Biology & Biological Sciences


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What is Biology & Biological Sciences?

Biology is the fascinating and ever-expanding field dedicated to studying life on Earth. It encompasses all living organisms, from the microscopic world of bacteria to the towering giants of the redwood forest. Biologists delve into the structure, function, growth, origin, evolution, and distribution of life across the planet.

What are the main topics involved with Biology & Biological Sciences?

  • Biochemistry: Focuses on the chemistry of life, exploring the structure, function, and interactions of molecules essential for biological processes.
  • Cell Biology: Examines the fundamental unit of life, the cell, its structure, function, and how different cell types work together in an organism.
  • Genetics: Investigates genes, heredity, and how traits are passed down from generation to generation.
  • Microbiology: Studies microscopic organisms like bacteria, archaea, viruses, and fungi, and their impact on health and the environment.
  • Molecular Biology: Zooms in on the role of molecules like DNA and RNA in cellular processes and heredity.
  • Zoology: Delves into the animal kingdom, its diversity, behavior, evolution, and conservation.
  • Botany: Focuses on plants, their structure, physiology, ecology, and evolution.
  • Ecology: Examines the interactions between living organisms and their environment, including how populations, communities, and ecosystems function.
  • Evolutionary Biology: Studies how living things change over time and the mechanisms that drive this change, such as natural selection.

What are the topics related to internships and volunteering in the field of Biology & Biological Sciences?

What are the skills related to work experience in the field of Biology & Biological Sciences?

What are the Worldsupporter goals related to Biology & Biological Sciences?

  • See the worldsupporter goals for better understanding of another culture or person, improvement of world tolerance, sharing knowledge and know how worldwide, stimulating personal development around and abroad, and stimulating activities abroad to improve the ability to cooperate
  • See debates for discussions around related topics


More supporting content:
What is biology?
Summaries: the best definitions, descriptions and lists of terms for developmental biology
Summaries: the best definitions, descriptions and lists of terms for genomics
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Summary: Essential Cell Biology (Alberts et al) - Second part

This summary is based on the 3rd edition of Essential Cell Biology from Alberts et al. The first 10 chapters are open access and can be found here: First part of the summary

  • 11. Membrane structure
  • 12. Membrane transport
  • 13. How cells obtain energy from food
  • 14. E...

What is biological sciences?

Biological sciences, also commonly referred to as biology, is the overarching field dedicated to studying life on Earth in all its forms. It encompasses a vast array of disciplines, each focusing on different aspects of living organisms. What are the main features of biological sciences?


Summary: Essential Cell Biology (Alberts et al) - First part

This summary is based on the 3rd edition of Essential Cell Biology from Alberts et al. The remaining chapters can be accessed when logged in and can be found here: Second part of the summary

  • 1. Introduction to cells
  • 2. Chemical components of cells
  • 3. Energy, cat...


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Archelon is dedicated to protecting the sea turtle in Greece.

World of Wildlife

World of Wildlife is een Nederlandse non-profit organisatie met als doel het wereldwijd financieel, materieel en immaterieel steunen van lokale wildlife projecten die zich inzetten voor de bescherming en opvang van (bedreigde) dieren en hun natuurlijke leefomgeving.

Stichting Chimbo

Stichting Chimbo zet zich in voor het behoud en eventueel herstel van de chimpansee populatie in West-Afrika en de natuurlijke omgeving waarin ze leven.

Coral Cay Conservation

Deze Engelse Marine Wildlife onderzoeksorganisatie treed ook op als bemiddelingsorganisatie voor vrijwilligerswerk gericht op het behoud van de onderwaterwereld in Sinai, Egypte. Zo kun je bijvoorbeeld meehelpen aan het behoud van koraalriffen door middel van onderzoek en het afbakenen van duikgebie...


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What is biological sciences?

Biological sciences, also commonly referred to as biology, is the overarching field dedicated to studying life on Earth in all its forms. It encompasses a vast array of disciplines, each focusing on different aspects of living organisms. What are the main features of biological sciences?


Summary: Essential Cell Biology (Alberts et al) - Second part

This summary is based on the 3rd edition of Essential Cell Biology from Alberts et al. The first 10 chapters are open access and can be found here: First part of the summary

  • 11. Membrane structure
  • 12. Membrane transport
  • 13. How cells obtain energy from food
  • 14. E...

What is biological sciences?

Biological sciences, also commonly referred to as biology, is the overarching field dedicated to studying life on Earth in all its forms. It encompasses a vast array of disciplines, each focusing on different aspects of living organisms. What are the main features of biological sciences?


Summary: Essential Cell Biology (Alberts et al) - First part

This summary is based on the 3rd edition of Essential Cell Biology from Alberts et al. The remaining chapters can be accessed when logged in and can be found here: Second part of the summary

  • 1. Introduction to cells
  • 2. Chemical components of cells
  • 3. Energy, cat...


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