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Public international law:

Summaries, study assistance, internships and work experience abroad

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International Law

International Law

International studies and international law

Summaries, study assistance, internships and work experience abroad


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What is public international law?

What is public international law?

Public international law (PIL) is essentially another term for international public law. They both refer to the same field of study. PIL deals with the legal rules, norms, and principles governing relations between sovereign states and other international actors like international organizations. It emphasizes the rights and obligations of these actors in the international arena.

What are the main features of public international law?

  • Sovereign Equality: All recognized states are considered equal under the law, regardless of size or power.
  • Consent-Based: International law applies when states agree to be bound by treaties, customary practices, or other instruments.
  • Focus on Public Interest: It prioritizes the collective good of the international community over the individual interests of any single state.
  • Limited Enforcement Mechanisms: Reliance on persuasion, diplomacy, and international institutions for enforcement, unlike strong domestic legal systems.

What are important sub-areas in public international law?

  • Law of Treaties: Rules governing the creation, interpretation, and application of agreements between states.
  • Law of the Sea: Legal framework for the use of oceans, including navigation, fishing, and resource exploration.
  • Law of State Responsibility: Principles determining when a state is responsible for internationally wrongful acts and the consequences of such acts.
  • Law of International Organizations: Rules governing the operation and decision-making of international bodies like the UN.
  • Law of International Dispute Settlement: Peaceful mechanisms for resolving disputes between states, including negotiation, mediation, and adjudication.
  • Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC): Principles regulating the use of force in war and protecting civilians and non-combatants.
  • International Human Rights Law: Body of law protecting fundamental human rights, with obligations primarily on states. (Note: While human rights law is vast, some aspects fall under international public law due to its focus on state obligations).

What are key concepts in public international law?

  • Sovereignty: The supreme authority of a state within its territory.
  • Jurisdiction: The power of a state to make and enforce laws, with limitations in international law.
  • State Immunity: The general principle that one state cannot be sued in the courts of another state, with exceptions.
  • Treaties: Formal agreements between states that create legally binding obligations.
  • Customary International Law: Unwritten rules derived from general and consistent practice of states, recognized as law.
  • International Law Commission (ILC): UN body that codifies and develops international law.
  • International Court of Justice (ICJ): Principal judicial organ of the UN that settles legal disputes between states.

Who are influential figures in public international law?

  • Hugo Grotius: Dutch jurist considered the "father of international law" for his writings on the rights of nations during war and peace.
  • Emmanuelle Char: French legal scholar who made significant contributions to the development of international human rights law.

Why is public international law important?

  • Promotes Peace and Security: Provides a framework for peaceful coexistence and conflict resolution between nations.
  • Ensures Predictability and Fairness: Offers a set of rules for interactions between states, promoting stability in the international system.
  • Protects State Interests: Defines the rights and obligations of states in their relations with each other.
  • Facilitates Global more
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Samenvattingen: de beste studieboeken voor internationaal publiekrecht samengevat

Samenvattingen: de beste studieboeken voor internationaal publiekrecht samengevat

Samenvattingen en studiehulp bij internationaal publiekrecht



  • Samenvatting bij het boek: Inleiding tot het Nederlandse Internationaal Privaatrecht van Strikwerda en Schaafsma - 12e druk
  • Samenvatting bij het boek: Internationaal Publiekrecht als Wereldrecht van Schrijver - 4e druk
  • Samenvatting bij het boek: International Law van Klabber - 2e druk
  • Samenvatting bij het boek: Kern van het internationaal publiekrecht van Nollkaemper  - 8e druk


  • Summary with the book: Comparative Law by Siems - 1st edition
  • Summary with the book: International Law by Shaw - 7th edition
  • Summary with the book: International Business Law: Custom Edition Groningen University

Over Internationaal publiekrecht

  • Internationaal publiekrecht is het geheel van regels en normen die de interacties tussen naties regelen. Het bestrijkt gebieden als diplomatie, oorlog, handel en mensenrechten, en creëert een raamwerk voor vreedzame en coöperatieve internationale betrekkingen.

