Travel to Paraguay to backpack, study, intern, volunteer, work,

or live as a digital nomad, expat or emigrant?



Paraguay: table of content



Backpacking and traveling in Paraguay?

  • Backpacking and touring in Paraguay is traveling off the beaten path. There is much to explore, but bite-sized tourist attractions are rare.
  • Features: endless plains and forests and mighty rivers. In the wet season, large parts of the country are difficult to traverse. The ruins of Jesuit settlements near Encarnación are worth a visit.
  • City spotting: Capital city Asuncion and border town Encarnación.
  • Nature spotting: especially in the dry season you can find wildlife near water, think tapir, anteater, giant otter and jaguar. Wide-open Paraguay also has much to offer bird lovers.

Studying in Paraguay?

  • Higher education is not readily available everywhere in Paraguay and has only been available since the 1990s. Meanwhile, there are several universities, which do not rank high in world rankings. However, there is quite a large choice of studies, including wildlife conservation and management, business administration, health care, engineering, IT and environmental sciences. 
  • Language study: a Spanish language course can be taken and is recommended if you are going to stay longer. Learning the basics of Guarani also opens doors
  • City of study: the best educational institutions are located in Asuncion. 
  • Language: studies are offered in Spanish. 

Internship in Paraguay?

  • Internships can be found, but not easily. Consider, for example, internships in conservation and human rights. However, a solid knowledge of Spanish is often required.
  • Doing volunteer work in Paraguay?
  • Volunteer work can be found in healthcare, education and nature conservation. 

Working in Paraguay?

  • Jobs: there are limited opportunities in Paraguay. Most expats work in industry, for an international company or in English education. Good knowledge of Spanish is usually a requirement. 

Working as a digital nomad in Paraguay?

  • Favorite location: Asunción, but no real hotspots. 

Living in Paraguay?

  • In Paraguay you can enjoy hospitality, authenticity, delicious food, low costs, beautiful landscapes and a fine tax system. It is a comfortable country, and one of the safer countries in Latin America. 
  • However... It is a very hot country. It is also very poor so amenities leave a lot to be desired, for example, there are regular electricity outages. And the roads outside the cities are still very old-fashioned.  
  • Health insurance: health care does not meet the standards as we know it. The quality is often higher in private institutions, so make sure you arrange your own well-covered health insurance.


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Paraguay Country Bundle: suggestions, stories and tips

Paraguay Country Bundle: suggestions, stories and tips


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Paraguay: Updates & Travel
How does healthcare work in Paraguay, and what travel insurance, health insurance or expat insurance do you need?


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internship biologist Paraguay

Stichting Para La Tierra biedt diverse stageplaatsen aan in Paraguay voor biologen met interesse in biodiversiteit en ecologie. De organisatie is kleinschalig opgezet, dus je zult zeker zelfredzaam, inventief en flexibel moeten zijn. Ook de eventuele accreditatie voor studiepunten zul je zelf moeten...


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Een toeristenvisum is niet verplicht voor een verblijf tot 90 dagen. Return of onwardticket zijn verplicht. Of hier in de praktijk naar gevraagd wordt is onduidelijk. Alleen in uitzonderlijke gevallen kan deze periode met nog eens 90 dagen verlengd worden. Anders moet een verblijfsvergunning worden ...

Paraguay: Updates & Travel
  • Travel in Paraguay?
  • Updates Paraguay
  • Travel in Paraguay?

    • For nature lovers, Paraguay has a lot to offer, including the almost undiscovered side of the Pantanal. The tourist infrastructure is limited, but that means you often have the place to yoursel...

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Para La Tierra

Para La Tierra dedicates itself to conserving fragile habitats in Paraguay.

Bienvenido Gap Year

Bienvenido is een Nederlandse organisatie met lokale partners in Argentinië,  Chili, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panama, Paraguay, Peru en Uruguay. Ze zijn gespecialiseerd in het plaatsen van scholieren en studenten (leeftijd 17- 25) op scholen en in organisaties in deze landen voor een Spaanse o...


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internship biologist Paraguay

Stichting Para La Tierra biedt diverse stageplaatsen aan in Paraguay voor biologen met interesse in biodiversiteit en ecologie. De organisatie is kleinschalig opgezet, dus je zult zeker zelfredzaam, inventief en flexibel moeten zijn. Ook de eventuele accreditatie voor studiepunten zul je zelf moeten...


Een toeristenvisum is niet verplicht voor een verblijf tot 90 dagen. Return of onwardticket zijn verplicht. Of hier in de praktijk naar gevraagd wordt is onduidelijk. Alleen in uitzonderlijke gevallen kan deze periode met nog eens 90 dagen verlengd worden. Anders moet een verblijfsvergunning worden ...

Paraguay: Updates & Travel
  • Travel in Paraguay?
  • Updates Paraguay
  • Travel in Paraguay?

    • For nature lovers, Paraguay has a lot to offer, including the almost undiscovered side of the Pantanal. The tourist infrastructure is limited, but that means you often have the place to yoursel...

