WorldSupporter profile of LanaDonse
My account

My WorldSupportership (CV)

Help & Change: 
Wat mijn leven betekenis geeft is dingen doen waarmee ik andere mensen, dieren of de natuur mee kan helpen. Het meest recente dat ik gedaan heb is vrijwilligerswerk in Peru (zomer 2013).
Op dit moment hoop ik veel anderen enthousiast te maken voor vrijwilligerswerk, want ik heb het zelf als heel mooi ervaren. Maar ook vroeger was ik al bezig met zoveel mogelijk steentjes bijdragen. Het begon met mijn lidmaatschap van de WNF-rangerclub; in mijn kinderjaren heb ik talloze inzamelacties en campagnes gelopen, en op Koninginnedag verkocht ik spulletjes om de opbrengst aan het WNF te kunnen doneren. Voor sponsorlopen liep ik de hele wijk af en belde ik iedereen in mijn familie. Later, in mijn tienerjaren, ben ik regelmatig kleine donaties gaan geven aan Greenpeace als ik wat zakgeld over had. Actievere dingen heb ik ook gedaan: collecte lopen voor de hersenstichting is daar één van. Iets anders heel moois is dat ik samen met mijn moeder ieder jaar vrijwillig geholpen heb bij een modeshow van het Adamashuis, een organisatie voor mensen die met kanker te maken (gehad) hebben.
Travel & Move: 
Reizen is voor mij een manier om de wereld te leren kennen en waarderen.
Ik raad iedereen aan veel te reizen; niet alleen maak je de meest bijzondere en prachtige dingen mee, je ziet ook in real life wat je kunt doen als wereldsupporter. Inmiddels ben ik naar India, Nepal en Peru geweest. In 2013 heb ik vrijwilligerswerk gedaan in Peru. De eerste week ging ik naar school om Spaans te leren, zodat ik zou kunnen communiceren met de mensen op het werk. Dat was een week waarin ik ontzettend veel geleerd heb, dankzij een geweldige leraar en doordat we met z'n tweetjes in de klas zaten. Vervolgens begon het echte werk: vier weken lang werken. Helaas waren er wat complicaties, omdat er door het project waar ik oorspronkelijk zou gaan werken te laat werd gevraagd naar een Verklaring Omtrent het Gedrag. Gelukkig werd er meteen iets anders geregeld, en ben ik bij twee verschillende projecten ingezet: 's ochtends bij een bejaardentehuis waar heel veel handen tekort waren (en nog steeds zijn) en waar ik dus goed heb kunnen helpen met het verzorgen van de bewoners van de Enfermeria Hombres. 's Middags werkte ik op een project waar 6 kinderen kwamen van wie de ouders de hele dag moesten werken, waardoor ze thuis niet de hulp en aandacht konden krijgen die ze nodig hebben. Ik heb daar geholpen met Engels huiswerk, maar soms ook andere vakken (dat ging steeds beter in het Spaans) en als het af was, deden we spelletjes. Ik heb met die kinderen ook een boekje samengesteld met door hen zelf geschreven verhaaltjes, dat ik ga verkopen om geld in te zamelen voor een heel arm project! Het was moeilijk om te stoppen en weer naar huis te gaan, maar gelukkig kan ik contact houden met de begeleidsters van de projecten. Bovendien blijf ik mijn best doen om iets voor de projecten in Peru te betekenen! Naast het vrijwilligerswerk heb ik gereisd in Peru; hier heb ik de vrije weekenden voor gebruikt. Bij de meeste tours overnachtte ik bij lokale families, zodat zij direct profiteren van het toerisme. Mooi dat dat mogelijk is en ook om te zien dat dit door touroperators gestimuleerd wordt! Zo draag je zelfs bij tijdens het reizen.
Learn & Develop: 
Op de basisschool vond ik het leuk om mee te doen aan acties voor goede doelen.
Het grootste project was toen mijn school 5 jaar bestond: er werd een grote bazaar georganiseerd, waarvan de opbrengst naar Villa Pardoes, waar kinderen met een levensbedreigende ziekte een vakantie bij de Efteling mogen doorbrengen. Voor die markt heb ik samen met twee vriendinnen een gedichtenbundeltje gemaakt, dat verkocht werd op de bazaar, en dankzij deze actieve bijdragen mochten mijn vriendinnen en ik naar Villa Pardoes om de opbrengst te overhandigen. Op de middelbare school is de belangrijkste actie geweest dat er lesmarathons georganiseerd werden, waarbij leerlingen zich konden laten sponsoren om 24 uur achter elkaar lessen en workshops te volgen. De opbrengst van deze actie ging naar een school in India. Bij dit project heb ik meegeholpen bij een workshop. Naast acties voor goede doelen, hielp ik regelmatig op school op open dagen door mee te helpen met het begeleiden van open lessen. Op de universiteit doe ik nog steeds soortgelijke dingen, zoals rondleidingen geven op de ouderdag en voorlichting geven op open dagen voor bachelorkiezers. Ook dit zie ik als een manier om anderen te helpen!
Work & Initiate: 
Via mijn werk probeer ik ook een steentje bij te dragen aan een socialere wereld. Ik studeer psychologie, in mijn ogen een gebied waarin het werk voor een belangrijk deel gericht is op het begrijpen
en helpen van je medemens. Ik heb een bijbaan in de thuiszorg, waarbij ik niet alleen huishoudelijk maar ook sociaal heel veel steun kan bieden. Daarnaast werk ik voor Joho, ik maak collegeverslagen en samenvattingen, om mijn medestudenten te helpen. Ook dat doe ik graag!
Experience & Leisure: 
De dingen die ik bij 'voor een ander' heb genoemd zijn natuurlijk dingen die ik in mijn vrije tijd doe.
Daarnaast houd ik enorm van reizen; ik geloof dat je hierdoor de wereld meer leert waarderen, en waar je van houdt, daar zorg je natuurlijk goed voor! Verder is één van mijn passies dansen, dat doe ik al vanaf mijn vijfde. Het leukst vond ik de dansvoorstellingen, die bij mijn dansschool altijd een cultureel thema hadden: China en Tibet, Afrika, een Russisch sprookje, Aboriginals... met dank aan mijn creatieve en inspirerende dansdocenten!


