Travel to The Pacific to backpack, study, intern, volunteer, work or live as a digital nomad, expat or emigrant?

Intro: life and experiences in The Pacific

Backpacking or traveling in Oceania & The Pacific?

  • Who does not know them from the beautiful pictures and movies like Blue Lagoon: the tropical bounty islands in the Pacific Ocean (The Pacific): palm trees, white beaches and beautiful diving locations. Expensive (but oh so beautiful) destinations like Bora Bora and Tahiti may not be for everyone, but the Fiji Islands, for example, offer quite a few options even for the budget traveler.
  • Backpacking: two of the world's most popular backpacking destinations are in Oceania: Australia and New Zealand.
  • Travel: two of the world's most exclusive travel destinations are in Oceania: French Polynesia (including Bora-Bora and Tahiti) and Micronesia (including Palau).
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Werken op een boerderij, de ruige natuur ontdekken of een keer écht aan de andere kant van de wereld zijn? Er zijn talloze redenen om een Working Holiday in Nieuw-Zeeland te doen. Op dit moment zit het land echter nog op grotendeels op slot. Hieronder een overzicht van de huidige si...


TransferWise biedt een Mastercard betaalkaart om (bijna) grenzeloos te betalen. Backpackers kunnen betalen en ontvangen in verschillende landen en valuta’s vanaf een account. De grenzeloze bankrekening en betaalkaart zorgt ervoor dat reizigers geld kunnen uitgeven, versturen of bewaren alsof z...


When traveling is your hobby and want to keep your personal stuff safe in the airplane, train, bus, boat or when u sleep in a hostel. Use a travelsafe! Find out what kind of travelsafe is usefull for you, click here!  


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Stories, tips and experiences from specific countries in The Pacific

Australia - Fiji - Kiribati - Marshall Islands - Micronesia - Nauru - New Zealand - Palau - Samoa - Solomon Islands - Tonga - Tuvalu - Vanuatu


Spotlight themes related to The Pacific
Spotlight stories and suggestions related to The Pacific

1. What are the issues to bear in mind when emigrating?

  • Keep track of the emigration process; for example write down what to do and what you are going through in an emigration diary.
  • Make use of the media and guidebooks when researching possible destinations.
  • Get an i...

Favorite stories, blogs and texts related to The Pacific

1. What are the issues to bear in mind when emigrating?

  • Keep track of the emigration process; for example write down what to do and what you are going through in an emigration diary.
  • Make use of the media and guidebooks when researching possible destinations.
  • Get an i...

Favorite tips and suggestions related to The Pacific

When traveling is your hobby and want to keep your personal stuff safe in the airplane, train, bus, boat or when u sleep in a hostel. Use a travelsafe! Find out what kind of travelsafe is usefull for you, click here!  

waste collection cleanup

Join the Movement Join millions of volunteers in more than 150 countries to clean up the world in one day! 21 September you can join actions of others or start your own initiative. You can pick one bag of trash or a whole truck full - any litter reduction is welcome. Started small in Estonia, no...

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