Travel to The Netherlands to backpack, study, intern, volunteer, work or live as a digital nomad, expat or emigrant?

Intro: life and experiences in The Netherlands

Backpacking in the Netherlands

  • The Netherlands for short travel distances, lots of roads to cycle or hike, long beaches with relaxing beach bars everywhere, extensive festival summer, international backpacker scene in Amsterdam and The Hague, lots of culture, and a still quite open society.

Travel in the Netherlands

  • Check the architecture in the many medieval cities, the many art museum and the extensive music scene
  • Cities spotting: Delft, Deventer, Haarlem, Leiden, Middelburg
  • Nature spotting: flower bulb fields in April, national park De Hoge Veluwe, the Frisian lakes and lake areas in South Holland

Studying in the Netherlands

  • Studies: Almost all programs at universities and colleges offer international programs
  • Popular cities to study in: Delft, Groningen, Leiden, Utrecht
  • Universities: Amsterdam, Delft, Eindhoven, Groningen, Leiden, Maastricht, Nijmegen, Rotterdam, Tilburg, Utrecht, Wageningen
  • Characteristics: Many international students, intense student life with many (and some international) student associations in most student cities

Internships in the Netherlands

  • Internship opportunities are available in all sectors of society from marketing to education and from research to engineering.
  • There are also a broad scala of opportunities for international students for practical internships and regular research internships.

Volunteering in the Netherlands

  • Volunteer projects are available especially in the fields of nature management, the care sector and in the cultural sector.
  • Characteristics: The Netherlands has a strong volunteer culture where every village and town has a local extensive network of volunteer organizations.

Working in the Netherlands

  • Temporary work can be found in the sectors: hospitality, retail, agriculture, fruit growing and tourism.
  • Characteristics: non-hierarchical and direct work culture (especially comparing with surrounding countries), varying work ethos per sector, much work is export and international-oriented..

Working as a digital nomad in the Netherlands

  • Excellent digital infrastructure with widespread availability of high-speed internet and coworking spaces.
  • Favorite cities: Amsterdam, Maastricht, Rotterdam, Utrecht.

Living in the Netherlands

  • Language: To live and work in the Netherlands, you do not need to have speak Dutch, most people are able to speak English. Of course it is highly appreciated when you do and it does not hurt to take a course in Dutch.
  • Characteristics: Prepare yourself for a fairly direct culture where people rarely look at you to see if you might have long or sensitive toes.
  • The attitude of the Dutch is generally relaxed and efficient when it comes to the practicalities of life.
  • Prepare for an entrepreneurial atmosphere that is reflected in both business and social life.

Supporting content

Supporting content:
Travel, living and working in The Netherlands (Holland) - Theme
Studying in the Netherlands - WorldSupporter Theme

Studying in the Netherlands - WorldSupporter Theme

Studying in the Netherlands When you're planning to study in The Netherlands you'll probably looking for housing, getting a health insurance and want to know more about rules and regulations when working in The Netherlands. This page can be a starting point to get the information you're looking for.
WorldSupporter: theme pages for activities abroad
Backpacking and travel your way around the world - Theme
Emigration and moving abroad - Theme
Internships Abroad - Theme
Learning languages and language courses abroad - Theme
Remote working abroad for digital and global nomads - Theme
Study your way around the world - Theme
TEFL: Teaching English as a Foreign Language and learning English - Thems
Travel insurances and insurances for long term abroad - Theme
Volunteer abroad - Theme
Working Abroad & Working Holidays - WorldSupporter Theme


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Kom GoedEten in Den Haag! Haagse koks die koken voor Haagse klanten met zo veel mogelijk producten uit (de omgeving van) Den Haag. Hiermee bieden we de mogelijkheid om Hagenaars & Hagenezen gezonder te voeden en voedselkilometers te verkorten. Je kan dus eten, of vrijwilligerswerk komen doen (in ruil voor een ervaring en GoedEten op de dag van je shift). more

Summary of the Book Psychological Communication (H. van der Molen, G. Lang, P. Trower & R. Look, 2nd edition, 2020)

Here, there are all the summaries of the chapters of the book Psychological Communication, by H. van der Molen, G. Lang, P. Trower & R. Look. It's the 2nd edition, done in 2020.

Hope you enjoy!


“…each observer gains a partial superiority of insights from the peculiar position in which he stands.” (William James, 1899)

Chapter 1: Intro

1.1 Purpose and Structure

  • Part I: processes involved in counselling
    • Chapter 2&5: theory underlying counselling, nature of effective helping-skills based on theories
    • Chapter 2: philosophy for working with people on their personal problems
    • Chapter 3: client-centred therapy
  • Part II: detailed description of concrete skills needed to help a person
    • Chapter 6: nature and function of the basic skills needed to conduct a counselling interview
    • Chapter 7: more complect skills
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de Haagse Vrouwendag


Help een ander met de nieuwjaars wishlist: quality time, zelf-liefde, tijd voor jezelf. Dat is niet voor iedereen even makkelijk en vanzelfsprekend. Op dit moment wordt er weer ingezameld voor de Haagse Vrouwendag. Doe je mee?