New feature: add your preferred topic to your profile on WorldSupporter

How does it work to add your favorite topic to your profile?

  1. go to your profile page
  2. press the "Edit profile' button
  3. go to 'Preferences'
  4. go to the field 'Follow content of your favorite subject or organization on your own profile'
  5. start typing a name of the country or topic of your choice (your student organization, your study field or working field)
    • use 1 name only!
    • e.g.. are studying pedagogy or psychology in the Netherlands than use 'Amsterdam', Enschede', 'Groningen', 'Leiden', 'Nijmegen', 'Utrecht' or ' Alcmaeon', 'Labyrint', 'Emile','PAP' 'Versatile' or 'VIP'
  6. Press save at the end of the page

...and enjoy the latest updates en spotlight content of your chosen topic



Search a topic

Search countries, goals, studies, topics or working fields


WorldSupporter News: spotlight
New feature: add a topic to your profile on WorldSupporter

New feature: add a topic to your profile on WorldSupporter


How does it work to add your favorite topic to your profile?

  1. go to your profile page
  2. press the "Edit profile' button
  3. go to 'Preferences'
  4. go to the field 'Follow content of your favorite subject or organization on your own profile'
  5. start typing a name of the country or topic of your choice (your student organization, your study field or working field)
    • use 1 name only!
    • e.g.. are studying pedagogy or psychology in the Netherlands than use 'Amsterdam', Enschede', 'Groningen', 'Leiden', 'Nijmegen', 'Utrecht' or ' Alcmaeon', 'Labyrint', 'Emile','PAP' 'Versatile' or 'VIP'
  6. Press save at the end of the page

...and enjoy the latest updates en spotlight content of your chosen topic



WorldSupporters helping Smokey Projects in Manila, the Philippines

WorldSupporters helping Smokey Projects in Manila, the Philippines


WorldSupporter & Smokey Projects in Manila, the Philippines

  • Smokey Projects aims to improve the living conditions in Baseco, and other slum areas in Tondo, Metro Manila.
  • Providing positive and meaningful impacts on those living in the slums have been our goal since the inception of Smokey. We have distributed relief goods and given qualitative training on talent development, health and disaster preparedness that will surely help the slum community cope with the daily challenges that they face. Cooperation and coordination with non-government organizations, people’s organizations and concerned individuals have been vital in successfully addressing these short to medium term social issues as we race to reach our goals.
  • Smokey Projects is initiated by one of the most active WorldSupporters, and is supported by the contributions of all!
  • Read more here

Smokey Slum Tours in Manila are up and running again!

