Study guide with articlesummaries for Developmental Neuropsychology at the University of Groningen

Articlesummaries with Developmental Neuropsychology at the University of Groningen

Table of content

  • Executive function and social cognition in the adolescent brain
  • Cognitive control and motivational systems
  • Mild spastic cerebral palsy
  • Treatments and guidelines for phenylketonuria
  • ADHD
  • Autism
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Developmental Neuropsychology: Executive function and social cognition in the adolescent brain

Developmental Neuropsychology: Executive function and social cognition in the adolescent brain

Executive function and social cognition in the adolescent brain 

Adolescence is a period of development characterized by intense fluctuations in both physical and hormonal change. Research has been sparse in this area, empirical research on neural and cognitive development is still lacking. For such a period that reflects the growth of cognitive flexibility, self-consciousness and changes in identity, the

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Developmental Neuropsychology: Cognitive control and motivational systems

Developmental Neuropsychology: Cognitive control and motivational systems

Cognitive control and motivational systems in developmental neurobiology

Cognitive control is an executive process which can be vital to the maintenance and monitoring of long term goal oriented behavior. In the past, the development of cognitive control has been explained as a growth from infancy to adulthood. The role of context on cognitive control impacts one’s  behavioral regulation abilities, for

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Developmental Neuropsychology: Mild spastic cerebral palsy

Developmental Neuropsychology: Mild spastic cerebral palsy

Mild spastic cerebral palsy: An event-related brain potential study of error detection and response adjustment 

The term cerebral palsy is used to define a number of disorders which affect posture and movement. Cerebral palsy is attributed to damage or abnormal development in the developing brain of fetus’s or infants. Though there are many contributing factors to cerebral palsy, one

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Developmental Neuropsychology: Treatments and guidelines for phenylketonuria

Developmental Neuropsychology: Treatments and guidelines for phenylketonuria

Revision of treatments and guidelines for phenylketonuria: evidence from neurocognition

An inborn, inherited, error of metabolism, phenylketonuria (PKU) is a rare, highly treatable disease. In contrast to its relatively treatable nature, when left untreated, PKU can result in seizures, intellectual disability, and further medical issues. The most common method for prevention is the early introduction of a strict diet highlighting

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Developmental Neuropsychology: ADHD

Developmental Neuropsychology: ADHD

Examining a pilot study of methylphenidate, interstimulus interval, and reaction time performance of children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder

Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common found disorders in children. Characterized by inattention and hyperactivity, ADHD is primarily an inherited disorder. Treatment usually involves methylphenidate (MPH), which works by regulating the dopamine system. This often results in

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Developmental Neuropsychology: Autism
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Psychology: Groningen - Bachelor and Masters RUG - Summaries and study services
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