WorldSupporter profile of ED LOOGE reizen naar West Afrika en Uganda
Travel & Move: 
I've traveled for over 15 years to West- Africa and started with organising travels for others with the people from Burkina Faso.
It's a good thing to do, working together with the people of the countrie themselves. they now the most beautiful spots, the special things (for us, not for them!) and they are so proud to show them to you. In this way they can earn their money by showing us their world.
Experience & Leisure: 
After working together with the guides and drivers I started to cooperate with the artists.
Now it's possible to work together with them, they teach you how to make a bronzen statue or a batik or a bogolan (a so called mudcloth). The experience to be have a group of white people as students and one or more black people as teachers is a 180 degree switch of the situation that is more common...most of the time white people came and told them how to do and act. We have fun together and respect and we'll go home with lot of nice things, selfmade with a little help of our friends!
Learn & Develop: 
Help & Change: 
We have a little shop of arts and handicraft from West- Africa FasoFair, which we buy from the artists for a fair price and sell at home. Part of the money returns to Burkina Faso.
We help some projects like a little school in a small village, a house for teenage girls who are pregnant and some kids goint to school. We work together with other projects sometimes wenn we need more money to support them.
Work & Initiate: 
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rondreis door Burkina Faso

Morgen vertrekken we weer naar Burkina Faso, voor de meer dan 30-ste keer denk ik.. ik ben opgehouden te tellen. Zaterdag a.s. volgt de groep waar we vervolgens een rondreis door dit nog vrij onbekende en weinig toeristische land gaan maken. Via Facebook houden we volgers op de hoogte en vanaf nu oo...

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