  • Smokey Tours are not just tours. They offer experience, believing that deep experience equals deep insight. The tours and Smokey Projects are unique and honest; a testimony of changing times and our global interconnectedness. All tours are guided by well-trained local tour leaders, who come from underprivileged communities and are educated to run eye-opening tours around Metro Manila.
  • Bless the Children Foundation is the local organization in Metro Manila that is responsible for the booking of the tour9s) and the training of the tourleaders in the slums.
  • Read more here
Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year


Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year is one of the all-important Chinese holidays! Most Chinese people go home to celebrate this day together with family. The Chinese New Year is also known as the Spring Festival. The celebration starts well with paying off debts, a clean house and new clothes. The Chinese New Year is full of fireworks, dragon and lion dances.

The Chinese New Year begins every year between Jan. 21 and Feb. 20. If you are going to travel, during this period then it is helpful to make reservations because it can be crowded. All people in China have time off then.

The Chinese zodiac

Instead of months, the Chinese zodiac is based on the year of birth. Each year is related to an animal sign according to a 12-year cycle. The 12 animals are in order: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig.

Why are the animals in this order? According to a myth, the Jade Emperor said that the order is the order of arrival at the Jade Emperor's feast. The Ox had left the night before and would be first. The Tiger would arrive early the next morning and be second. The Rat had sneaked up on the Os and jumped off the Os when he caught sight of the Jade Emperor. This put the Ox and Tiger in second and third place. The fourth to arrive was the Rabbit, who is named as “proud - even a tad arrogant - of his speed. When the Rabbit arrived at the party, no one was there yet, so he decided to take a nap and came in fourth.

In 2024-2025, it is the year of the Wooden Dragon! The Dragon is known as a powerful symbol in Chinese culture. It is the only mythical animal in the Chinese zodiac and is often associated with luck, power and charisma. Wood represents nature, growth, expansion and renewal. Combined with the Dragon, which stands for strength and vitality. This may start to be a year of development. Progress with new initiatives, start-ups, technological innovations and sustainability innovations. It is the year of action! This applies specifically to the Dragon. You are Dragon if you were born in 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012 or you will be born next year.

In 2025-2026, it is the year of the Wooden Serpent! The Serpent is known to be mysterious and subtle. The Serpent brings an elegant and sophisticated influence. The Serpent is known for wisdom, knowledge, intelligence, intuition and creativity. Snakes are also characterized by luck, abundance, fertility and long life. Snakes shed their skin and renew themselves, representing rebirth and transformation. Snakes are also known for their negatives such as deception, jealousy and temptation. Snakes are enemies of the Dragon and Tiger. Snakes can be poisonous and their bite can lead to death. You are Snake if you were born in: 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013 and 2025. The 2025 Wooden Snake is charming, intelligent and creative, as well as secretive and sometimes reckless. The year of the Wooden Serpent is going to be a year full of potential, innovation and possibilities. Use the positive sides of the Serpent, wisdom and intuition. 



JoHo vacancies: work at JoHo and develop yourself as administrative assistant for international affairs

JoHo vacancies: work at JoHo and develop yourself as administrative assistant for international affairs


Administrative assistant for international affairs

Does JoHo suit you and do you suit JoHo?

  • JoHo is looking for reinforcement, so if you are looking for a job alongside your studies, maybe you would like to as an 'Administrative assistant for international affairs'

What does it mean?

  • You are involved in the administrative processes surrounding the departure of students and travelers abroad
  • You support the processing of insurance policies for long stays abroad.
  • You have an internal supporting role in administrative procedures and policies.

What does it give you?

  • You work in an informal atmosphere and with an enthusiastic team.
  • You work in a socially involved network organization that generates income to achieve its goals.
  • You work in a versatile, growing and continuously changing organization.
  • You have options to work between 5 and 24 hours a week. You work at the head office in Leiden.

What are you taking with you?

