deals with the psychosocial aspects of group processes and social interactions in general


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Labor- and organizational psychology: The best textbooks summarized

Labor- and organizational psychology: The best textbooks summarized

Summaries and Study Assistance with Labor- and organizational psychology

Table of content

  • Summary with the book: Agents and Instruments of change by Cawsey
  • Summary with the book: Applied Psychology in Human Resource Management by Cascio and Aguinis - 7th edition
  • Summary with the book: Cross-Cultural Management by Thomas and Peterson - 4th edition
  • Summary with the book: Essentials of Organizational Behavior: An Evidence-Based Approach by Scandura
  • Summary with the book: Foundations of sport and exercise psychology by Weinberg
  • Summary with the book: Getting to yes: negotiating an agreement without giving in by Fisher a.o. - 3rd edition
  • Summary with the book: Human Resource Management: Functions, Applications, and Skill Development by Lussier and Hendon - 3rd edition
  • Summary with the book: Introduction to Human Resource Management by Banfield and Kay - 2nd edition
  • Summary with the book: Mastery in Coaching by Passmore - 1st edition
  • Summary with the book: Organizational Behavior by Neck a.o. - 3rd edition
  • Summary with the book: Organizational Behavior: Emerging Knowledge. Global Reality by McShane and Von Glinow - 9th edition
  • Summary with the book: Organisational Behaviour by Sinding and Waldstrom - 6th edition
  • Summary with the book: Organizational Change: Theory and Practice by Burke 4th edition
  • Summary with the book: Organization Theory: Modern, Symbolic, and Postmodern Perspectives by Hatch and Cunliffe
  • Summary with the book: Social Psychology and Organizations by De Cremer a.o.
  • Summary with the book: Straight choices: The psychology of decision making by Newell a.o. 2nd edition
  • Summary with the book: The Psychology of Advertising by Fennis and Stroebe - 3rd edition
  • Summary with the book: Understanding and Managing Organizational Behavior by George and Jones - 6th edition
  • Summary with the book: Work in the 21st century: An introduction to Industrial and Organizational Psychology by Conte and Landy - 6th edition

About Labor- and organizational psychology

  • Organizational psychology focuses on understanding individual and group behavior within organizational settings, while labor psychology concentrates on matching people to jobs and optimizing workplace productivity.
Summaries and supporting content: 
What is labor psychology?

What is labor psychology?

Labor psychology, while not as widely recognized as other psychology subfields, delves into the psychological aspects of work. It examines the relationship between individuals and their work environment, focusing on how work impacts employees' well-being, motivation, and performance.

What are the main features of labor psychology?

  • Focus on the Workplace: It explores the psychological factors influencing employee behavior, attitudes, and experiences within the work environment.
  • Human Factors: Labor psychology considers how job design, ergonomics, and organizational culture impact employees.
  • Motivation and Engagement: This field studies what motivates employees to perform well and feel engaged in their work.
  • Well-being and Stress: Labor psychology examines how work can impact employee stress levels, job satisfaction, and overall well-being.

What are important sub-areas in labor psychology?

  • Occupational Stress: Studies the causes and consequences of work-related stress, and strategies for stress management.
  • Organizational Culture: Examines how an organization's values, beliefs, and practices influence employee behavior and well-being.
  • Work Motivation: Explores the factors that drive employee motivation, satisfaction, and commitment to their work.
  • Leadership Psychology: Studies the impact of leadership styles on employee motivation, engagement, and performance.
  • Human-Computer Interaction: Examines how technology design and usability influence work efficiency and employee well-being.

What are key concepts in labor psychology?

  • Job Satisfaction: The extent to which an employee feels fulfilled and satisfied with their work.
  • Work Motivation: The internal and external factors that drive an employee to exert effort towards work goals.
  • Organizational Culture: The shared values, beliefs, and behaviors that characterize an organization.
  • Occupational Stress: The physical and psychological strain caused by work demands, exceeding an employee's ability to cope.
  • Work-Life Balance: The ability to manage personal and professional demands effectively to achieve well-being.
  • Ergonomics: The science of designing workplaces and equipment to fit the needs of the human body, promoting safety and comfort.

Who are influential figures in labor psychology?

  • Frederick Winslow Taylor (Management Consultant): Pioneered scientific management, focusing on efficiency and productivity in the workplace, though his ideas have been criticized for neglecting the human element.
  • Elton Mayo (Industrial Psychologist): Conducted the Hawthorne Studies, highlighting the importance of social factors on employee motivation and productivity.
  • Abraham Maslow (Psychologist): Developed the hierarchy of needs, a theory of motivation that can be applied to understanding employee needs and motivation in the workplace.
  • Frederick Herzberg (Psychologist): Proposed the two-factor theory of job satisfaction, differentiating between factors that motivate (motivators) and those that merely satisfy basic work needs (hygienes).

Why is labor psychology important?

