Community and social work abroad: what is it, why should you do it, and where is the best place to go?


What is community work or social work?

  • Social work and community work are often used interchangeably. In English, people often simply refer to 'social work' or 'community work'.
  • In social work abroad, you help other people with one or more aspects of life that they could use help with. For example, think of projects on loneliness, (financial) self-reliance, language skills, hygiene, preventive care or exercise/sports.
  • You can also consider your commitment to an organization that focuses on certain social themes as social work. For example, think of helping in a museum or other cultural institution.

Why would you do social work abroad?

  • Your involvement with others can take on a new dimension by helping abroad. You will experience a deeper layer in the culture and the specific challenges that people deal with.
  • By sharing your experiences in and with other cultures, you not only strengthen your own capacities, but you can also help with the transfer of knowledge.
  • By working abroad, you often encounter new sides of yourself and give those sides the opportunity to develop.

What are the core competencies you need, or can strengthen, for social work abroad?

  • Adaptability
  • Involvement
  • Empathy
  • Flexibility
  • Collaboration

Where is the best place to work for in community and social work?

  • Bonaire
  • Curacao
  • Brazil
  • Philippines
  • Ghana
  • Guatemala
  • India
  • Indonesia
  • Madagascar
  • Nepal
  • Vietnam
  • South Africa


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Paid work & Work for board and lodging
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Sector: organizations for civil society and social work abroad
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Activities & Vacancies
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Organizations: for voluntary work mediation and project placement abroad
Organizations: for nonprofit projects, development work and international cooperation
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