  • You have experience with administrative work.
  • You have competencies and skills such as being able to work accurately and analytically, flexibility, involvement, communication skills, results-orientedness and independence.
  • You preferably have work and travel experience abroad.
  • You live or study in Leiden or the surrounding area.

For more information, opportunities or to apply take a look here!

There are plenty of opportunities and part-time options, also if you are looking for a permanent job after your studies, feel free to send an open application.


The latest contributions and content of LanaDonse

Namaste allemaal! Afgelopen zomer heb ik een reis gemaakt door India en Nepal. Wat was dat prachtig, wat heb ik veel meegemaakt, gezien en geleerd!  Als je benieuwd bent naar mijn ervaringen deel ik graag de link naar mijn blogs met je: Maar wat ik vooral met a...


Even een kort berichtje, dit wil ik graag met je delen: Het is een site waar je allerlei activiteiten kunt boeken waarbij je in contact komt met locals. De locals verdienen hier dus ook wat aan!  Neem eens een kijkje, het kan iets heel moois aan je reis toevoegen :)


Vandaag was er een interessante documentaire op Nederland 2: Bag it! Deze documentaire maakt je weer even bewust van de schadelijkheid van plastic. De enorme hoeveelheid plastic die in de oceanen drijft (de oceanen bevatten 40 keer zoveel plastic als plankton!), de talloze diersoorten die het b...


Dit mooie bericht is een oproep met respect voor de wereld! De tekst in het plaatje is niet zo goed te lezen, maar er staat: Why are people preoccopied with themselves? This question rises when you see the flood of selfies on social media. It seems to me that people believe the world is all about th...


Voluntourism, voluntrekking... het zijn manieren van reizen die steeds meer in trek zijn. Vrijwilligerswerk combineren met reizen: ook mij spreekt het erg aan. Niet voor niets ben ik vorig jaar naar Peru geweest voor vrijwilligerswerk. Op dit moment ben ik bezig met het plannen van een reis naar Ind...


Leg je wollen trui maar alvast klaar, want morgen is het Warme Truiendag! Deze dag is in het leven geroepen om collectief de CO2-uitstoot te verminderen. Volgens Greenchoice bespaar je 7% van je CO2-uitstoot als je de verwarming één graadje lager zet! Dat is natuurlijk een kleine moeit...


Het is weer een tijdje geleden dat ik een blog heb geplaatst. Maar laat ik zeggen: geen bericht is goed bericht, want in de tussentijd ben ik bezig gebleven met wereldsupporter-activiteiten! Wat ik de afgelopen maanden allemaal gedaan heb:

  • Een mooie donatie aan Mijn Bestemming Peru gegeven...




WorldSupporter: what are the features, functionalities and rules on

To make optimal use of the WorldSupporter platform, you can use the functionalities below. Most features are only available to logged in WorldSupporters.

Access level of the page

Each page has one of the access levels below
  • Public: this content will be visible for everyone.
  • JoHo WorldSupporters members: this content will be visible for JoHo members and logged in WorldSupporters
  • JoHo WorldSupporters members with online access and extra services: this content will be visible for JoHo members with full online access.
  • Private: this content will be visible for you (the author) in the 'My Collection' section of your personal magazine only - great for drafts or notes to yourself.

Add to my selected supporters: 

  • You will be able to follow the latest contributions of this Supporter through your own profile pages.
  • Supporters who are 'selected' many times will be highlighted on several WorldSupporter overview pages.

Categorise your own content

  • When you add content you will be asked to 'catagorise' or tag your content.
  • The categories that you select will be used in (search) filters, so other supporters that share your interests are more likely to find your contribution on selected pages
  • Tags will be shown on your contribution page.
  • Moderators will also be triggered to pick up your content to put in the 'spotlight' of the chosen category.
  • When your content does not fit to some of the category options, don't worry, just leave that option blank.
  • Does you content fit to multiple categories? Just click 'add another' to add an extra category.
  • Doesn't your content fit in any of the categories? Then you are probably using the wrong platform....

