Reforestation and tree planting abroad: what is it, why should you do it, and where is the best place to go?

What is reforestation and tree planting abroad and why is it done?

  • Reforestation involves planting trees and shrubs in places where they have previously disappeared due to logging, flooding or forest fires.
  • In many areas, planting trees helps to absorb or reduce the effects of climate change.
  • In coastal areas, mangrove forests are planted to break waves, prevent land from being washed away and provide fish with a place to read.
  • In dry areas, new trees provide shade, prevent erosion and desertification of the landscape.
  • In reforestation projects and activities, attention is often also paid to restoring biodiversity by using various local tree species, which benefits local animal species.
  • Many projects have their own nursery where small trees are grown from seeds.

What does working in a reforestation project involve?

  • You can help care for the young trees (seedlings) at the nursery.
  • You plant the small trees at selected locations.
  • You care for the trees after they have been planted, for example by weeding, watering or placing protection against cattle and other grazers.
  • You teach local communities about biodiversity, the benefits of reforestation for the local economy, for example.
  • If you have a background in horticulture, forestry or water management, you can help train local employees or, for example, carry out a research internship on the results of the project.

What do you get out of it?

  • Involvement: it strengthens your sense of involvement in tackling climate change, protecting nature and the plant world and also with other nature lovers
  • Experience: the chance that you experience something you have never done before, that you are pulled out of your comfort zone and that you gain an unforgettable experience is considerable
  • Freedom: especially when you are working in the middle of nature, you notice the difference with the life you sometimes lead at home

What do you need or can you learn if you are going to plant and care for trees abroad?

  • Being environmentally aware: for example, by taking your surroundings into account, carefully storing your waste, minimizing water use and understanding the complex relationship between soil, plants and people.
  • Being organizationally aware: environmental clubs and nature conservation organizations are often run by a special breed of very committed people. In addition, these are organizations that often have few resources and have to fight against local bureaucracy.
  • Empathy: being aware of those circumstances is sometimes half the battle if you want to understand the behavior of the employees of a project, or your direct fellow helpers.

What are the best places to go to slow or reverse desertification?

  • Spain
  • Egypt 
  • Morocco
  • Kenya

What are the best places to go to restore mangrove forests?

  • Bonaire
  • Sri Lanka
  • Madagascar

What are the best places to go to restore rainforests?

  • Brazil
  • Ecuador
  • Panama
  • Indonesia


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Volunteering & Projects
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Sector: organizations for animal protection, animal care and eco-projects
Work with Nature: internships & research in Costa Rica

Work with Nature: internships & research in Costa Rica


In 2002 zijn Maarten en Matthijs, de oprichters van de stichting, voor het eerst in Costa Rica. Ze worden daar direct hevig verliefd op het regenwoud. Maar hen valt vooral de snelheid waarmee het regenwoud verdwijnt erg op. Hier wilden ze snel iets aan doen en dit prachtige regenwoud beschermen. In 2011 wordt daarom Stichting Work with Nature in

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