  • Enhanced Employee Well-being: Helps create workplaces that promote employee well-being and reduce work-related stress.
  • Increased Productivity: Understanding employee motivation and engagement can lead to improved performance and productivity.
  • Reduced Turnover: By addressing factors like job satisfaction and work-life balance, labor psychology can help reduce employee turnover.
  • Improved Work Design: Informs the design of safe, efficient, and user-friendly workplaces that optimize employee performance.
  • Positive Organizational Culture: Labor psychology can guide the development of a positive and supportive organizational culture that fosters employee engagement.

How is labor psychology applied in more


Latest blogs, jobs, projects, organizations, and tips tagged with: Labor psychology and organizational psychology

Summary of The Psychology of Advertising by Fennis and Stroebe - 3rd edition - Exclusive

Summaries per chapter with The Psychology of Advertising

Table of content

  • Chapter 1 - How is the stage of advertising prepared?
  • Chapter 2 - How is information from advertising acquired and processed by consumers?
  • Chapter 3 - What is the effect of advertising on memories of consumers?
  • Chapter 4 - How do consumers develop judgements and feelings about products?
  • Chapter 5 - When are consumers persuaded and are their attitudes changed?
  • Chapter 6 - In what ways does advertising influence buying behavior?
  • Chapter 7 - How is consumer compliance achieved without changing attitudes?
  • Chapter 8 - What does advertising in the new millennium look like?

Summary of Organizational Behavior: Emerging Knowledge. Global Reality by McShane and Von Glinow - 9th edition - Exclusive

Summaries per chapter with Organizational Behavior: Emerging Knowledge. Global Reality

Table of contents

  • Chapter 1 - What does the field of organizational behavior entail?
  • Chapter 2 - Which individual differences, personality aspects and values are there?
  • Chapter 3 - How do we perceive ourselves and others in organizations?
  • Chapter 4 - How do emotions, attitudes and stress develop in the workplace?
  • Chapter 5 - What are the foundations of employee motivation?
  • Chapter 6 - What are applied performance practices?
  • Chapter 7 - What do decision making and creativity in organizations entail?
  • Chapter 8 - Why are team dynamics important?
  • Chapter 9 - Why is communicating in teams and organizations important?
  • Chapter 10 - How do power and influence play a role in the workplace?
  • Chapter 11 - What role do conflict and negotiation play in the workplace?
  • Chapter 12 -
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Samenvattingen per hoofdstuk bij de 9e druk van Organizational Behavior: Emerging Knowledge. Global Reality van McShane & Von Glinow

Samenvattingen per hoofdstuk bij Organizational Behavior: Emerging Knowledge. Global Reality

Samenvattingen per hoofdstuk bij Organizational Behavior: Emerging Knowledge. Global Reality

  • Voor samenvattingen bij alle hoofdstukken van de 9e druk van Organizational Behavior: Emerging Knowledge. Global Reality van McShane & Von Glinow, zie de supporting content van deze pagina


  • Hoofdstuk 1 - Wat houdt het vakgebied organisatiegedrag in?
  • Hoofdstuk 2 - Welke individuele verschillen, persoonlijkheidsaspecten en waarden zijn er?
  • Hoofdstuk 3 - Hoe zien we onszelf en anderen in organisaties?
  • Hoofdstuk 4 - Hoe ontwikkelen emoties, attitudes en stress zich op de werkvloer?
  • Hoofdstuk 5 - Wat is de basis van de motivatie van medewerkers?
  • Hoofdstuk 6 - Wat zijn toegepaste prestatiepraktijken?
  • Hoofdstuk 7 - Wat houdt besluitvorming en creativiteit in organisaties in?
  • Hoofdstuk 8 - Waarom is teamdynamiek belangrijk?
  • Hoofdstuk 9 - Waarom is communiceren in teams
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Samenvatting bij de 2e druk van Organizational Behavior van Neck et al.

Samenvattingen per hoofdstuk bij de 2e druk van Organizational Behavior van Neck et al.


Summary of Getting to yes: negotiating an agreement without giving in by Fisher a.o. - 3rd edition - Exclusive

Summaries per chapter with Getting to yes: negotiating an agreement without giving in

Table of contents

  • Chapter 0 - What topics are involved in a succesful negotiation process?
  • Chapter 1 - What is positional bargaining?
  • Chapter 2 - How to separate the people from the problem?
  • Chapter 3 - How to identify and focus on the underlying interests in a negotiation?
  • Chapter 4 - How to invent options for mutual gain?
  • Chapter 5 - How to negotiate on the basis of objective criteria?
  • Chapter 6 - What if the other has a stronger bargaining position?
  • Chapter 7 - What if the other side does not want to negotiate?
  • Chapter 8 - How to deal with a hard bargainer?
  • Chapter 9 - Who is winning the negotiation?
  • Chapter 10 - How to deal with different people and different circumstances and what is the role of negotiation power?