Content & Contributions

  • JoHo WorldSupporter provides people and organisations with different tools to share knowledge and experiences.
  • You can compose the following contribution types:
    • Summaries: Book summaries, Course Pointers, Practice Exams, Study Guides & Study Notes
    • Texts: Blogs, Instructions, Opinions, Quotes, Statements & Tutorials
    • Tips: Events, Jobs, Sustainable Tips, Travel Tips and World Recipes
    • Updates: 'messages'
    • Tools: 'Bundles' (selections), 'Organizations', Magazines (themes an starting pages) and Topics (terms) are for moderators only
  • Contributions that you make are listed in the 'My collection' section of your personal magazine, so you can easily return to your pages.
  • Adding content on JoHo WorldSupporter is a functionality open and live to logged-in JoHo members to avoid misuse.
  • More information about adding content can be found in the using content and tools on starting page
  • More information about JoHo memberships can be found on the register with JoHo WorldSupporter starting page     

Comments & Compliments

  • You can add compliments and give feedback, so your favorite Supporters will be encouraged to add more and even better content.
  • The author of the page will receive a notification by e-mail highlighting your comment.
  • Adding comments on JoHo WorldSupporter is a functionality open and live to logged-in JoHo members.
  • Anonymous visitors can also add a comment, but it will always be read by a moderator before it will be published, which can take up to 48 hours.
  • Comments are listed in the 'My collection' section of your personal magazine, so you can easily return to the pages where you have commented before.
  • When someone replies to your comment, you will receive a notification mail, when someone adds a new comment on a page where you also added a comment, you will not receive any notification.


  • Contributions that apply to a specific country/continent will be listed on country & regions overview pages.
  • Adding multiple countries to one contribution is allowed.
  • Part of these contributions will be advertised at for additional exposure.
  • Country moderators use these categories/labels to spot new relevant content for their followers.


How can you influence the amount of exposure your contributions get?

  • Complete profiles, with filled out mini CV, are more likely to get exposure on WorldSupporter main pages.
  • Pick a title that is both catchy and informative using smartly selected keywords.
  • Adding (sharp and supportive) images to your contributions will help others to click through to your content.
  • WorldSupporter moderators select and highlight the contributions that fit their subject.
  • A selection of contributions will also be highlighted on selected pages of
  • Supporters with many followers will be listed more prominently on the 'Best Supporters' page
  • By actively participating in the Contributions/Comment section you can increase your personal exposure.


  • Content that is flagged as 'Favorite' will be highlighted on several overview pages.
  • Content that you mark as Favorite will appear in your list of favorites on your personal profile (section: 'my collection' - only visible to you personally), making it easier to return to that page.
  • Marking a page as your 'Favorite' can also be seen as a compliment to the author or a trigger to read for other browsing Supporters.
  • For your privacy, it is not possible for other users to see which content you have tagged as 'Favorite'.


  • By clicking the button '+ Follow' below the Authors avatar, you can add the Supporter to your list of selected Supporters.
  • Newly published content by these authors will appear on your own personal magazine as well.
  • A list of supporters that you follow is shown in the 'my selected supporters' section of your personal profile, visitors of your profile can not see this list.
  • The number of 'Followers' a user obtains is used on the 'Favorite supporter' overview page.
  • The Supporter you follow is not notified when you start or stop following, if you want an author to know you started following her/him you can add a compliment/comment below the contribution that triggered you to follow that Supporter.

JoHo WorldSupporter member

  • Enjoying Benefits of WorldSupporter membership
    • You can use the navigation and follow your favorite supporters and organizations
    • You can create your own content, add contributions and post messages
    • You can save and collect your favorite content
    • You can read the posts and update
  • Enjoying Benefits of WorldSupporter membership with full online access:
    • free access to all  he pages and summaries on WorldSupporter that are exclusive for members with an additional contribution to the goals of WorldSupporter
  • Joining: you can become a JoHo WorldSupporter member here
  • Downgrading: when you end of downgrade your JoHo membership, your WorldSupporter account will remain active, only your access  and service level and service will be reduced.


  • You can add media page as one of the tool of your WorldSupporter account. As the other page types it will appear also as teaser on your own magazine and the magazines of supporters that follow you.
  • Media include photos, movies (links to YouTube/Vimeo or other platforms), (links to) presentations or documents.
  • adding several photos in the same pages will create a slide show.
  • For all file types a maximum upload size of 2MB is set, all bigger items can be shown through an external link.


