WorldSupporter profile of Thubten Pema Tenzin

English School Bihar

Travel & Move: 
"My most special experience during my travels is ...... "
Experience & Leisure: 
"One of my contributions to the World during my leisure time is ... "
Learn & Develop: 
"I support the JoHo World Supporter 'Summary Bank' so students from less developed countries can use summaries & study support for free"
Help & Change: 
"I support World Supporter by sharing my profile"
Work & Initiate: 
"My favorite sustainable employer (so far) is... .. "
My Latest Activity
Odisha Orphanage needs help asap

"KINDERMISSIE" Regd.No-42/07 At / po-Chandragiri-761.017, Gajapati-dist, State- Odisha, India. Milan Nayak <> Regisseur / oprichter Milan Niyak Kumar je bent de zegen van deze behoeftige weeskinderen die wanhopig zijn   Eervolle Heren knecht, Groeten aan u in Lo...

hariharpur dalit onaanraakbare dorpsschool

Contactpersoon voor ESL Teacher Volunteers: Ven.Minh Toa e-mail: mobiel: 0091-9939995330 Let op: Als je wilt Vrijwilliger, neem dan ten minste één maand van te voren contact op met Ven.Minh Toa zodat alle afspraken kunnen worden gemaakt. Het maken van arrangementen ...

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