Samenvattingen bij de voorgeschreven artikelen van Cultural diversity (UU) 21/22

Samenvattingen bij de voorgeschreven artikelen van Cultural diversity (UU) 21/22

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Artikelsamenvatting bij Hoe hebben migratietrends, migratiebeleid en het politieke debat zich ontwikkeld tussen 1990 en 2010? van Bonjour & Scholten - Exclusive
Artikelsamenvatting bij Comparative Integration Context Theory: Participation and Belonging in New Diverse European Cities van Schneider & Crul - 2010 - Exclusive
Artikelsamenvatting bij Themes and Variations: Parental Ethnotheories in Western Cultures van Harkness & Super - 2006 - Exclusive
Artikelsamenvatting bij Bronfenbrenner's Bioecological Theory Revision: Moving Culture From the Macro Into the Micro van Velez-Agosto e.a. - 2017 - Exclusive
Artikelsamenvatting bij The weirdest people in the world? van Henrich e.a. - 2020 - Exclusive
Artikelsamenvatting bij Multicultural recognition and ethnic minority rights: A social identity perspective van Verkuyten – 2006 - Exclusive
Artikelsamenvatting bij Acculturation and use of health care services by Turkish and Moroccan migrants: a cross-sectional population-based study van Fassaert e.a. - 2009 - Exclusive
Artikelsamenvatting bij Mental health in migrant children van Stevens & Vollebergh - 2008 - Exclusive
Artikelsamenvatting bij Lay Beliefs About Emotional Problems and Attitudes Toward Mental Health Care Among Parents and Adolescents: Exploring the Impact of Immigration van Verhulp e.a. - 2017 - Exclusive

Artikelsamenvatting bij Lay Beliefs About Emotional Problems and Attitudes Toward Mental Health Care Among Parents and Adolescents: Exploring the Impact of Immigration van Verhulp e.a. - 2017 - Exclusive

Artikelsamenvatting bij Lay Beliefs About Emotional Problems and Attitudes Toward Mental Health Care Among Parents and Adolescents: Exploring the Impact of Immigration van Verhulp e.a. - 2017

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Exclusive (for members with extra services and online access)
Artikelsamenvatting bij Prevalence of Psychiatric Disorders Among Children of Different Ethnic Origin van Zwirs e.a. - 2007 - Exclusive
Artikelsamenvatting bij The contested professionalism of teachers meeting radicalising youth in their classrooms van Leeman & Wardekker - 2013 - Exclusive
Artikelsamenvatting bij Parental Influence on Radicalization and De-radicalization according to the Lived Experiences of Former Extremists and their Families van Sikkens e.a. - 2017 - Exclusive
Artikelsamenvatting bij Assembling the Irreconcilable: Youth Workers, Development Policies and ´High Risk´ Boys in the Netherlands van Chalhi e.a. -2018 - Exclusive
Artikelsamenvatting bij Hoe de straat de school binnendringt van El Hadioui - 2008 - Exclusive
Artikelsamenvatting bij Inclusion and Language Learning: Pedagogical Principles for Integrating Students from Marginalized Groups in the Mainstream Classroom van Cummins - 2019 - Exclusive
Artikelsamenvatting bij The Myth of Individualism-Collectivism: A Critical Review van Voronov & Singer - 2002 - Exclusive
Artikelsamenvatting bij Using a Group-Centered Approach to Observe Interactions in Early Childhood Education van Schaik e.a. - 2018 - Exclusive
Artikelsamenvatting bij Parenting and globalization in western countries: explaining differences in parent-child interactions van Prevoo & Tamis-LeMonda - 2017 - Exclusive
Artikelsamenvatting bij Parenting in an individualistic culture with a collectivistic cultural background: The case of Turkish immigrant families with toddlers in the Netherlands bij Yaman e.a. - 2010 - Exclusive

Artikelsamenvatting bij Parenting in an individualistic culture with a collectivistic cultural background: The case of Turkish immigrant families with toddlers in the Netherlands bij Yaman e.a. - 2010 - Exclusive

