Travel to The Netherlands to backpack, study, intern, volunteer, work or live as a digital nomad, expat or emigrant?

Intro: life and experiences in The Netherlands

Backpacking in the Netherlands

  • The Netherlands for short travel distances, lots of roads to cycle or hike, long beaches with relaxing beach bars everywhere, extensive festival summer, international backpacker scene in Amsterdam and The Hague, lots of culture, and a still quite open society.

Travel in the Netherlands

  • Check the architecture in the many medieval cities, the many art museum and the extensive music scene
  • Cities spotting: Delft, Deventer, Haarlem, Leiden, Middelburg
  • Nature spotting: flower bulb fields in April, national park De Hoge Veluwe, the Frisian lakes and lake areas in South Holland

Studying in the Netherlands

  • Studies: Almost all programs at universities and colleges offer international programs
  • Popular cities to study in: Delft, Groningen, Leiden, Utrecht
  • Universities: Amsterdam, Delft, Eindhoven, Groningen, Leiden, Maastricht, Nijmegen, Rotterdam, Tilburg, Utrecht, Wageningen
  • Characteristics: Many international students, intense student life with many (and some international) student associations in most student cities

Internships in the Netherlands

  • Internship opportunities are available in all sectors of society from marketing to education and from research to engineering.
  • There are also a broad scala of opportunities for international students for practical internships and regular research internships.

Volunteering in the Netherlands

  • Volunteer projects are available especially in the fields of nature management, the care sector and in the cultural sector.
  • Characteristics: The Netherlands has a strong volunteer culture where every village and town has a local extensive network of volunteer organizations.

Working in the Netherlands

  • Temporary work can be found in the sectors: hospitality, retail, agriculture, fruit growing and tourism.
  • Characteristics: non-hierarchical and direct work culture (especially comparing with surrounding countries), varying work ethos per sector, much work is export and international-oriented..

Working as a digital nomad in the Netherlands

  • Excellent digital infrastructure with widespread availability of high-speed internet and coworking spaces.
  • Favorite cities: Amsterdam, Maastricht, Rotterdam, Utrecht.

Living in the Netherlands

  • Language: To live and work in the Netherlands, you do not need to have speak Dutch, most people are able to speak English. Of course it is highly appreciated when you do and it does not hurt to take a course in Dutch.
  • Characteristics: Prepare yourself for a fairly direct culture where people rarely look at you to see if you might have long or sensitive toes.
  • The attitude of the Dutch is generally relaxed and efficient when it comes to the practicalities of life.
  • Prepare for an entrepreneurial atmosphere that is reflected in both business and social life.

Supporting content

Supporting content:
Travel, living and working in The Netherlands (Holland) - Theme
Studying in the Netherlands - WorldSupporter Theme

Studying in the Netherlands - WorldSupporter Theme

Studying in the Netherlands When you're planning to study in The Netherlands you'll probably looking for housing, getting a health insurance and want to know more about rules and regulations when working in The Netherlands. This page can be a starting point to get the information you're looking for.
WorldSupporter: theme pages for activities abroad
Backpacking and travel your way around the world - Theme
Emigration and moving abroad - Theme
Internships Abroad - Theme
Learning languages and language courses abroad - Theme
Remote working abroad for digital and global nomads - Theme
Study your way around the world - Theme
TEFL: Teaching English as a Foreign Language and learning English - Thems
Travel insurances and insurances for long term abroad - Theme
Volunteer abroad - Theme
Working Abroad & Working Holidays - WorldSupporter Theme


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Landelijke Opschoondag


Op 19 maart is het de Landelijke Opschoondag. Een gezamenlijke voorjaarschoonmaak. Met meerdere(n) leuker en fijner dan alleen de buurt schoonmaken. Met z'n allen kan je meer dan alleen.

Summary of Chapter 16 of the Introduction to Health Psychology Book (Morrison & Bennet, 4th Edition)

This is the Chapter 16 of the book Introduction to Health Psychology (Val Morrison_ Paul Bennett) 4th Edition. Which is content for the exam of the component Health Psychology of Module 5 (Health Psychology & Applied Technology) of the University of Twente, in the Netherlands.


Ch.16: Pain

Functional, unpleasant, and it warns us of potential damage to the body. Reflex action, pull away from its cause or to try and reduce it in some way. May also signal onset of disease

  • Congenital universal insensitivity to pain (CUIP): die at a young age because they fail to respond to illnesses of which the main symptom is pain or to avoid situations that risk
  • Phantom limb pain: feel pain in non-existent limb, sometimes for many years

Types of pain:

  • Acute pain: lasting 3-6 six months, involving some form injury, generally pain
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Summary of Chapter 15 of the Introduction to Health Psychology Book (Morrison & Bennet, 4th Edition)

This is the Chapter 15 of the book Introduction to Health Psychology (Val Morrison_ Paul Bennett) 4th Edition. Which is content for the exam of the component Health Psychology of Module 5 (Health Psychology & Applied Technology) of the University of Twente, in the Netherlands.


Ch.15: Impact and outcomes of illness: families/informal caregivers

Family Affair:

  • Informal carers: untrained family members or friends, no clearly defined limits to their role
    • Positive effects of training caregivers in providing --> reduced caregiver burden, reduced anxiety and depression, and improved QoL for both the caregivers and their patients

Expectancies of care:

Gendered expectancies:

Societal expectation of caring being a ‘natural’ role for women, who are ‘expected’ to find family-oriented roles fulfilling, even in the absence of financial reward

  • Caring becomes stressful -->  is judged as ‘going
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Summary of Chapter 14 of the Introduction to Health Psychology Book (Morrison & Bennet, 4th Edition)

This is the Chapter 14 of the book Introduction to Health Psychology (Val Morrison_ Paul Bennett) 4th Edition. Which is content for the exam of the component Health Psychology of Module 5 (Health Psychology & Applied Technology) of the University of Twente, in the Netherlands.