Summary of Work in the 21st century: An introduction to Industrial and Organizational Psychology by Conte and Landy - 6th edition - Exclusive

Summaries per chapter with Work in the 21st century: An introduction to Industrial and Organizational Psychology

Table of content

  • What is work and organizational psychology? - Chapter 1
  • Which research methods are used in work and organizational psychology? - Chapter 2
  • What are individual differences and what is assessment? - Chapter 3
  • What is Job Analysis and Performance? - Chapter 4
  • What are performance measurements? - Chapter 5
  • How are staffing decisions made? - Chapter 6
  • What is training? - Chapter 7
  • How does motivation and work work? - Chapter 8
  • How do emotions affect work? - Chapter 9
  • What is the relationship between stress and work? - Chapter 10
  • What about fairness, justice and diversity in the workplace? - Chapter 11
  • What is leadership within organizations? - Chapter 12
  • How do teams work in organizations? - Chapter 13
  • What
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Samenvatting van Work in the 21st century: An introduction to industrial and organizational psychology van Conte en Landy - 6e druk - Exclusive

Samenvattingen per hoofdstuk bij Work in the 21st century: An introduction to industrial and organizational psychology


  • Hoofdstuk 1 - Wat is arbeids- en organisatiepsychologie?
  • Hoofdstuk 2 - Welke onderzoeksmethoden worden er gebruikt in de arbeids- en organisatiepsychologie?
  • Hoofdstuk 3 - Wat zijn individuele verschillen en wat is assessment?
  • Hoofdstuk 4 - Wat zijn baananalyse en prestatie?
  • Hoofdstuk 5 - Wat zijn prestatiemetingen?
  • Hoofdstuk 6 - Hoe worden personeelsbeslissingen gemaakt?
  • Hoofdstuk 7 - Wat is training?
  • Hoofdstuk 8 - Wat houdt motivatie om te werken in?
  • Hoofdstuk 9 - Op welke manier beïnvloeden emoties het werk?
  • Hoofdstuk 10 - Wat is de relatie tussen stress en werk?
  • Hoofdstuk 11 - Wat is de rol van eerlijkheid, gerechtigheid en diversiteit op de werkvloer?
  • Hoofdstuk 12 - Wat is leiderschap binnen organisaties?
  • Hoofdstuk 13 - Wat is de rol van teams in organisaties?
  • Hoofdstuk 14 - Welke organisatorische theorieën
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Samenvatting van An Introduction to Contemporary Work Psychology van Peeters e.a. - 1e druk - Exclusive

Samenvattingen per hoofdstuk bij An Introduction to Contemporary Work Psychology


  • Chapter 1 - Wat houdt arbeidspsychologie in en hoe is dit studiegebied ontstaan?
  • Chapter 2 - Welke onderzoeksmethoden worden gebruikt in de arbeidspsychologie?
  • Chapter 3 - Welke job design modellen zijn er?
  • Chapter 4 - Wat zijn de huidige theoretische perspectieven in de arbeidspsychologie?
  • Chapter 5 - Hoe meet je werklast?
  • Chapter 6 - Wat zijn de gevolgen van kwalitatieve eisen op het werk?
  • Chapter 7 - Wat zijn de sociale aspecten van werk en controle op het werk?
  • Chapter 8 - Hoe geschiedt herstel na veeleisende werkuren?
  • Chapter 9 - Hoe wordt technologie ontworpen en gebruikt op het werk?
  • Chapter 10 - Wat is de relatie tussen de werkgerelateerde uitkomsten en individuele kenmerken?
  • Chapter 11 - Hoe is de interactie tussen werk en familie?
  • Chapter 12 - Wat is het verband tussen verveling, burn-out en
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Studiegids met oefen- en voorbeeldtentamens voor Sociale en Organisatiepsychologie aan de Universiteit Leiden

Oefen- en voorbeeldtentamens bij Sociale en Organisatiepsychologie aan de Universiteit Leiden



  • Voorbeeldtentamen bij Sociale en Organisatiepsychologie
  • TentamenTests met 30+ meerkeuzevragen en 10+ open vragen bij Sociale en Organisatiepsychologie
  • TentamenTests bij de 2e druk van Organizational Behavior van Neck e.a.
  • TentamenTests bij de 2e druk van Social Psychology van Heinzen & Goodfriend
  • TentamenTests bij Sociale en organisatiepsychologie 2016/2017
  • TentamenTests bij Sociale en organisatiepsychologie 2012/2013


  • Study guide with practice exams for Social and Organisational Psychology at the Leiden University



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Een slechtnieuwsgesprek is een gesprek waarin je iemand negatieve of onaangename informatie moet overbrengen. Dit kan gaan om ontslag, een slechte prognose in de zorg, of een overlijden. Wat zijn de belangrijkste kenmerken van een slechtnieuwsgesprek?

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Wat is een slechtnieuwsgesprek?

Een slechtnieuwsgesprek is een gesprek waarin je iemand negatieve of onaangename informatie moet overbrengen. Dit kan gaan om ontslag, een slechte prognose in de zorg, of een overlijden. Wat zijn de belangrijkste kenmerken van een slechtnieuwsgesprek?

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Labor- and organizational psychology: De beste artikelen samengevat

Labor- and organizational psychology: De beste artikelen samengevat

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