Op Internationale Vrouwendag - altijd begin maart -  zet de Kessler Stichting traditiegetrouw vrouwen uit de maatschappelijke opvang voor dak- en thuislozen more

Summary of Chapter 12 of the How Children Develop Book (Robert Siegler, 1st Edition)

This is the Chapter 12 of the book How Children Develop (Robert Siegler, 1st Edition). Which is content for the exam of the Theory component of Module 2 (Social Behaviour) of the University of Twente, in the Netherlands.


Ch. 12: Influence of family on development children

Family structures:

Number of relationships and members of households

  • Increase number of single parents --> tendency to be found below the poverty line
  • Older parents --> increased financial resources
  • Grandparents present household --> negative effects on development
  • Decreased family size --> increase birth control, women’s work ambitions, and divorce
  • Teenager pregnancies --> weak parenting skills -->
    • Disorganized attachment style
    • Weak impulse control
    • Delay cognitive development
    • Increased chance of delinquent behaviour and sexual behaviour

Parents same sex:

Children don’t differ

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Summary of Chapter 14 of the How Children Develop Book (Robert Siegler, 1st Edition)

This is the Chapter 14 of the book How Children Develop (Robert Siegler, 1st Edition). Which is content for the exam of the Theory component of Module 2 (Social Behaviour) of the University of Twente, in the Netherlands.


Ch.14: Moral Development

Moral Judgment:

Morality in certain actions is no obvious, hence reasoning is crucial

Piaget’s Theory of Moral Judgment:

  • Heteronomous Morality: [age < 7]. Right and wrong as basis to determine consequences. Rules are perceived as real and unchangeable
  • Transitional Period: [7-10 years old]. Increased active role in reasoning of right or wrong. Peer interaction is very influential
  • Autonomous Morality: [11-12 years old]. Consider motives and intentions when assessing behaviour. No longer blindly accepting rules

Kohlberg’s Theory:

  • Theory of Moral Judgment (Kohlberg): describes stages that are discontinuous and hierarchical
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    Summary of Chapter 13 of the How Children Develop Book (Robert Siegler, 1st Edition)

    This is the Chapter 13 of the book How Children Develop (Robert Siegler, 1st Edition). Which is content for the exam of the Theory component of Module 2 (Social Behaviour) of the University of Twente, in the Netherlands.


    Ch. 13: Peers & Child Development

    Importance of playing:

    • Play: voluntary activity, with the motivation of own pleasure. It contributes to the social, emotional, cognitive and physical development

    Types of play:

    Non-social types of play:

    • Unoccupied play: looking objects from environment, the attention is not held on anything specifically
    • Onlooker play: watching other kids playing
    • Solitary play: playing by yourself, not paying attention to others

    Social types of play:

    • Parallel play: when kids play next to each other, but not together
    • Associative play: kids playing together, doing same
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    Bundle of Summaries of Chapters for the Theory component of Module 2

    In this Bundle I added the summaries which are content for the exam of the Theory component of Module 2 (Social Behaviour) of the University of Twente, in the Netherlands, those are: 


    Summary of Chapter 12 of the How Children Develop Book (Robert Siegler, 1st Edition)


    Summary of Chapter 13 of the How Children Develop Book (Robert Siegler, 1st Edition)


    Summary of Chapter 14 of the How Children Develop Book (Robert Siegler, 1st Edition)


    Summary of Chapter 9 of the Social Psychology Book (Kassin, Fein, Markus

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    Summary of Chapter 9 of the Social Psychology Book (Kassin, Fein, Markus, 11th Edition)

    This is the Chapter 9 of the book Introduction to Kassin, S., Fein, S., Markus, H.R. (2021) Social Psychology, International Edition (11th edition). Which is content for the exam of the Theory component of Module 2 (Social Behaviour) of the University of Twente, in the Netherlands.


    Ch.9: Attraction & close relationships

    Need to belong:

    • Social Anxiety Disorder: intense discomfort when social situations are observed
      • Public-speaking Anxiety: stage of fright when public speaking


    • Need for affiliation: desire to establish and maintain rewarding relationships. When do we need affiliation?
      • Stress --> increase need for affiliation, specially if others face same threat
        • Cognitive clarity about threat danger
        • Unity
      • Feeling lonely
      • Lack of power


    Deprivation feeling about existing social

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    Ga je emigreren of denk je eraan? De emigratiebeurs is de beurs om naartoe te gaan voor emigranten, expats, studenten, ondernemers, werkzoekenden en andere landverhuizers vinden op de beurs per thema en regio het brede pakket van mogelijkheden, diensten en producten rond Wonen, Werken, Studeren en Ondernemen in het buitenland.

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    Spotlight stories and suggestions related to The Netherlands
    "Geen tijd" is geen excuus bij Utrecht Cares

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    Happietaria Utrecht

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    Must do in Utrecht

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