  • A WorldSupporter moderator is a thematic guide through WorldSupporter content.
  • What does a moderator do? A moderator manages a special moderator magazine next to his personal magazine. The modarator magazine serves as a starting point for other visiting supporters. 
  • Moderators also search outside WorldSupporter for interesting web pages or blogs or for instance Youtube channels to refer users to.
  • Want to know more about becoming a WorldSupporter moderator? Please fill out the contact form

Save for later

  • No time to read a contribution directly? Or you want to read something again later?
  • By clicking on the 'Save for later' flag, you can add the page to your list of selected content.
  • This list appears in the 'my collection' section of your personal Magazine and is only visible to you personally.
  • Additionally, pages flagged/marked as 'save for later' will be available when your are creating a bundle or magazine in the field called 'resources'.


Sharing knowledge & Rules

  • All contributions and comments should be written and made in the spirit of WorldSupporter. Which means aiming to contribute to a tolerant and sustainable world.
  • Comments and contributions that do not meet the requirements, or seem to be made for the wrong reasons can be removed or set on private.

Sustainable Development Goals

  • On September 25th 2015, countries adopted a set of 17 goals to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all as part of a new sustainable development agenda. Each goal has specific targets to be achieved over the next 15 years.
  • On WorldSupporter you can show other what actions you take to reach these goals and inspire others to follow your lead.
  • The 17 goals are a framework - your personal actions are part of a worldwide movement for a stronger, sustainable world.

Tags & Taxonomy

  • The tags and taxonomy give you insight in the amount of contributions that are tagged by authors on specific subjects.
  • This type of navigation can help find content that you could have missed when just using the search tools.
  • Tags are organized per activity, country, organization, subject or field of study.
  • Note: not all content is tagged thoroughly, so when this approach doesn't give the results you were looking for, please check the search tool as back up.

WorldSupporters: memberships, access and extra services

  • You can join WorldSupporter for free by creating a WorldSupporter Profile.
    • you will be able to add your WorldSupporter CV
    • you will be able to follow your favorite topics
  • You can join WorldSupporter as a JoHo member to get access to basic services
    • you will be able to add posts and comments to help other supporters and get notifications
    • you will be able to ask for permission to add content
    • you will be able to save and collect content made by other supporters
    • you will be able to follow other supporters
    • you will have access to all content with the access level 'WorldSupporters members', that is uploaded and made by other Supporters.
    • You are a valued member who makes an additional contribution to JoHo worldsupporter
  • You can join WorldSupporter as a JoHo member with extra services and online access
    • you will be able to use all basic services
    • you will have access to all content, summaries and study assistance
    • you will be able to a to add content
    • You are a valued member who makes an additional contribution to JoHo worldsupporter

Read more

WorldSupporter FAQ: how to create and manage your WorldSupporter account and profile page
WorldSupporter: what is WorldSupporter account and profile page?
WorldSupporter: why a WorldSupporter profile?
WorldSupporter: how do you create a personal WorldSupporter profile?
WorldSupporter: what is your WorldSupporter CV?

WorldSupporter: what is your WorldSupporter CV?


  • With the WorldSupporter Mini-CV you indicate what you contribute to the world around you. You show what you do for others, at school, during work, on holiday or in your spare time.
  • With the aim of inspiring others to contribute to the world and to support and promote your favorite projects and charities
  • Create your WorldSupporter CV now, show what you do and become a source of inspiration for others...
  • or first check the personal profiles with sample CVs or read some WorldSupporter tips for filling your Mini-CV
WorldSupporter: how can you draw attention to your profile or content?

WorldSupporter: how can you draw attention to your profile or content?

  • Everyone writes differently and interprets 'nice' in different ways. Take a look at some blogs from other Supporters in the Magazine and think about why you like one contribution (written) more than the other.
  • Check out the contributions of Supporter Nelleke: This is a blog that no one is going to read and Supporter Jessica: Why and how to blog


  • Vary - Always use different tools (blogs, suggestions, photos, bundles, etc.) to add something to your WorldSupporter CV and personal profile.
  • Activate - Actively involve your personal network in your WorldSupporter activities. Share your latest content via social media and get them to follow your profile and mark your contributions as a 'favorite'. The more followers and 'favorite' flags, the more you appear on home pages and overviews.
  • Motivate - actively read content from other Supporters and let them know what you think of their content, maybe they will also take a look at your personal profile
  • Complete - use the add image options, add any relevant tags/categories and use the 'resources' option to provide specific 'read more' suggestions
WorldSupporter: what can you include in your personal profile?

