Taking a gap year, intermediate period or sabbatical abroad


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What is a gap year?

  • A gap year is a longer period between two courses, between a course and a job or between two jobs. Where you more or less consciously choose not to switch directly from one to the other. A gap year is generally not literally a year but can vary from a few months to a year

What are the pages involved on a gap year, intermediate period or sabbatical abroad?

  • see below on this page

What countries, regions and cities are related to a gap year?

What are the main activities related to a gap year or sabbatical?

What are the main organizations and sectors related to a gap year or sabbatical?

What are main study fields related to a gap year or sabbatical?

    What internships are related to a gap year or sabbatical?

    • See for internships and getting word experience abroad the main page about Internships and work experience
    • Check below for blogs, organizations, experiences and tips

    Which travel topics are related to a gap year or sabbatical?

    What volunteering jobs are related to a gap year or sabbatical?

    • See for volunteering, project support and volunteer projects the main page about  Volunteering and projects
    • Check below for blogs, contributions and tips

    Which work abroad is related to a gap year or sabbatical?

    • Check for jobs abroad, summer jobs or work and travel the main page about jobs, travel and work abroad
    • Check this page for blogs, contributions and tips

    Which competences and values are related to a gap year or sabbatical?

    Which Worldsupporter goals related to a gap year or sabbatical?

    What are the main topics in Dutch?


    More supporting content:
    Gap Year abroad: home bundle

    Gap Year abroad: home bundle

    Main content and contributions concerning a gap year, time out and sabbatical

    Gap Year, Time out and Sabbatical - Theme
    Gap year abroad: what is it, why do it, and where is the best place to go?
    Gap year: what does it get you?
    Sector: organizations for gap year activities abroad and sabbaticals


    Search a course, internship, job, project, suggestion or tips within the topic: 'Taking a gap year, intermediate period or sabbatical abroad'

    two ladies on a cliff looking over the caribbean ocean

    Weet je nog niet wat je wilt gaan studeren? Heb je komend jaar een tussenjaar en wil je daarvoor ook naar het buitenland? WereldRoute biedt een fantastisch meerweeks Gap Year programma aan waarmee je een beeld krijgt van je eigen kwaliteiten, vrijwilligerswerk gaat doen, je duikbrevet haalt en v...

    Activities abroad: home page

    From language courses to gap year abroad, from work experience to volunteering abroad, from paid work to internship abroad, from mountaineering to diving and from backpacking to travel around the world Activities abroad

    • What social activities can you do abroad?
    • What work related ac...


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    Activities abroad: home bundle


    Check or search summaries, tests and study assistance within topic: 'Taking a gap year, intermediate period or sabbatical abroad'


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    Summaries & Sharing Knowledge: home bundle


    Check all organizations related to: 'Taking a gap year, intermediate period or sabbatical abroad'

    Amauta Spanish School

    Amauta Spanish School in Cusco, Peru offers the unique opportunity to study and learn Spanish while immersed in the Peruvian culture. Join the Amauta Gap Year program to immerse yourself even deeper.


    Gapforce (voorheen ook werkend onder de naam Green Force) biedt vrijwilligerswerkprojecten en meerweekse tussenjaar programma's aan. Vrijwilligerswerk focust om conservation en opvang van wilde dieren


    Wil jij vrijwilligerswerk doen in Azië en een steentje bijdragen? Een steentje dat voor mensen in Azië een groot verschil kan maken? Houd jij ervan om mee te helpen aan een betere toekomst? Go Pure werkt in Cambodja, Thailand, Indonesië, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Vietnam en Mauritius met duur...

    The Working Holiday Club

    The Working Holiday Club is a mediator for working holidays in Canada, the United Kingdom and Japan. They also list seasonal jobs to fill your gap year in Europe, Canada or Australia


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    Organizations & Services: home bundle




    Activities Abroad Experience & Travel  - Earn & Learn - Inspire & Enjoy - Move & Emigrate - Prepare & Take Care - Protect & Volunteer


    Even op adem komen. Je bezinnen op wat je aan het doen bent, in je werkende leven, persoonlijk, of allebei. Je tempo naar beneden schroeven. Van de automatische piloot af. "De sabbatical", "het tussenjaar", "gapyear": er zijn verschillende termen voor de pauze die mensen zichzelf gunnen. Tijd hebben...


    Het is zover, je hebt eindelijk die beslissing gemaakt om dan echt een tussenjaar te nemen na je middelbare school, studie, werk, of gewoon ergen tussendoor. Die beslissing maken heeft vaak al best wat wilskracht nodig, maar je tussenjaar plannen is nog een hele andere taak op zichzelf. Ik heb zelf ...


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    Crossroad: spotlight pages
    Crossroads: jobs and organizations
    Crossroad: region

    Since 2000, Wereldstage has been arranging internships, project placements and graduation assignments for students in Curaçao. Over the years, various other programs and services have been added, such as gap year programs, volunteer job placement, job placement and the guidance of professiona...

    Wereldstage & Wereldstap

    Al sinds 2000 regelt Wereldstage meeloopstages, projectstages en afstudeeropdrachten voor studenten op Curaçao. In de loop van de jaren zijn daar verschillende andere programma's en diensten bijgekomen zoals tussenjaarprogramma's, vrijwilligerswerkbemiddeling, werkbemiddeling en de begeleidin...