Be and feel conscious of appreciation: blogs, contributions, stories, summaries and tips

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Mensen kunnen je vertellen over de geuren en kleuren van Afrika, over de dankbaarheid en openhartigheid van haar mensen en over een manier van leven die hier bijna ondenkbaar is. Je kunt er over lezen in boeken en je ziet de beelden op tv. Maar het zal nooit hetzelfde zijn als wanneer je dit zelf me...


Who are the happiest people in the world? When I was living in the Philippines, to me the filipinos were the happiest. And I have traveled a lot. The filipinos themselves, also said to me, multiple times, different people, they were the happiest. Time for me to dive more into the topic Happiness.&nb...


Actually Gretchen Rubin wrote the book the Happiness Project. She blogs personally every year something about her Happiness Project. I was inspired by her and tried to make my own list, a little bit of her and a little bit of myself, custom made. Very personal, but on the other side it isnt.  I...

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