Safety and insurances for Paraguay

How does healthcare work in Paraguay, and what travel insurance, health insurance or expat insurance do you need?

How does healthcare work in Paraguay, and what travel insurance, health insurance or expat insurance do you need?

How does the healthcare system work in Paraguay?

What is the quality of healthcare in Paraguay?

  • Paraguay has a hybrid healthcare system, with both public and private healthcare available. However, the quality and accessibility vary greatly depending on your location and financial resources.
  • The Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare (MSPBS) is responsible for coordinating both public and private healthcare.
  • There is a huge shortage of doctors in Paraguay, with only about 11 doctors per 10,000 inhabitants. Foreigners almost always opt for private healthcare or healthcare abroad.
  • The healthcare system in Paraguay consists of three levels: general practitioners and local clinics for basic care, specialist and diagnostic care at the second level, and hospitals and advanced treatments at the third level.
  • Pharmacies (farmacias) are widely available in the cities, but in remote areas it can be a search for the right medicines. Basic medicines are usually available, but specific medicines can be scarce.
  • The emergency number for an ambulance is 141, but this assistance is only available in the larger cities.

How does the public healthcare system work in Paraguay?

  • Public healthcare in Paraguay is not up to par, mainly due to underfunding. The country spends only about 2.8% of GDP on healthcare, which is very little.
  • Basic healthcare is available and free for residents, but many public institutions suffer from underfunding and long waiting times. Healthcare includes GP visits, specialist consultations, emergency care, maternity care, vaccinations, limited dental care and prescription drugs.
  • Patients sometimes have to pay for medicines and materials.
  • Specialist care is very limited and usually only available in cities.
  • Expats can use public healthcare if they obtain a residence permit and register with the local health authority.

How does the private healthcare system work in Paraguay?

  • As in most countries, Paraguay also has shorter waiting times, better medical equipment and specialist doctors in private healthcare. The quality of care is much better and the best care can be found in Asunción, the capital. The costs are high and you often have to pay in advance. International private health insurance is a must to cover the costs.

How is the general practitioner arranged in Paraguay?

  • General practitioners can be found in public health centres and private clinics. Waiting times can be long in public health centres, but in private clinics the costs can be high.
  • In public health care, referrals are often required for a visit to a specialist.

How is the dentist arranged in Paraguay?

  • Basic dental care is covered by the public health care system, but this care is very limited. Most residents and foreigners opt for private dental care when they can afford it.

How is pregnancy care arranged in Paraguay?

  • Prenatal care is well arranged in private health care. The care adheres to international standards, with regular check-ups, ultrasounds and blood tests.
  • The public health care system is not well equipped for maternity and postnatal care.
  • Caesarean sections are relatively common in Paraguay, especially in private hospitals. Some hospitals even have rates of over 50%.
  • There are facilities for high-risk pregnancies in Asunción, Ciudad del Este, and Encarnación.

How safe or unsafe is a trip or stay in Paraguay?

What should you pay attention to in terms of safety in Paraguay?

  • Paraguay is not very safe. Armed robberies, pickpocketing, and car theft are common, especially in Asunción and Ciudad del Este.
  • Flooding can occur in Paraguay during the rainy season, especially along the Paraguay River. Keep a close eye on the situation.
  • Political protests and strikes do occur, but are fortunately rarely violent.

What should you look out for in terms of diseases in Paraguay?

  • Tap water is not safe to drink. Drink filtered or boiled water and do not eat food that has not been thoroughly cooked.
  • There are several tropical diseases that are transmitted by insects. Protect yourself well against mosquitoes with covering clothing and spray.
  • Discuss the necessary vaccinations well in advance with a vaccination doctor.

What should you pay attention to when it comes to traffic in Paraguay?

  • Participating in traffic in Paraguay is quite a challenge. Assume that you have had more training than most drivers. Drivers often drive badly, ignore rules and are unpredictable. There are also many accidents with motorcycles.
  • The roads also leave much to be desired. Some roads in the cities are paved, but the vast majority are roads consisting of rough cobblestones. Almost all rural roads are unpaved. Some can even become impassable in the rainy season. The roads between the largest cities are often in better condition.
  • Buses are cheap but unreliable and the drivers can drive quite recklessly. Robberies also occur on public transport.
  • There are taxis, but it is advisable to find a reliable taxi company. If necessary, ask locals or other expats for advice.

What work and travel insurance policies are suitable for short and long stays in Paraguay?

  • Is the trip Paraguay to and your return sufficiently covered? Are you sufficiently covered before, during and after your activities? Which insurance best suits your trip and your activity? Read more about insurances for abroad on

What emigration and expat insurance can you take out for Paraguay if you are going to live there for a while?

  • Although it may not be mandatory, international health insurance is very important in Paraguay if you want to cover the costs of private care and possible medical evacuations or repatriation. Without insurance, you could be faced with unpleasant financial surprises.
  • Make sure your insurance covers medical evacuation as well as coverage in neighboring countries. Read more about insurances for abroad on


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