Do you have a background in health? Support a local community in Mozambique by increasing awareness on health-related topics

  • You share your knowledge on health-related topics with the local community.
  • You help the organisation to improve their health education programme.
  • Depending on your background, you assist in providing basic healthcare.

What do you gain?

  • Competences: communicating, being convincing, working independently.
  • Accommodation is provided in a nearby lodge.
  • You help the community  to fight poverty through increasing awareness on health-related subjects.

What do you need?

  • Competences: flexibilty, being committed, being professional.
  • You are fluent in English, speaking Portuguese is an advantage.
  • You are available for a period of two to six months.


Tip category: 
Volunteering & Projects
Related organization or sector:
Anan Clinica

Anan Clinica

Anan Clinica is an organisation that focuses on providing basic healthcare in Mozambique and increasing awareness on health issues among the local population.

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Activities & Vacancies
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