Travel to Aruba to backpack, study, intern, volunteer, work,

or live as a digital nomad, expat or emigrant?



Aruba: table of content



Backpacking or traveling in Aruba?

  • A bit expensive, incredibly rich travelers, but beautiful beaches, inland, lovely people and nice cafes. 

Study on Aruba?

  • A small island with good, but limited, study opportunities. 

Internship on Aruba?

  • A good relationship with the Netherlands makes it easier to do an internship in Aruba. There are internships in all kinds of sectors. 

Volunteering in Aruba?

  • Especially projects in the field of education, social work and nature conservation.

Working in Aruba?

  • Especially in tourism and hospitality.

Working as a digital nomad on Aruba?

  • Beautiful beaches and great swimming all year round. What digital nomad doesn't want that? 

Living on Aruba?

  • Comfortable living in beautiful surroundings. If you can afford it, living in paradise. 

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Aruba Country Bundle: suggestions, stories and tips

Aruba Country Bundle: suggestions, stories and tips


Content about Aruba on WorldSupporter

How does healthcare work in Aruba, and what travel insurance, health insurance or expat insurance do you need?
Aruba: Updates & Travel
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Aruba: Updates & Travel


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Studeren in het buitenland: Rechten studie op Aruba

Het is bijna zover, 11 augustus vertrek ik naar Aruba! Daar zal ik een half jaar gaan studeren, culturen ontdekken en het land ontdekken.

  • Waarom ga ik rechten studeren op Aruba?
  • "Yes, aangenomen om naar het buitenland te gaan!"
  • Contacten al voor de periode van vertrek


Toeristenvisum Wanneer je als toerist of bezoeker 30 dagen op Aruba verblijft en je hebt de Nederlands paspoort, dan heb je geen visum nodig. Je mag maximaal 30 dagen achter elkaar op Aruba verblijven en in totaal 180 dagen per jaar. Als je naar de Caribische Koninkrijksdelen reist, zijn er wel...

Aruba: Updates & Travel
  • Travel in Aruba?
  • Updates Aruba
  • Travel in Aruba?

    • As many people know, Aruba is the ideal vacation destination if you love sun, sea and beach! Aruba has other sides as well. Walk the haystack and look out over the island, walk among the cheerfully colored houses...

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Stages-Aruba biedt MBO, HBO en WO stageplaatsen op Aruba. Er worden stages aangeboden voor onder meer horeca, IT, hotelmanagement, toerisme, communicatie, marketing en economie. Je kunt je gratis aanmelden en nadat je je wensen kenbaar hebt gemaakt, wordt er een afspraak voor je geregeld met de cont...

Stichting EPB Aruba

De Stichting Educacion Profesional Basico biedt lager beroepsonderwijs op Aruba.


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Toeristenvisum Wanneer je als toerist of bezoeker 30 dagen op Aruba verblijft en je hebt de Nederlands paspoort, dan heb je geen visum nodig. Je mag maximaal 30 dagen achter elkaar op Aruba verblijven en in totaal 180 dagen per jaar. Als je naar de Caribische Koninkrijksdelen reist, zijn er wel...


Stages-Aruba biedt MBO, HBO en WO stageplaatsen op Aruba. Er worden stages aangeboden voor onder meer horeca, IT, hotelmanagement, toerisme, communicatie, marketing en economie. Je kunt je gratis aanmelden en nadat je je wensen kenbaar hebt gemaakt, wordt er een afspraak voor je geregeld met de cont...

Safety and insurances in Aruba

How does healthcare work in Aruba, and what travel insurance, health insurance or expat insurance do you need?

How does healthcare work in Aruba, and what travel insurance, health insurance or expat insurance do you need?

How is the healthcare system organized in Aruba?

What is the quality of healthcare in Aruba?

  • Aruba has a well-functioning healthcare system, which is largely supported by the government.
  • Both residents and foreigners living and working in Aruba can make use of a wide range of medical services.
  • There are a number of hospitals on this island, such as the most famous Dr. Horacio Oduber Hospital and the Medical Centre San Nicholas. In addition, there is a medical faculty of the University of Aruba, where you can go for treatment.
  • Basic care can be provided in Aruba, but for long-term hospitalization and emergency situations, the patient can be transferred by air ambulance to a hospital in Curacao or the United States.
  • Call 911 in case of a medical emergency.

How is public health care organized in Aruba?

