Selected content related to Moving abroad and emigrate

Hi! Since I have been to Japan a couple of times and since the country is becoming more and more popular, I decided to make a magazine where you can find many Japan-related blogs to guide you through your travel plans. :) Enjoy!


Spotlight stories and suggestions related to Moving abroad and emigrate
lifting ws

Questions before setting up a project abroad

  • Are you willing to commit yourself for a long time?
  • Do you have enough of basic finances to start your NGO?
  • Do you have enough time to keep coordinating things and can you get help of the people around you?
  • Are you will...


Hi! Since I have been to Japan a couple of times and since the country is becoming more and more popular, I decided to make a magazine where you can find many Japan-related blogs to guide you through your travel plans. :) Enjoy!


De Thai zijn erg vriendelijk; het land wordt dan ook vaak ‘het land van de glimlach’ genoemd. Hoewel de Thaise cultuur op het eerste gezicht misschien niet zo lijkt te verschillen van de westerse cultuur, is deze wezenlijk anders. Bepaald gedrag dat bijvoorbeeld in Nederland als ‘n...

Check or search within category: Moving abroad and emigrate
Displaying 25 - 28 of 63
packing boxes

What to check regarding your property/residence in your home country?

  • Sell, sublet, lend or leave your property empty.
  • At end of lease: check in what state you should deliver your property/residence. For example think about recovering your outstanding deposit. Return your rented ho...

settling in

There are many reasons to move to another country. Maybe you moved abroad for work, study or family, or you want to experience a different culture and way of life. Whatever your reason is, it is common that while moving to a new country can be exciting, you will also likely experience difficulties s...


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