Artikelsamenvattin bij Parenting in an individualistic culture with a collectivistic cultural background: The case of Turkish immigrant families with toddlers in the Netherlands bij Yaman e.a. - 2010

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Exclusive (for members with extra services and online access)
Artikelsamenvatting bij Quality in Early Childhood Education and Care: A cultural context van Rosenthal - 2003 - Exclusive
Artikelsamenvatting bij Individualism and the ‘Western mind’ reconsidered: American and Dutch parents’ ethnotheories of the child van Harkness e.a. - 2000 - Exclusive
Artikelsamenvatting bij Acculturation and school success: A study among minority youth in the Netherlands van Andriessen & Phalet - 2002 - Exclusive
Artikelsamenvatting bij Teacher interpersonal competence for Dutch secondary multicultural classroomss van Wubbels - 2006 - Exclusive
Artikelsamenvatting bij Ethnic composition of school classes, majority-minority friendships, and adolescents´ intergroup attitudes in the Netherlands van Vervoort e.a. - 2011 - Exclusive
Artikelsamenvatting bij Hoe is opvoeding gevormd door familie en maatschappij? van Rogoff - Exclusive
Artikelsamenvatting bij How Moroccan-Dutch parents learn in communities of practice: Evaluating a bottom-up parenting programme van Van Beurden e.a. - 2019 - Exclusive
Artikelsamenvatting bij Parents' beliefs about the cause of parenting problems and relevance of parenting support van Van Mourik e.a. - 2016 - Exclusive

Artikelsamenvatting bij Parents' beliefs about the cause of parenting problems and relevance of parenting support van Van Mourik e.a. - 2016 - Exclusive

Artikelsamenvatting bij Parents' beliefs about the cause of parenting problems and relevance of parenting support: Understanding low participation of ethnic minority and low socioeconomic status families in the Netherlands van Van Mourik e.a. - 2016

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Artikelsamenvatting bij Translating conceptualizations into practical suggestions: What the literature on radicalization can offer to practitioners van Young - 2014 - Exclusive


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Studiegids voor artikelsamenvattingen bij Cultural Diversity aan de Universiteit Utrecht

Artikelsamenvattingen bij Cultural Diversity aan de Universiteit Utrecht


    • Artikelsamenvattingen bij de voorgeschreven artikelen van Cultural Diversity 2023/2024
      • The importance of understanding children’s lived experience
      • The developmental niche
      • Bronfenbrenner's Bioecological Theory Revision
      • Beyond ‘identity’
      • Identity development throughout the lifetime
      • Turkish-Dutch mosque students negotiating identities and belonging in the Netherlands
      • Does selective acculturation work? Cultural orientations, educational aspirations and school effort among children of immigrants in Norway
      • Acculturation and school adjustment of immigrant youth in six European countries
      • Unequal childhoods
      • Executive summary: The ISOTIS parent and child studies
      • Individual and systemic/structural bias in child welfare decision making
      • Teachers’ self-efficacy and intercultural classroom practices in diverse classroom contexts
      • Opening up towards children’s languages
      • The association between perceived discriminatrory climate in school and student performance in math and reading
      • Inclusion and Language van Cummins
      • Using a Group-Centered Approach to Observe Interactions in Early Childhood Education
      • Family support of third-grade reading skills, motivation, and habits
      • Parenting and globalization in western countries
      • Individualism and the ‘Western mind’ reconsidered
      • Development of ethnic, racial, and national prejudice in childhood and adolescence
      • Intergroup contact and prejudice reduction
      • Postwar immigration and integration policies in the Netherlands: an unstable marriage
      • The health impact of social disadvantage in early childhood
      • Mainstreaming versus alienation
    • Artikelsamenvattingen bij de voorgeschreven artikelen van Cultural Diversity 2022/2023
    • Artikelsamenvattingen bij de voorgeschreven artikelen van Cultural Diversity 2021/2022
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        • Group behavior and cooperation
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