  • The system in Aruba is largely public and is managed through the General Health Insurance (AZV, Algemene Ziektekosten Verzekering). This insurance is mandatory for everyone who lives and works in Aruba, including foreigners.
  • Once you have registered with the Censo (the public register), you can apply for the AZV. The AZV covers basic care such as GP visits, specialist care, hospitalizations and medicines. It is financed by contributions from employers, employees and the government.
  • The public health care system covers both mental and physical medical care.
  • The first point of contact is the family doctor, who can refer you to a specialist in the hospital where necessary.

How is private health care organized in Aruba?

  • Like in many other countries Aruba offers private medical services for those who do not want to depend on the public system.
  • Most private doctors offer immediate medical care when you need it.
  • The main language spoken is Dutch.

How is the general practitioner organized in Aruba?

  • There are several family doctors in Aruba.
  • You can register with a family doctor. They accept new patients if there is room, or you will be put on a waiting list.
  • If you need emergency care, you can go to the "huisartsenpost". As a patient, you can see a general practitioner outside office hours.

How is the dentist arranged in Aruba?

  • Dental care in Aruba is of good quality.
  • Dental care is available through both public and private practices, but is not always fully covered by the AZV. 
  • Many dental treatments are paid for by the patient, unless you have additional insurance.

How is pregnancy and maternity care arranged in Aruba?

  • Aruba offers good care for pregnant women and newborns. 
  • The first point of contact is the general practitioner, who performs most examinations.
  • A natural birth costs approximately between 3000-4500 euros, a caesarean section around 6000-8000 euros.
  • Aruba has a helpline (call 131) for pregnant women who are unsure about this and/or are considering an abortion.

How does the pharmacy in Aruba work?

  • There are several pharmacies (also known as 'botikas') on the island, often open Monday through Saturday (in general from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m).
  • Outside of regular business hours, there is always one designated pharmacy on duty and open 24 hours a day for emergencies. This rotates weekly.
  • Pharmacies in Aruba may not prepare prescriptions from a doctor who does not practice medicine in Aruba. However, pharmacies can put you in touch with a local doctor who may write the prescription.
  • Virtually all medications, including paracetamol, are available only from pharmacies.

How safe or unsafe is a trip or stay in Aruba?

What should you pay attention to in terms of safety in Aruba?

  • Aruba is known as a safe island, both for tourists and residents. In fact, it has been named one of the safest Caribbean islands several times.
  • However, there are some things to keep in mind:
    • Petty crime, such as pickpocketing and theft, can occur, especially in tourist areas. Keep valuables out of sight. Keep windows and doors closed, even when you are at home, to prevent theft.
    • Avoid remote beaches or areas without company after sunset.
  • Tropical storms sometimes occur on Aruba, especially between June and December. The island does lie outside the hurricane zone.

What should you watch out for in terms of illness in Aruba?

  • Due to the heat and dry climate, it is important to drink enough water and limit your exposure to the sun.
  • Among other diseases, Dengue fever and Chikungunya can occur. It is recommended to protect yourself against mosquitoes. 
  • Tap water is safe to drink and most of the times of good quality,

What should you watch out for in Aruba in terms of traffic?

  • The roads in Aruba are generally in good condition, but some roads in remote areas can be unpaved and bumpy.
  • Traffic signs and speed limits are not always strictly enforced, so stay alert.
  • Drunk driving is a problem in Aruba, especially at night and on weekends. Be careful. 
  • Beware of scooters and motorcycles that can make unexpected maneuvers.
  • Public transportation is limited to buses that run between the main cities. For more regular transportation, renting or buying a car is the best option.
  • Cycling is not common in Aruba due to the lack of bike paths and the hot climate.

What work and travel insurance is suitable for short and long stays in Aruba?

  • Is the trip to or stay at Aruba and your return sufficiently covered? Are you sufficiently covered before, during and after your activities? 
  • It is obliged to have a valid health or travel insurance for medical expenses. The minimum coverage is US$15,000. 
  • Your insurance needs to cover hospital treatment, emergency treatment and repatriation (including in case of death). 
  • Which insurance best suits your trip and your activity? Read more about insurances for abroad on

What emigration and expat insurance can you take out for Aruba if you are going to live there for a while?

  • It is mandatory to sign up for the local health insurance when you are a resident of Aruba, but even then it is recommended to take out private health insurance to cover additional costs of things like repatriation or medical evacuation. Make sure your insurance covers medical evacuation as well as coverage in neighboring countries. Read more about insurances for abroad on


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