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What are lectures?

Lectures are basically talks given by an expert to a large audience, usually to teach them about a specific topic. They're a common way of learning in universities and colleges, but you might also find lectures at museums, libraries, or other institutions focusing on a topic relevant to their area o...

What are different tools for taking notes?

Taking effective notes can feel like climbing a mountain – overwhelming for students, professionals, and anyone seeking to learn new things. Mastering this skill offers significant benefits. As with climbing a mountain, there's no single "right" way. This guide give an overview of over 50 note...


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What is the world?

  • The world generally refers to the earth and everything that lives, grows and flourishes on it. The earth as the home of all animals and nature.

What meanings does the world have?

  • Sometimes the world does not only mean the earth and everything on it, bu...

Spotlight: favorites

Spotlight stories and suggestions related to All activities around and abroad
What is the mission, vision and concept of JoHo?

  Discover The World of JoHo..

  • What is the JoHo mission, vision and concept?
  • What is the JoHo target group?
  • What are the core JoHo themes?
  • How can JoHo support you?
  • How can you support JoHo?
  • What have JoHo and JoHo donors already achiev...

What is JoHo WorldSupporter, how to join and how can you contribute?

What is 'WorldSupporter'?

  • JoHo WorldSupporter is the online platform where individuals and organizations inspire and help each other on a local and global level
  • You can share and find everything you need to help another, travel responsibly, study well, develop yourself and work...

Selected Worldsupporter pages in relation with the topic
Crossroads: jobs and organizations