Travel to South America to backpack, study, intern, volunteer, work,

or live as a digital nomad, expat or emigrant?



South America: table of content

 South America


Backpacking in South America?

  • Backpacking through South America is a dance past local music, personal encounters, breathtaking natural areas, exciting moments and relaxed hot spots.
  • Features: Speaking Spanish, dancing salsa, learning tango, watching your stuff, respecting local traditions, admiring immense nature and experiencing culinary diversity.

Traveling in South America?

  • A trip through South America is a journey through cultures where life is celebrated, nature has a defining influence and indelible impressions are left behind.
  • Nature spotting: the Amazon regions, the Andes mountains, Iguazu Falls, the Pantanal, the Patagonian Peninsula and the beaches of Brazil and Colombia.
  • Animal spotting: from sloth to jaguar and from penguin to whale.

Internships in South America?

  • Internship sectors: health care, mining, agriculture, education, technology and tourism, among others.
  • Internship cities: Buenos Aires, Rio de Janeiro, Santiago.
  • Learning skills: communication, daring, empathy, flexibility.

Studying in South America?

  • Studies: basically all subjects and forms of education can be found.
  • Study cities: Bogotá, Buenos Aires, Cuenca, São Paulo, Santiago.
  • Learning Spanish: Buenos Aires, Catagena, Cuenca, Cusco, Montevideo, Mendoza, Quito, Sucre.
  • Learning Portuguese: Florianópolis, Rio, Salvador.

Volunteering in South America?

  • Volunteer projects: particularly in the areas of conservation, medical care and social development.
  • Animal projects: protection of Amazonian birds, monkeys, sloths, penguins and whales.
  • Characteristics: volunteering possible from 1 or 2 weeks to several months.

Working in South America?

  • Jobs: paid temporary work can be found mainly in tourism and healthcare.
  • Work skills: commitment, empathy, patience, flexibility.

Working as a digital nomad in South America?

  • Favorite cities and islands: Buenos Aires, Cartagena, Florianópolis, Lima, Medellín, Quito, Rio de Janeiro, Valparaíso.

Living in South America?

  • Language: Without mastering Spanish (or Portuguese in Brazil), it is difficult to function. English is not widely spoken.
  • Living Climate: In general, expats in South America perceive the lifestyle as more relaxed and the warm hospitality as a major plus.
  • The local emphasis on family and community is something to consider, though.
  • Healthcare: major cities generally have excellent healthcare, outside of that the quality can sometimes drop alarmingly. Seek advice on insurance policies that provide adequate coverage for proper care and also repatriation in case of emergency.

Supporting content

Supporting content:
South America: emigration, moving and living abroad per country
South America: typical South American habits, food customs, recipes and latin philosophies
Happiness quotes & statements from Latin America
South America Country Bundle: suggestions, stories and tips


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Arepas are corn pancakes/bread that can be eaten in all kinds of ways. If I understood correctly, arepas are mostly eaten like a kind of sandwich in Colombia (so cut open the arepa and put stuffing inside), while in Ecuador I mostly got it as a kind of thick pancake with other things on top.  ...


When traveling is your hobby and want to keep your personal stuff safe in the airplane, train, bus, boat or when u sleep in a hostel. Use a travelsafe! Find out what kind of travelsafe is usefull for you, click here!  

Recept: Quinoa recept!

Ik had nog nooit van Quinoa gehoord, maar toen in afgelopen zomer in Peru en Ecuador was, kon ik er niet omheen. Ze stoppen het overal in; soep, salades, enz. Heerlijk!  Tot mijn grote verbazing was het ook in Nederland te koop toen ik terug kwam. Hieronder volgt mijn lekkerste (en makkelijkste...


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Activities abroad: home bundle


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WWOOFing is a great way to experience a country on a completely different way than when you 'just' travel. You generally perform work you haven't done before and live on a farm that you didn't know before. Besides all the reasons why you should pack your bag and start WWOOFing, please consider some ...

What are typical Spanish words and expressions?

What about communication?

  • Spanish (or Castellano or Español) is the official language of Spain.
  • However, there are actually four main languages which are considered official per region. Catalan (Català or Valenciáno) is the official language in Catalonia, the B...



  • In Zuid-Amerika worden veel combinaties aangeboden tussen een taalcursus & vrijwilligerswerk. Dit is leuk om aan het begin van je reis te doen zodat je de taal en cultuur alvast leert kennen. Locals vinden het erg leuk als je hun taal spreekt.
  • Zie bijvoorbeeld


1. What are the issues to bear in mind when emigrating?

  • Keep track of the emigration process; for example write down what to do and what you are going through in an emigration diary.
  • Make use of the media and guidebooks when researching possible destinations.
  • Get an i...


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Countries & Destinations: home bundle


Check sectors and organizations related to: 'South America'

Wereldstage & Wereldstap

Al sinds 2000 regelt Wereldstage meeloopstages, projectstages en afstudeeropdrachten voor studenten op Curaçao. In de loop van de jaren zijn daar verschillende andere programma's en diensten bijgekomen zoals tussenjaarprogramma's, vrijwilligerswerkbemiddeling, werkbemiddeling en de begeleidin...


WWOOF stands for World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms and was founded in 1971. WWOOF aims to promote, protect and support alternative ways of living. Through this it strives to enable exchanges in organic farming to give an idea of how we can live sustainably. Host farms and projects of connect...


Via deze taalorganisatie kan je Spaanse taallessen regelen in Peru, Bolivia en Ecuador. De organisatie kan je ook helpen om je Spaanse lessen te combineren met vrijwilligerswerk of bijvoorbeeld je geneeskunde co-schappen in Latijns-Amerika. De taalscholen bevinden zich in Cusco, Sucre en Quito. De t...

Hostal Sunset

Deze organisatie biedt accommodatie aan en heeft daarnaast een restaurant. Verder kun je er archaelogische excursies en duiktours boeken, een auto of fiets huren en tickets kopen voor een spectaculaire Rapanui dansshow.


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Organizations & Services: home bundle


Check summaries and study assistance related to: 'South America'

  • Complex urban and cultural product
  • Adoption of the Tango
  • Exportation of Tango
  • A national identity construct
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography
  • Course: Regional orientation: history, society and culture of Latin America and the Caribbean, Part ...


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Summaries & Sharing Knowledge: home bundle




1. What are the issues to bear in mind when emigrating?

  • Keep track of the emigration process; for example write down what to do and what you are going through in an emigration diary.
  • Make use of the media and guidebooks when researching possible destinations.
  • Get an i...


Arepas are corn pancakes/bread that can be eaten in all kinds of ways. If I understood correctly, arepas are mostly eaten like a kind of sandwich in Colombia (so cut open the arepa and put stuffing inside), while in Ecuador I mostly got it as a kind of thick pancake with other things on top.  ...

Stories, tips and experiences from specific countries in South America

 Argentina - Bolivia - Brazil - Chile - Colombia - Ecuador - Guyana - Paraguay - Peru - Suriname - Uruguay - Venezuela

Supporting Content:
Recipes from Latin America or with a Latin twist by WorldSupporters - Bundle


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