WorldSupporter: what can you include in your personal profile?

  • Everything that you believe contributes to a better world in any way.
  • The content you can contribute is divided into the following content formats:
    • Summaries & Study Notes: Summaries - Study Materials
    • Text & Stories: Blogs - Instructions - Quotes - Statements - Propositions
    • Tips & Suggestions: Events - Tips - Recipes - Vacancies
    • Tools & Navigations: Bundles (content selections) - Media (photos, documents) - Home pages ('magazines') - Updates ('messages')
  • In your mini CV you can indicate in different categories what you think were your best actions or experiences in your life
  • In your blogs you can show what you do in a more detailed way. If you like to write, you can blog, if you like photography, you can share your photos, if you like to make videos, you can share them in a blog.
  • All content is divided into core categories. In addition, as the creator of your contribution, you have the option to give even more categories or 'tags' to your contributions. Consider, for example, the related country, study area, competence or sustainable development goal. This makes it easier to categorize your contributions and blogs and some blogs receive extra attention in the WorldSupporter media channels.
  • Create your WorldSupporter


  • A WorldSupporter profile is a personal CV and therefore a little different for everyone. Most personal profiles are freely accessible, so take a look around
  • View the WorldSupporter CV's of featured WorldSupporters
  • Seen an interesting profile? You can follow supporters by clicking on the 'follow' button on their contributions or on their personal profile. If this person or organization posts new contributions, you will see this on your own personal profile.
WorldSupporter: how can others discover and view your profile?

WorldSupporter: how can others discover and view your profile?

  • You can make your WorldSupporter profile public or only visible to other World Supporters
  • You can alert others to the existence of your WorldSupporter profile in several ways:
    • by giving someone the direct link to your profile, or using the 'social share' options on the page
    • by creating content, with each contribution there is a link + photo/avatar to your personal profile
    • by leaving a comment/reaction - with a link - on content that matches your contribution(s)
    • via the overview of Worldsupporter profiles, where popular content will be highlighted more often
    • by linking your CV from your own social media posts or account
WorldSupporter: can others respond to your contributions, and how can you respond to others?

WorldSupporter: can others respond to your contributions, and how can you respond to others?

  • Yes, that's possible. Especially if you invite others in your message to respond, or work with a question, concrete follow-up action for your reader, or, for example, challenge the reader with a statement, opinion or dilemma, others will respond.
  • Anonymous responses are only possible to a limited extent and are only posted online after moderation (often once a week). Always log in to quickly use the comment option under a message posted by yourself or someone else.
  • And as with all online profiles and social media, if you like others to respond to your contributions, please post a comment yourself in another Supporter's blog or contribution!
  • Others can also easily follow you, or you, others, by clicking on the 'Follow' button under a mini-CV or avatar
WorldSupporter: can you also create a profile for an organization?

WorldSupporter: can you also create a profile for an organization?

  • If you want to actively contribute to an organization or if you work for an organization that supports and promotes the principles of WorldSupporter, you can also create a profile on which you create and collect content that is relevant to your organization
  • When creating a profile, choose 'organization or group'
  • If you manage both a personal and an organizational profile, it is useful for other Supporters if it remains clear what statements are from the organization or from you personally
  • In your personal CV you can of course also draw attention to your favorite projects and organizations through blog posts, photos and videos
  • If you run an organization yourself, you can also create a personal profile. This personal profile offers the opportunity to show the people behind an organization. This can strengthen the organization's message and showcase the organization's work in a personal way
WorldSupporter: how can you end your WorldSupporter activities?

WorldSupporter: how can you end your WorldSupporter activities?

  • Do you want to delete your WorldSupporter profile?
  • With the WorldSupporter profile you indicate what you contribute to the world around you. You show what you do for others, at school, during work, on holiday or in your spare time
  • With the aim of inspiring others to contribute to the world and to support and promote your favorite projects and charities
  • Even if you no longer want to actively participate in WorldSupporter, your contributions can still support and inspire others
  • Do you still want to delete your WorldSupporter profile (account)? Log in and complete the contact form (see the footer). By logging in, the editors know that you are the owner of the account in question