Travel to Cape Verde to backpack, study, intern, volunteer, work,

or live as a digital nomad, expat or emigrant?



Cape Verde: table of content

 Cape Verde


Backpacking or traveling in Cape Verde?

  • On this volcanic group of ten islands belonging to Africa you will find a mix of Portuguese, Italian and African influences. It is a popular and accessible (a bit remote though...) travel destination, in part because of the wonderful climate and because the nature and culture is beautiful! It is a bit expensive though, especially for the backpacker, and especially if you want to visit multiple islands.
  • Activity spotting: climb the Pico do Fogo and drink a glass of white wine afterwards, take a lesson in kite surfing, dive into the water with your snorkel set or scuba gear, swim swim swim swim and enjoy the beautiful beaches, do a turtle tour with a conservation organization, visit the salt mines of Sal Island, imagine yourself in the past in the ruins of the fishing village of Curral Velho, discover the deserts of Cape Verde.

Study in Cape Verde?

  • Cape Verde is not a popular study country, yet you can definitely go there. There are several educational institutions and institutes where you can choose from more than 100 studies. For example, consider business administration, management, tourism, economics, sociology, hospitality, etc.
  • Study cities: Praia, Mindelo, Assomada.

Internship in Cape Verde?

  • In particular, internships are available in international organizations, through universities and in the field of nature conservation.

Volunteering in Cape Verde?

  • If you want to volunteer in Cape Verde, there are quite a few options! These include education, health care, turtle conservation, stray animal shelters and supporting communities.
  • You can volunteer for both short and long periods of time.

Work in Cape Verde?

  • The biggest sector for work in Cape Verde is the tourism and hospitality sector. Think jobs in hotels, but also as a tour guide, for example. Other jobs can also be found, but you have to look a little harder for these.
  • The official language is Portuguese, but English is also widely spoken. Still, learning Portuguese for your job in Cape Verde can't hurt.
  • The work atmosphere is formal, where indirect and nonverbal communication play an important role. Hierarchy also plays an important role.

Working as a digital nomad in Cape Verde?

  • Cape Verde is an increasingly popular destination for digital nomads. There is a pleasant climate all year round, life is relaxed, nature is beautiful and it is cheaper than most places in Europe. The infrastructure including Internet is not your thing, so you have been warned.

Living in Cape Verde?

  • In Cape Verde you can have a wonderful time, especially as a sun lover. You enjoy a quiet life here... No stress, slowly, slowly.
  • Combine your work with enjoying beautiful beaches, special, volcanic nature and many sports opportunities.
  • Costs are lower than in Western Europe, the culture is a lot richer and the Cape Verdeans are known for their hospitality. So you can quickly feel at home!
  • Health care varies by island, but is pretty good in the big cities. Crime is prevalent, but not too bad compared to other countries.


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Cape Verde Country Bundle: suggestions, stories and tips


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Zet je in voor de natuur op Kaapverdië

Project Biodiversity zet zich in om de biodiversiteit op de eilanden van Kaapverdië te beschermen en te versterken. Jij kunt in de diverse projecten meewerken als vrijwilliger. Denk bijvoorbeeld aan het planten van bomen, het verzorgen, redden en beschermen van zeeschildpadden, het helpen tijde...


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Activities abroad: home bundle


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Cape Verde: Updates & Travel
  • Travel in Cape Verde?
  • Updates Cape Verde
  • Travel in Cape Verde?

    • Cape Verde consists of several islands, each with its own beautiful nature, cultural customs and special animal species. Go diving with the turtles or visit the historic city of Cidade Velha. Music...

Toeristenvisum Een toeristenvisum voor Kaapverdië is verplicht. Deze kan je aanvragen bij het consulaat van Kaapverdië in Rotterdam door bij hen langs te gaan of door documenten aangetekend op te sturen. Het toeristenvisum is geldig voor 90 dagen, daarbij moet je binnen 180 dagen na afgift...


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Countries & Destinations: home bundle


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Oasis Atlantico

Oasis Atlantico runs hotels in Portuguese speaking countries, mainly on the Cape verde islands.


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Zet je in voor de natuur op Kaapverdië

Project Biodiversity zet zich in om de biodiversiteit op de eilanden van Kaapverdië te beschermen en te versterken. Jij kunt in de diverse projecten meewerken als vrijwilliger. Denk bijvoorbeeld aan het planten van bomen, het verzorgen, redden en beschermen van zeeschildpadden, het helpen tijde...

Cape Verde: Updates & Travel
  • Travel in Cape Verde?
  • Updates Cape Verde
  • Travel in Cape Verde?

    • Cape Verde consists of several islands, each with its own beautiful nature, cultural customs and special animal species. Go diving with the turtles or visit the historic city of Cidade Velha. Music...

Stories, tips and experiences from Cape Verde


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