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Activities abroad: home page

From language courses to gap year abroad, from work experience to volunteering abroad, from paid work to internship abroad, from mountaineering to diving and from backpacking to travel around the world

    What social activities can you do abroad?

    • Opportunities are found in the areas of helping, learning or studying. You can get involved to volunteer in a social project at a school in Africa, Asia or Latin America. You can get involved in nature, in a project with animals or cleaning the sea or beaches. Those who want to learn more can choose for example a language course in Latin America, Spain or South Africa.

    What work related activities can you do abroad?

    • If you want to gain work experience, and/or also earn money, go and work abroad. You can combine backpacking in Australia with temporary work. You can work on campsites in Europe or bush camps in Africa. You can pretty much go all over the world to work in the hospitality industry, hotels and hostels, in the healthcare sector or for example at a diving school.

    What sports activities to do abroad?

    • Have you ever thought of mountain biking, rafting (going down a wild river on a raft or rubber dinghy, climbing or canoeing), survival (which involves building rafts, climbing or canoeing), abseiling (descending a rock face while secured to ropes), zip-lining (whizzing down a cable), canyoning (starting at the top of a river and then climbing, swimming, diving down the bed) or caving (scrambling, wriggling and crawling through caves and crevices)?
    • Maybe you feel more comfortable on a bodyboard (on a half-wave surfboard, you surf the high waves lying down-with flippers), on a hang glider or while paragliding (with a parachute you float down a mountain or dune), hydrospeeding (on a bodyboard with flippers and a wetsuit on you go down a wild river via rapids) or Tiefschneeskiing (racing down through powder snow)?

    Check the pages below for more activities and inspiration and where to go and how to arrange it

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      Activities abroad: for work and intern abroad

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      Summary of International Law by Shaw: 7th edition
      • Chapter A The nature and development of international law
      • Chapter B International law today
      • Chapter C Sources
      • Chapter D The subjects of international law
      • Chapter E Recognition
      • Chapter F Jurisdiction
      • Chapter G Territory
      • Chapter ...
      What is public international law?

      Public international law (PIL) is essentially another term for international public law. They both refer to the same field of study. PIL deals with the legal rules, norms, and principles governing relations between sovereign states and other international actors like international organizations. It ...

      Handyside v. The UK - Arrest

      Handyside v. The UK (EHRM 07-12-1976, NJ 1987, 236) Onderwerp Art. 10 EVRM, vrijheid van meningsuiting Casus Een uitgeverij in Engeland publiceerde een boekje over seksuele voorlichting voor schoolkinderen, genaamd ‘The Little Red Schoolbook’. In het boekje stonden expliciete foto&rsquo...


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      Summary of International Law by Shaw: 7th edition
      • Chapter A The nature and development of international law
      • Chapter B International law today
      • Chapter C Sources
      • Chapter D The subjects of international law
      • Chapter E Recognition
      • Chapter F Jurisdiction
      • Chapter G Territory
      • Chapter ...

      Summaries, internships, tips and tools for study and work in law and public administration Definitions, Jurisprudence, Stories, Subjects, Study assistance,

      What is public international law?

      Public international law (PIL) is essentially another term for international public law. They both refer to the same field of study. PIL deals with the legal rules, norms, and principles governing relations between sovereign states and other international actors like international organizations. It ...

      Summary of International Law by Shaw: 7th edition
      • Chapter A The nature and development of international law
      • Chapter B International law today
      • Chapter C Sources
      • Chapter D The subjects of international law
      • Chapter E Recognition
      • Chapter F Jurisdiction
      • Chapter G Territory
      • Chapter ...

      Summaries, internships, tips and tools for study and work in law and public administration Definitions, Jurisprudence, Stories, Subjects, Study assistance,

      What is public international law?

      Public international law (PIL) is essentially another term for international public law. They both refer to the same field of study. PIL deals with the legal rules, norms, and principles governing relations between sovereign states and other international actors like international organizations. It ...


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