Ch.14: impact/outcome illness, patient perspective


Impact of illness:

  • Generic model of emotional and coping responses from the onset of symptoms
    • Uncertainty: tries to understand the meaning and severity of the first symptoms
    • Disruption: when it becomes evident have significant illness --> crisis characterised by intense stress and a high level of dependence on health professionals and/or other people who are emotionally close to them
    • Striving for recovery: attempting to gain some form of control over their illness by means of active coping.
    • Restoration of well-being: motional equilibrium based on an acceptance of the
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Summary of Chapter 10 of the Introduction to Health Psychology Book (Morrison & Bennet, 4th Edition)

This is the Chapter 10 of the book Introduction to Health Psychology (Val Morrison_ Paul Bennett) 4th Edition. Which is content for the exam of the component Health Psychology of Module 5 (Health Psychology & Applied Technology) of the University of Twente, in the Netherlands. 


Ch.10: the consultation and beyond

Medical consultation:

Nature of encounter:

  • Phases of consultation:
  1. relationship with the patient.
  2. reason for the patient’s attendance.
  3. verbal or physical examination
  4. considers the condition.’
  5. considers further treatment or further investigation.
  • “Good” medical consultation:
  1. Good medical knowledge
  2. Good relationship with the patient
  3. Establishing patient’s medical problem
  4. Understanding of the patient’s understanding of their problem and its ramifications
  5. Engaging the patient in any decision-making process
  6. Not rushed

Who has the power?

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    Summary of Chapter 9 of the Introduction to Health Psychology Book (Morrison & Bennet, 4th Edition)

    This is the Chapter 9 of the book Introduction to Health Psychology (Val Morrison_ Paul Bennett) 4th Edition. Which is content for the exam of the component Health Psychology of Module 5 (Health Psychology & Applied Technology) of the University of Twente, in the Netherlands. 


    Ch.9: Symptoms experienced and interpreted

    Sensation illness:

    • Illness: changes in bodily sensations and functions, goes to the doctor. Includes changes in bodily functions (e.g. increased frequency of urination), emissions (such as blood in one’s ­ urine), sensations (e.g. numbness, loss of vison) and unpleasant sensations (e.g. fever, pain, nausea)
      • views about health --> prior experience of illness and their understanding of medical knowledge
    • Disease: wrong organs, cells or tissues

    Perception symptoms:

    Sick recognition process: 1. Noticing, 2. Interpreting, 3. Planning/take action

    • The attentional model of Pennebaker (1982):
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    Summary of Chapter 7 of the Introduction to Health Psychology Book (Morrison & Bennet, 4th Edition)

    This is the Chapter 7 of the book Introduction to Health Psychology (Val Morrison_ Paul Bennett) 4th Edition. Which is content for the exam of the component Health Psychology of Module 5 (Health Psychology & Applied Technology) of the University of Twente, in the Netherlands. 


    Ch. 7: Health problems prevented


    • OXCHECK Study Group (1994): invited to attend a ‘health check’, participants were advised healthy-initiatives when necessary --> one-year follow-up, participants’ blood pressure levels were lower than those of people who did not take part in the screening programme
    • Body Mass Index: measurement relative percentages of fat/muscle mass body à BMI = weight (kg) divided by height (m) squared
    • Colposcopy: low-power microscope to identify cells may develop into cancer of the cervix. Sometimes follows a cervical smear if abnormalities are found.
    • Cervical smear: smear of cells taken from cervix --> examine
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    Summary of Chapter 6 of the Introduction to Health Psychology Book (Morrison & Bennet, 4th Edition)

    This is the Chapter 6 of the book Introduction to Health Psychology (Val Morrison_ Paul Bennett) 4th Edition. Which is content for the exam of the component Health Psychology of Module 5 (Health Psychology & Applied Technology) of the University of Twente, in the Netherlands. 

    Ch. 6: Behind changing behaviour

    Development interventions:

    General Health Interventions: change behaviour entire population

    • PRECEDE-PROCEED model: identifies a range of psychosocial variables that could be the target of any intervention
      • Predisposing factors: knowledge/attitudes/personal preferences/existing skills and self-efficacy in relation desired behaviour
      • Enabling factors: environment facilitate behaviour changes (availability and accessibility of resources)
      • Reinforcing factors: factors reward desired behaviour change (ex: social support/economic rewards/social norms)
    • Phases of implementaton:
    1. Social diagnosis: planners impression health problems affect community
    2. Epidemiological/behavioural/environmental diagnosis: identification and assessment health issues, and related behavioural and environmental influences
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    Summary of Chapter 11 of the Introduction to Health Psychology Book (Morrison & Bennet, 4th Edition)

    This is the Chapter 11 of the book Introduction to Health Psychology (Val Morrison_ Paul Bennett) 4th Edition. Which is content for the exam of the component Health Psychology of Module 5 (Health Psychology & Applied Technology) of the University of Twente, in the Netherlands. 


    Ch.11: Stress, health and illness


    • Stimulus or event external to the individual
    • Psychological transaction between the stimulus event and the cognitive and emotional characteristics of the individual
    • Physical or biological reaction

    Life events theory (Holmes and Rahe, 1967):

    Naturally occurring life events --> unitary consequences + cumulative effects

    • SRRS, Holmes and Rahe 1967: social readjustment rating scale, with values (life change units [LCU]) from 11 (minor violations of law) to 100 (maximum value was assigned to death of a spouse).
      • Social readjustment: intensity/length of time necessary to
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