Using summaries, textbooks and study books - Theme


Tips and tools with the use of academic books and scholarly books

What is a study book?
Where can you find study books?
How can you study, summarize and work with your study books?


Getting study results and preparing for exams - Theme
Summaries and Study Assistance - Start

Summaries and study assistance per textbook

Themes: main theme pages for summaries and study assistance
Theme pages: for getting study results and preparing for exams
Getting study results and preparing for exams - Theme


WorldSupporter: what to do to get full online access for summaries and services on JoHo
WorldSupporter: how to use and find summaries, study notes en practice exams on JoHo WorldSupporter?
WorldSupporter: what to do to register as a JoHo member and use WorldSupporter?
WorldSupporter: toolkit for adding and using content on WorldSupporter
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