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To have integrity: discover or develop competences, qualities, traits and signals

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To have integrity: discover or develop competencies, qualities, traits and signals

What is integrity?

What is integrity?

  • You have integrity when your actions - in word and behavior - are in line with generally accepted social and ethical norms and values, even under difficult circumstances and/or pressure to deviate from them.
  • You are accountable for this and holding others accountable for it.
  •  Integrity is about doing what you say, and saying what you do.

What are the concepts and competencies associated with integrity?

  • Being respectful
  • Being honest
  • Being trustworthy
  • Being responsible

What are related concepts and forms of integrity?

What is respect?

  • Respect is a feeling or expression by which you show that you accept someone as a worthy and valuable human being.

What is honesty?

  • Honesty is a quality that includes personal integrity or an absence of deception, lies or obfuscation of facts.

What is being trustworthy?

  • Being trustworthy wll mean being someone in whom others can have confidence

What is sense of responsibility?

  • A sense of responsibility means that you take into account general and organizational social and ethical norms in your dealings


More supporting content:
Themes: main theme pages for personal competences, skills and values

Themes: main theme pages for personal competences, skills and values

WorldSupporter theme pages for personal competences, emotions and values

Gain and improve academic skills - Theme
Skills: home page
Discussions and Debates - Theme
Discovering and improving personal values, skills, qualities and emotions
Teaching materials and preparing lessons abroad - Theme
Sustainable live, travel and work - Theme
Sustainable shopping and recycling - WorldSupporter Theme
Living a more or less happy and meaningful life - Theme


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Ga aan de slag als au pair in China en maak kennis met het Chinese gezinsleven

  • Je helpt mee met de dagelijkse verzorging van de kinderen in het gezin, zoals ontbijten, aankleden en naar school brengen. 
  • Je organiseert sport- en spelactiviteiten en geeft, afhankelijk van de leeftijd van het kind, Engelse les en huiswerkbegeleiding.
  • Je voert kleinschalige huishoudelijke taken uit.

Wat hou je er aan over?

  • Competenties: plannen, communiceren, stressbestending zijn, more



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