Happiness quotes and statements from around the world - Theme

Quotes and statements from around the world about a meaningful and happy life, and how to stay happy


Quotes from The Cape Verde Islands to the US

Happiness quotes & statements from Africa

Happiness quotes & statements from Africa

Quotes & statements from around Africa by country and contentment

Are you going to bed? Put your slippers crosswise on top of one another under your bed. It will bring you luck and happiness - Cape Verde Islands
Happiness is not perfected until it is shared - Africa & Europe
Have you lost something? Spit in your hand and watch where the drops go. That is where you will find it - Eritrea
Sing a lot, and it will be beautiful weather - Eritrea
Throw rose petals after a wedding. It will bring the married couple luck - Morocco
When you peel an orange and the peel stays in one piece, you will get lucky - Tunisia
Quotes & statements from around Africa by country and contention (the twelve elements of contentment) - Africa
Happiness quotes and statements from around the world - Theme
Happiness quotes & statements from Europe

Happiness quotes & statements from Europe

Quotes & statements from all over Europe

Are you lost? A caterpillar in your hand will show you the way - Happiness quotes & statements from Spain
Give someone a bouquet of nine sorts of flowers and grasses. You will bring luck to the other person - Finland
Save the cork of a champagne bottle on New Year’s Eve. You will have the whole year of luck - Happiness quotes & statements from Italy
You may make a wish when you see four identical numbers on a digital clock - Happiness quotes & statements of Denmark
You may make three wishes if you eat twelve grapes or twelve raisins at twelve o 'clock on New Year's eve. - Portugal
If you sit between two people who have the same name, you may make a wish - Russia
Happiness quotes and statements from around the world - Theme
Happiness quotes & statements from Latin America

Happiness quotes & statements from Latin America

Quotes & statements from Latin America

Throw white and yellow flowers in the sea. It will bring you luck! - Brazil
Is it raining? Put a broom upside down in your house. It will stop raining. - Surinam
When a bird poops on your head, it will bring you luck - Surinam
Happiness quotes and statements from around the world - Theme
Happiness quotes & statements from Asia

Happiness quotes & statements from Asia

Quotes and statements from Asia

Fold a thousand paper cranes, and you will be lucky - Japan
Is there a cockerel hanging above the door? It will bring you luck. - Thailand
Is your right eye twitching? You will receive a message of luck! - Indonesia
Happiness quotes and statements from around the world - Theme
Happiness quotes & statements from the U.S.

Happiness quotes & statements from the U.S.

Quotes & statements from the U.S.

Do you want to win a match? Clap hands with your teammates. The ‘High Five’ will bring you luck - USA
Happiness quotes and statements from around the world - Theme
Happiness quotes en statements from Holland (The Netherlands)

Happiness quotes en statements from Holland (The Netherlands)

Quotes en statements from Holland (The Netherlands)

Blow away the seeds of a dandelion in one breath. You may make a wish - The Netherlands
Did you find a coin? It will bring you luck - The Netherlands
Did you step in dog poo? It will bring you luck - The Netherlands
Did you hit the goalpost at football? You will win the next match - The Netherlands
Happiness quotes & statements gathered by contentment - The Netherlands
Happiness quotes and statements from around the world - Theme
The science of happiness and the secrets of a meaningful life - Theme
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